看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may be on the verge of starting something new this week, Scorpio, and it may be both exhilarating and frightening. Whether this is a new job, a new relationship, or some other deeply important experience, look forward with happiness and satisfaction that you have attained what you were hoping for, and the rest will take care of itself. A travel requirement may be demanded of you soon, and talk of it may come up this week. While you may not want to travel right now, you need to maintain an open mind because this could be an exceptionally positive experience. Don't dampen it with worries or apprehension. Visualize your future in a hopeful light and you can manifest what you want from this. By the end of the week, be wary of something you hear from an unsubstantiated source. This could involve gossip disguised as fact, and it could be harmful if you buy into it. Leave well enough alone with an argument that pops up, perhaps on the weekend. You may have a strong desire to resolve it immediately, but it might be better to let it take its own course. Reconciliation will be possible, but there is much to think about beforehand. 本週,你可能正要開始踏上嶄新的旅程,天蠍,而這也許會讓你既興奮又害怕。不論 這是新工作、新的情感關係、或是其他更深入、更重要的經歷,帶著愉快的心情和滿 足感向前看跟保持希望吧,接下來就等一切自然而然地水到渠成。 你或許很快就需要出發去旅行了,而本週也許會討論關於這趟旅行的事。雖然此時此 刻,你可能不想去旅行,不過你必須保持開放的心胸,因為這會是非常積極、樂觀的 體驗,別因為擔心或恐懼而抗拒這趟旅行。用希望與光明具體地想像你的未來,然後 你就更有機會從這趟旅程之中得到你想要的東西。 週末的時候,務必要小心謹慎處理從某個沒有根據的來源聽到的事,這也許包含了偽 裝成事實的流言蜚語,如果你相信了,那就會對你造成傷害。週末可能也會爆發衝突, 務必要躲得遠遠的,以免掃到颱風尾。或許你會有種強烈的慾望,想要立刻解決紛爭, 但是讓那件事順其自然地平息,也許才是對你比較好的做法。 你也有機會跟某個人和解或復合,可是在那之前,你有很多事情必須好好考慮,務必 要想清楚。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1571046916.A.4B2.html
ocean199010: 謝謝翻譯 10/14 18:09
et252784: 謝謝翻譯 10/14 19:30
wanting24: 謝謝翻譯 10/14 20:24
wei76119: 謝謝 10/14 21:36
cloud1026: 這禮拜剛好很需要這樣的鼓勵,謝謝翻譯。 10/14 22:44
yuetan013: 謝謝~~ 10/14 22:46
Sillybao: 謝謝! 10/15 00:09
feni1115: 周末流言蜚語那段太準了 要銘記在心!! 10/15 03:49