看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
If you were to fall on a hillside and begin tumbling down, when you finally reached the bottom of the hill, you would know that the falling part of it was over. Having reached the bottom, the only thing left to do at that point would be to climb back up. You may feel that you have reached the bottom of something, and that may bring a sense of despair. But actually, Scorpio, this is good news. This means that the hard part is over. Now, all you have to do is begin climbing back up. Today would be a good day to start. 如果你跌落山坡,開始往下滾,當你最後終於滾到山谷,你就會知道下坡的頹勢已經 結束了。到達谷底的時候,在那個當下,你剩下唯一該做的一件事就是往上爬。你可 能會覺得自己在某件事已經徹底失敗了,這也許會讓你感到絕望。可是其實啊,天蠍, 這是好事,這意味著困難的部分已經結束了,現在你該做的就是開始往上爬,而今天 就是適合開始重振天蠍霸氣的好日子。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1571248691.A.ECB.html
et252784: 謝謝翻譯QQ 10/17 02:17
merelymyself: 謝謝 :) 10/17 03:45
lol9522: 謝謝!! 10/17 04:52
wei76119: 謝謝 10/17 07:27
hnazkqpo: 謝謝 10/17 09:09
qazwss811116: 推推 10/17 09:54
Flin111: 總覺得天蠍沒好過QQ 10/17 11:25
may8010: 謝謝 10/17 11:47
carbonara: really 10/17 12:26
ocean199010: 謝謝 10/17 12:47
sookies: 準準的 10/17 13:44
esthele: 謝謝你,這兩天好沮喪,看到這個覺得有點希望了 10/17 14:08
ppp210218ccc: 直接放棄治療躺平 10/17 15:59
itieQ: 感謝 10/17 17:09
fungzi1114: 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚 謝謝 10/17 17:28
beborn11jjj: 爬起來 10/17 21:04
wanting24: 一天要吃30顆的藥,會好嗎,哈哈XD 10/17 21:38