看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
When you haven't worked out in a long time or gotten a lot of exercise in general, a strenuous walk or a day of lifting things and working hard will be felt in your muscles later on. But as you get more and more in shape, you don't feel the pain any longer. The same goes for boosting your well-being emotionally. If you are struggling with an emotional issue now, or if you struggle in general, start working on nurturing yourself and healing. Your well-being is within your control, and it is up to you to find the best path for achieving it. Explore that today and look for a method that will work best for you, dear Scorpio. 當你很久沒健身或大量運動,走很多路或是一整天都在搬東西和吃力地工作之後將會 讓你肌肉痠痛。但是當你的體態變得越來越好,你就不會再感到痛苦了。同理可證, 增進自己的情緒健康度也是如此,如果你正在掙扎著處理某個情感議題,或是你整個 人都在苦苦掙扎,那就開始努力照顧自己、療癒自己,你的心靈健康程度是操之在己, 而找到最好的方式來照顧跟療癒自己也是取決於你。今天就好好探索該怎麼做才是對 自己最好的吧,親愛的天蠍。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1573394616.A.2A5.html
KuoThei: 真準,完全符合我現況QWQ 11/10 22:20
kl25082: 我也是QQ 11/10 22:28
may8010: 我也是超準… 11/10 23:13
ocean199010: 準+1 QQ 11/10 23:21
becky1031: 以前沒有這麼強烈的感覺 但這個真的超準........ 11/10 23:44
wanting24: 會好好帶著疤痕好好活下去的。 11/11 01:23
verthandi7: 每天都在尋找讓自己心靈健康起來的方法QQQQ到底要找多 11/11 01:24
verthandi7: 久才能好呢 11/11 01:24
feni1115: 準! 運動回來才看到今天的運勢 11/11 03:26