看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A powerful change is now evolving in some area of your life that has remained stagnant for too long of a time, Scorpio. Whether this is your love life, your work life, or your friendships, you can probably already feel that change is in the air this week. Whatever was lacking will be replaced with exactly what you need, though this may be a slow and almost unnoticeable occurence. Trust in the fact that things are getting better, and soon enough you will see progress as it begins to build momentum. This is a good week to begin evaluating whatever there are any toxic associations in your life, either in relationships or with some obligation you have taken on that isn't truly yours. Although you may not want to make any actual changes now, you can begin to contemplate what to do and how to do it. This alone will lift your spirits and cause you to feel far more hopeful than you have for some time. A potential new friend could appear on your radar, and you may feel instant chemistry with this person. This could be someone who will fill a gap in your life that no one else could, and if that's the case, it would be a great connection. Through this person, or perhaps through a shared interest, you may meet additional people that you can relate to in a very positive way. 有個強烈的改變現在正在你人生中的某個領域開展,在這之前,那個領域已經已經停 滯不前太久了,天蠍。不論這是你的感情、工作或是友情,或許你在本週已經可以感 覺到改變勢在必行。不論你缺少的是什麼,都將會被你真正需要的取而代之,不過這 個過程也許會緩慢且幾乎無法注意到正在發生。你要相信這個事實:一切都會越來越 好的,而且當這個聚積動能的過程開始的時候,你很快就會發現了。 本週適合開始評估生命中任何對你不好的情感或合作關係,不論是愛情或是其實不該 由你承擔的責任。雖然你現在可能不想要做出任何實質的改變,不過你可以開始盤算 要做什麼,還有該怎麼做。這將會提振你的精神,讓你覺得比之前更加有希望。 潛在的新朋友或許會出現在你的雷達偵測範圍裡,而你也許會覺得跟這個人突然很來 電,這個人可以填補你生命中從來沒有人能填補的空缺。如果真是這樣的話,這會是 一段很棒的情感連結。透過這個人或是共同興趣,你可能會以非常積極正面的方式認 識與理解更多人。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1579511756.A.BDC.html
vlee66: 謝謝翻譯 覺得準爆了...... 01/20 19:14
feni1115: 哇期待 謝謝翻譯 01/26 22:26