看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may have some professional or some money-related pressures this week that could be frustrating, and that will be resolved only by dealing with certain people. Although the experience might be irritating, you need to maintain your sense of humor as you work through this. If you do, you will not only feel better yourself, but those around you who are involved in any way will feel endeared to you and will want to help you out. This will lead to a good outome. In fact, setting your worries aside in other areas of your life this week will make you feel better about everything. You may find that your enthusiasm is revving up this week for a plan you let slide recently. Perhaps you gave up because you lost interest or because you felt the idea was not viable at first. Taking this on again could be a good thing. Explore it. You can be very outgoing, Scorpio, but you are also very private at the same time. This could disrupt a social engagement you make this week if someone gets a bit too personal with the questions. But keep in mind that you are not being interrogated - you are just seen as an interesting person that someone would like to get to know. If you realize that you need to sleep in a few days this week, and you are able to do that, then you should. You may be feeling the tension and the fatigue from a few intense weeks, and if you need to replenish yourself, it is important to do so. Even if you can't sleep late, find a way to take a power nap or invest a few moments in meditation to relax yourself - mind, body, and spirit. 你在本週也許會有一些工作或財務相關的壓力,這會讓你很沮喪,但這只有跟某些人 打交道才能解決。雖然這個經驗可能會讓你很煩躁,但是當你在處理的過程中,你必 須維持自己的幽默感,如此一來,你不只會讓自己更好過,還會讓相關人士喜歡你, 並且想要幫助你,這將會帶來好的結果。事實上,在本週放下你對生命中其他領域的 憂慮將會讓你對一切都覺得更好了。 或許你會發現自己最近對某個擱置的計劃的熱忱正在加速運轉,也許是你之前放棄了, 因為你一開始覺得不可行,或是沒興趣了。重拾這個計劃是好事,好好探索吧。 你可以非常外向,天蠍,不過與此同時,你也是非常重視隱私的人。如果某個人問了 太多私人問題,這可能會在本週打亂你們的社交活動。可是你要記住你不是被審問—— 你只是被視為有趣的人,所以某個人想要了解你。 如果你理解自己在本週需要休息幾天,多睡覺,那你就辦得到,也應該做到。在過去 緊湊的幾週以來,或許你會覺得很累、很緊繃,如果你需要為自己充電,這就是很重 要的必要之事。就算你不能睡到很晚,也要想辦法睡個飽飽的午覺,或是花一點時間 冥想,以此放鬆自我—包括你的心靈、身體與精神。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1581326773.A.0F7.html
carbonara: 真的需要休息 02/10 21:39
wanting24: 重拾興趣然後鐵腿了QAQ 02/10 22:15