看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may be feeling flattened, burnt out, or you may have a generally dreary outlook at the beginning of this week. Is that a realistic way to think? Only you can answer that. You have the power to not only change the way you feel about your life and about your future, but dwelling on negative thoughts is not the way to change anything. This week, work on building up your enthusiasm for your life, your dreams, and your future. You have the ability to pull good opportunities into your life, but if you allow negative thoughts to remain, they will act as a barrier between you and all the good things you could ever want. Practice the law of attraction, Scorpio. Believe in and draw in what you want. A creative approach to a dull problem this week will liven things up and may even attract some help from someone who might not otherwise be interested. Since you may need help with this, don't be afraid to show and share your passion for a certain project. That way, you will allow others to tap into that dynamic. 本週一開始,你也許會覺得累癱了、過度疲憊,或者你可能會有沮喪的表情,那是實 際的思考方式嗎?只有你可以回答那個問題。你不只擁有改變自己感受人生的方式的 力量,也有執著於負面想法,而不改變任何事的力量。本週,試著努力打造對自己的 生命、夢想和未來的熱忱吧,你有聚集好的機遇到自己生命中的能力,但是如果你允 許負面想法盤旋在你腦海裡,那它們就會像障礙一樣,阻擋在你和所有你想要的美好 事物中間。練習看看吸引力法則吧,天蠍,相信自己的意念會吸引到你想要的東西。 本週,有創意的方法能解決一個棘手的問題,並且讓事情活絡起來,而這或許甚至會 吸引到某個原本不是很感興趣的人來幫助你。由於你可能會需要這份幫助,所以不要 害怕展現和分享自己對某件事的熱情,如此一來,你將能讓其他人善加運用那份熱情。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1585538550.A.26A.html
esthele: 謝謝 03/30 13:02
unik1107unik: 謝謝! 03/30 16:55
wanting24: 謝謝 03/30 18:11
heaven111255: 謝謝~ 03/30 20:54
Rae1547: 推 謝謝 03/30 23:21
little8love: 感謝分享~ 03/30 23:22
ocean199010: 謝謝翻譯! 03/31 00:52