看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Someone may be alternately flattering you and criticizing you over something you may be very proud of, Scorpio. But don't take it to heart. If you feel good about what you are working on, then believe in your own voice, not someone else's passive-aggressive or mixed messages. You know you are onto something, and the universe says that you are right. Accept only the words that can help you refine what you are doing and discard the rest. You are on the right track. 某個人也許會奉承你或是批評你非常自豪的一件事,天蠍,可是不要太在意,如果你 覺得自己正在做的事情很好,那就相信自己的感覺,而不是相信別人消極、負面或褒 貶不一的言詞。你知道自己很清楚某件事,而這個宇宙要告訴你你是對的,只要接受 可以幫助你釐清自己正在做什麼的言詞就好,其他的一概不理,你正走在對的道路上。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1586102023.A.093.html
MPLeo: 感謝 04/06 00:14
yaobj: 謝謝。 04/06 00:45
ZeroDesert: 謝謝 04/06 00:45
et252784: 感恩 04/06 01:39
JoybeLee: 感恩 04/06 08:25
bluesky1167: 沒錯!相信自己走在對的道路上!感恩 04/06 12:15
wanting24: 好,謝謝,對的人事物都值得等待 04/07 00:27