看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A problem that you keep pushing to the back of your mind may recur in full force this month. At that point, Scorpio, you may no longer be able to avoid thinking about it or doing something about it. While you are perfectly capable of handling this, there may be some awkward aspect to this that you would not want to deal with, especially if it involves sharing something personal about yourself. But if you bring this out into the light of day, you should find that it feels refreshing and right, and it will seem as though several pounds have fallen off your shoulders. This is a great month for networking, especially if there is a project you are hoping to get off the ground soon. You may be able to connect with others who can offer you guidance and feedback, and maybe even open up a few doors for you. You could meet someone who could partner with you, or at least develop a lucrative arrangement for launching some of your ideas. Paperwork that you have been putting off may finally have to be dealt with in April. Although this may be tiresome and dull, getting it over with must be one of your big priorities. If you procrastinate any longer, you may create some unnecessary problems, and those will be far worse than actually dealing with that paperwork! There may be someone in your life with whom communication has been strained. But somehow the fog will lift in the weeks ahead, and you may find it far easier to communicate. Take advantage of this so you can strengthen your bond. 你一直逃避的某個問題也許會在本月火力全開地重新席捲而來,在那個情況下,你可 能再也沒辦法不去思考,或是做些什麼。雖然你非常擅長處理問題,但這個問題或許 有一些棘手的面向,而你並不想處理,尤其是如果這包含了分享自己的私事。可是如 果你讓這個問題重見天日,你應該會發現這讓你覺得精神為之一振,也會讓你卸下肩 上沉甸甸的重擔。 這個月非常適合建立人脈,尤其是如果你希望快快推動某個計畫的話,你也許可以跟 那些能提供你指引和回饋的人聯絡,甚至可能會為你製造一些機會。你會遇到可以合 作的夥伴,或者至少發展出有利可圖的計畫來推動你的某些想法。 你一直拖延的文書工作或許最終要在四月份的時候處理掉了,雖然這也許會讓你感到 不耐煩又枯燥乏味,不過克服這個問題是你的首要之務。如果你再拖延下去,你可能 會創造出不必要的困擾,而那將會比處理那些文書問題遠遠來得糟糕! 你或許跟生命中的某個人常常溝通不良,但是在接下來的這幾週,迷霧將會散去,而 你也許會發現跟他溝通變得容易許多。好好利用這點,如此一來,你就可以加強你們 之間的情感連結。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1586609254.A.2C7.html
lcj2799: 嗚,真的有逃避的文書工作,下週一鼓作氣完成吧! 04/11 22:30
unik1107unik: 謝謝你 04/12 00:16
et252784: 感謝 04/12 01:47
Rae1547: 謝謝 04/12 02:07
elfsoosuk: 今天處理一堆文書超崩潰 04/12 03:17
minshechiang: 文書工作大到崩潰 04/12 08:49
franziska05: 推!希望可以加強連結!!!! 04/12 10:46
crystal0100: 謝謝翻譯 04/12 11:51
injanh: 謝謝。 04/13 08:02