看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The darker, more difficult times in life occur to everyone without exception. But when we get through something that is tough and challenging, and we emerge on the other side, it can fill us with a sense of hope and happiness. What's more, those difficult times can also give us an appreciation for the good in our lives, and recognition of how fragile it is. Today, Scorpio, take some time to reflect on the best moments in your life and to recognize that life is cyclical, and if there is darkness, there will soon be light. 每個人的生命都會有更黑暗、更艱困的時刻,每個人都毫無例外,可是當我們撐過困 難和辛苦的事情,我們從逆境中走出來了,這會讓我們有希望與快樂的感受。除此之 外,那些艱苦的時刻也會讓我們感謝生命中還有一些美好的人事物,並且體認到生命 有多脆弱。今天,天蠍,花一點時間反思生命中最美好的時光,並且了解到生命是會 循環的,如果有黑暗的時刻,那也很快就會有光明出現。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1586697894.A.3B4.html
sookies: 希望光明快出現吧! 04/12 21:49
wow4alison: 因為疫情 最近覺得心情很悶 04/12 22:04
hysTani: 希望我的黑暗快點過 04/12 22:21
sunnyo: 希望我心中的黑暗早點過去 04/12 23:11
smallcity: 樓上+1 04/13 05:47