看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Did you ever get a school paper back from a teacher with so many red correction marks throughout that it seemed like it was hemorrhaging? It is a feeling of abject failure, as though nothing you did was worthy of your time or anyone else's attention. Whether this happened to you or not, you certainly know how difficult it can be to be criticized so strongly, dear Scorpio. You need some time away from opinion-givers and people who don't understand or believe in you. Spending time in the presence of bullies and critical people can only bring you down. This week, choose to spend your time around people who are upbeat, people who can clearly see your goodness, people who employ humor and inspiration to drive their conversations. Anything less is unworthy of your time. Although you are, by nature, a very private person, someone in your circle who is more of an open book may shut down their communicative ways this week. Is this cause for alarm? Probably not. You may find yourself encountering a lot of people who are choosing not to share information or become involved in the issues of others. You are meant to figure something out for yourself, and you will. 你有沒有從老師手上拿過紅字多到像是流血的考卷?這感覺像是極其卑微的挫敗,好 像你所做的每一件事都不值得你的時間或是任何人的關注。不論你有沒有發生這種情 況,你一定知道被如此強烈地批判有多難受,親愛的天蠍。你需要一點時間遠離給你 意見的人,還有不了解或不相信你的人,花時間跟惡霸和愛批判的人相處會讓你情緒 低落。本週,選擇把自己的時間花在樂觀的人、可以清楚看見你的好的人,以及運用 自己的幽默跟啟發性來開啟對話的人身上,其他的都不值得你浪費時間。 雖然你天生就是非常重視隱私的人,不過你身邊某個容易看透的人也許在本週會關閉 他的溝通橋樑,這是因為警戒心嗎?或許不是。你可能會發現自己遇到很多選擇不要 分享資訊或是不跟其他人產生連結的人,你註定要為自己想清楚一些事,而你會想通 的。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1599482846.A.0BD.html
unik1107unik: 謝謝 09/08 00:38
ily90811: 神準 推 09/08 01:19
wanting24: indeed, thanks ;) 09/08 20:53
et252784: 謝謝 09/08 22:07
Ashcer: 謝謝~ 09/09 21:17