看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Matters of the heart may be on your mind a lot this time, dear Scorpio, whether your love life is satisfying or not. If you are content with romance, this may mean that you are marveling at how safe, secure, and loved you feel, and amazed that you have found a love partner who cherishes you and understands you. Never lose sight of that. But if your love life is less than satisfactory, you may be thinking about how you can make it better, and this week could be the beginning of heading in that direction. Gratitude and recognition of how blessed you are is essential this week to maintain the former, and belief that you will find what you are meant to find is important for the latter quest. This is also a great time for quiet contemplation in general. It's a perfect opportunity to revel in creature comforts, such as hot baths where you can meditate to your heart's content, the delight of a good book read by a fire, or reminiscing as you page through a family photo album. Take care of yourself, for the pace should pick up for you significantly towards the end of theweek. There may be business to attend to then, but there should also be a chance to right a wrong related to a money matter. 不管你滿不滿意自己的情感生活,這一次,跟心有關的議題也許佔據了你心頭的許多 篇幅,親愛的天蠍。如果你對愛情滿意,這可能意味著你對自己感受到有多安穩、安 心、與被愛而讚嘆不已,還有驚嘆於自己已經找到了珍惜你且了解你的愛侶,永遠都 不要忘記這件事。可是如果你對情感生活不太滿意,那你或許正在思考該怎麼做才可 以改善,而本週會是前往那個方向的開端。 感恩與理解到自己有多麼備受祝福在本週是維持前者狀況的必要因素,並且相信自己 將會找到對於後者的要求來說是註定要找到的重要東西。這也是冥想的絕佳時機,這 是陶醉在物質享受,例如可以冥想到內心滿足感的熱水澡、在暖爐旁讀一本好書的快 樂、或是當你翻過一頁又一頁的家庭相簿的追憶的完美機會。 好好照顧自己,因為在快要週末的時候,步調應該會大幅地為你展開。到時候也許要 參與商業活動,可是也應該會有機會把跟金錢有關的事務導正。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1614009502.A.7FD.html
style520: 加油啊各位 02/23 01:37
taipoo: 這周是個充滿祝福與事業發展的一周 02/23 01:37