看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may have a strong desire now to express some heartfelt thoughts to someone you love. This may be something you have been thinking about but didn't know how to phrase. This week you may have the chance to speak from the soul and convey what you are feeling. If you try, Scorpio, the words will come. This is also a great time to launch a new business or take an existing project to the next level. Anything you start this week is sure to progress rapidly, which will allow you to gain momentum and inspire you further. You may find yourself experiencing restless sleep this week, and perhaps unusual dreams. If so, it may be an indication that there is something on your mind that you are not properly facing. Analyze the thoughts that come to you and follow the threads. Confronting a fear or a concern will help you overcome whatever is standing in your way of greater peace of mind. Do not completely dismiss an offer that seems too good to be true, but do be skeptical. It may offer some of what it promises, but not all. Be discerning in whether to go forward with it or not. 你現在也許有一股強烈的慾望,想要表達誠摯的想法給你愛的人,這可能是你一直在 想,但是不知道如何開口的事。本週,你或許會有機會從靈魂深處說出口,並且表達 你的感受。如果你試著這樣做,天蠍,那些字句就會浮上心頭。 這也是開啟新事業或是接手既有的案件,並且提升到新的層次的絕佳時機。你在本週 開始的任何事情一定都會快速地進展,而這將會讓你獲得動力,並且更進一步地鼓舞 你。 你在本週也許會發現自己睡不好,很可能會做不尋常的夢。如果是這樣的話,這或許 暗示了你心裡有事,而你沒有好好面對。分析來到你面前的想法,並且依循著那些脈 絡,面對恐懼或是一件重要的事將會幫助你克服阻擋你擁有更強大的心智的東西。 不要完全不理會一個似乎美好到不真實的機會,可是要保持懷疑的態度,這也許會提 供他所承諾的東西,但不是全部。要看清楚要不要跟隨這個機會。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1616946093.A.47E.html
taipoo: 希望任何事情都可以順利的進展 03/29 03:09
inthend: 睡不好、真的有在想要不要跟前任說內心話... 03/29 09:34
et252784: 希望工作順利,討厭的人事物都退散 03/29 18:58
style520: 機會啊…(茶 03/30 01:08