看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
It is likely that you will be busy throughout this month, Scorpio. This can be a time of great accomplishment for you, but if you don't get organized at the very beginning, then you will waste a lot of precious time and energy. You may want to enlist certain aids to help you in your quest to get things under control, such as alerts on your phone, a calendar you will look at first thing every morning, and maybe note-taking to jot down any changes or ideas. Doing this will ensure a very productive April. You may find yourself with a new learning experience soon too. This could be assigned learning for work, or it might simply be something of interest that you have always wanted to study. Even though you might not see the significance of this right away, you will soon realize that this could become very useful in several areas of your life. You may soon receive validation for an idea or a project that others did not believe in, but you took it to fruition in an impressive way. There might be some stubbornness involved, but you did not receive the accolades you deserved, but you will soon know how much respect you earned for your efforts. 你在這一整個月或許會很忙,天蠍。這對你來說是獲得重大成就的時刻,可是如果你 在一開始的時候沒有組織得有條有理,那你將會浪費許多寶貴的時間跟能量。你可能 會想要得到某種幫助,以此協助你讓事情在你的掌控之中,例如你的手機、每天早上 你第一眼看到的日曆、也許還有匆匆寫下任何改變或想法的筆記。這樣做將會確保四 月非常有生產力。 你或許會發現自己很快就會有嶄新的學習體驗,這可能是工作指定的學習,或者也許 只是你一直想要研究的興趣。就算你或許沒有用正確的方式看到這個的重要性,不過 你很快就會了解到這會在你生命中的幾個領域裡變得非常有用。 你可能很快就會收到一個想法的肯定或是其他人不認可的案子,但是你用令人驚豔的 方式實現它了。這其中也許包括了某種固執的成分,可是你沒有得到你應得的盛讚, 不過你很快就會知道關於你的努力與成果,你會獲得多少他人的尊敬。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1617179411.A.596.html
taipoo: 期待獲得他人的尊敬 04/01 03:44