看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Have you been thinking a lot about an image makeover, Scorpio? If so, this is a great week to start exploring the impression you wish to make. This effort may be intended for professional purposes, but have fun with your new "persona." This may involve a certain style and a certain more confident approach to life, but you can do it. There could be some work or school-related stress this week over a project you are hoping will be impressive. If so, you are worrying for nothing. You are exceptionally great at what you are doing, and you need to keep reminding yourself of this. Review past moments when you have felt this way, and consciously recognize how they turned out well, and/or think about what you learned from those experiences. Approaching these feelings rationally in this way will help. The deadline for a long-term project, either home-related or work-related, could be accelerated this week. This may cause a moment of panic, but when you think about it, you should realize that this will actually be much better for you. You have already thought it through in your mind, and now you just have to put it into action. That will be easy, and the relief of accomplishment will come soon. 你是不是想了很多關於改頭換面的事,天蠍?如果是的話,本週很適合開始探索你希 望的形象。這也許會延伸到專業的目標,不過你要好好享受你的新「外在形象」,這 可能包含了某種風格,還有某種更有自信的對待生命的態度,但是你可以辦到的。 本週關於你希望會令人印象深刻的事情,會帶來跟工作或學校有關的壓力。如果是這 樣的話,你只是白擔心一場。你非常擅長自己正在做的事,而你必須一直提醒自己這 一點。當你這樣覺得的時候,要檢視過去,並且有意識地體認到最終一切變得多麼美 好,還有/或是想想你從那些經驗裡面學到了什麼。理性地接觸這些感受將會帶來幫 助。 長期的案子的截止日期,要嘛是跟家裡有關,要嘛是跟工作有關,會在本週加速進行。 這或許造成了恐慌,可是當你思考這件事,你應該會了解到這其實將會對你更有好處。 你已經在心中審慎地思考過了,而現在你只需要付諸行動。那很簡單,而成就感帶來 的如釋重負的感覺很快就會到來。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1617895369.A.F6F.html
taipoo: 外在形象總是很專業的 04/09 03:19