看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
There may be several little details in a contract or verbal negotiation that you are overlooking or not seeing as important, but they could be significant to you. It would be wise to go over anything you have already covered at least o ne more time. This way, you can pick up clues at your leisure when the pressur e is off. By recognizing certain elements that are tricky or that require more concentration, you can make the most out of what you are trying to achieve. P ay close attention, Scorpio. 有些合約或談判的小細節你沒有看得很重要, 然而它們可能對你來說很重大。 你最好再去至少檢查一次所有你已然提及的事, 這樣你可以蒐集線索在你有空暇的時候。 認知某些基礎要素是棘手的或需要更多關注, 你可以發揮最大作用在你正嘗試達到的成就。 密切注意,天蠍。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 大家早安 早上有空看的話會順便發上來 可能不是翻得很完美 大家將就著看 -- ◢◣ ◢◣ █ █ █ ● ● ///// ////// φ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1624496507.A.77E.html
khaos: 感謝翻譯 06/24 09:09
taipoo: 最重要的精神都是執政方針裡面,多多思考,解壓縮蘊含思想 06/24 09:49
gcfs1597: 樓上taipoo 你是不是念過三民主義? 06/24 10:24
celtics1997: taipoo 有見的 06/24 10:37
taipoo: 三民主義是最重要的核心思想 06/24 11:09
khaos: 五樓不知所云 誰能幫忙翻譯一下? 06/24 12:18
taipoo: 細節都在我近4篇發文內容中,慢慢閱讀,你會發現九陽神功 06/24 12:45
celtics1997: @taipoo 是這些嗎? 06/24 14:22
celtics1997: #1Vkkg-m6 (NTU) 06/24 14:22
celtics1997: #1Qe4xhVj (Tech_Job) 06/24 14:22
celtics1997: #1Ue6hYYz (Tech_Job) 06/24 14:22
celtics1997: #1S6St3wu (Marginalman) 06/24 14:22
celtics1997: https://bit.ly/2SCRa0j 06/24 14:23
celtics1997: https://bit.ly/3fSsqsI 06/24 14:23
celtics1997: https://bit.ly/3pExdT2 06/24 14:23
celtics1997: https://bit.ly/3vjEwRl 06/24 14:23
taipoo: PTT網頁版的近四篇,去看看吧 06/25 01:21