看板 Shooter-game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
遊戲名稱: Titanfall 神兵泰坦 泰坦掉落 太太掉下來 == 官方Blog貼出了關於抓作弊的文章 TITANFALL'S ANTICHEAT IS NOW BEING ENFORCED Titanfall 反作弊機制正式啟動 http://www.titanfall.com/news/we-hate-cheaters-just-as-much-as-you-do Titanfall uses FairFight to detect cheaters on PC. Since the launch of Titanfall, we've been collecting data on people who are cheating on PC but not immediately enforcing bans. As of Friday, March 21st, that has changed and we have started banning cheaters in Titanfall. Titanfall在PC平台是使用FairFight來偵測作弊,從Titanfall剛上市的時候我們就已經 開始在蒐集PC平台上玩家作弊的資料,但是我們並沒有馬上ban掉他們。3月21日星期五, Titanfall正式開始抓作弊的玩家並封鎖他們的帳號。 We will be continuing to tweak the algorithm over time to catch more cheaters. 我們會持續調整我們反作弊引擎的演算法,讓作弊者無所遁形。 FAQ: 常見問答: Q.) How do I know if I’m banned? 問) 我怎麼知道我有沒有被封帳號? A.) Here’s what you’d see at the Private Lobby screen: 答) 你會在私人大廳看到這樣: http://i.imgur.com/71bPPRY.jpg
If you don't see that, then you aren't banned. 呃如果你沒看到這樣,就表示你沒被封鎖。 Q.) So what happens if I get banned? 問) 所以如果我被封鎖會怎樣? A.) Great news: you get to keep playing Titanfall! Less-great news: you only get to play with other cheaters. You can play with other banned players in something that will resemble the Wimbledon of aimbot contests. Hopefully the aimbot cheat you paid for really is the best, or these all-cheater matches could be frustrating for you. Good luck. 答) 好消息:你可以繼續玩Titanfall不太好消息:你只能跟其他作弊的傢伙一起玩。 你可以跟其他被封鎖的玩家一起玩,你們可以搞一個「溫布敦自動瞄準外掛公開賽」 ,希望你花錢買的外掛是真的最強的,或是其他外掛會把你打爆,祝你好運科科。 Q.) If I’m banned, what happens if I make a party with my non-cheater friends? 問) 如果我被封鎖了,那我去跟其他沒作弊的朋友一起組隊不就好了? A.) When anyone in your party is banned, then everyone in your party will be treated as banned for that play session. If you are a non-cheater and you invite a cheater friend into a party, you will be stuck playing against cheaters. If you stop inviting your cheater friend, you will once again get to play with the non-cheater population. You do not get permanently tainted just by playing with a cheater - you are only banned for cheating if you are actually cheating. 答) 喔如果你隊伍裡面有人被封鎖,那這整支隊伍在這一場會被視為作弊隊伍,如果你不 是作弊玩家但你邀請了一個作弊狗加入你們的隊伍,你這隊伍就準備跟其他作弊隊伍 一起玩吧。直到你不再邀請那個作弊的損友,你就能在次重返光明,和一般正常的玩 家一起玩。跟作弊的玩家一起玩並不會讓你被視為作弊而封鎖 - 你只會因為你真的 有作弊才會被封鎖。 Q.) How do I get unbanned? 問) 怎麼解封鎖? A.) You can contact [email protected] if you think you've been banned unfairly. 答) 如果你覺得你是被誤鎖,你可以聯絡 [email protected] 。 == 科科 還不錯嘛 早就在偷偷蒐集資料了w 作弊的還是能玩真是太佛心了 <3 wwwwww -- - About me? http://about.me/howar31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Shooter-game/M.1395873153.A.96C.html ※ 編輯: howar31 來自: (03/27 06:51)
s0022:溫布敦自動瞄準外掛公開賽 XDDDD 03/27 07:36
mengjertsai:感覺這還蠻不錯的機制 XDDDDD 03/27 09:18
NONO5921:那怎麼知道跟有歪掛組到隊伍 03/27 09:21
TK421:我之前在玩MW1的時候在美西的server就常看到這個狀況XDDD 03/27 09:46
TK421:拿免錢外掛的被有付錢的打爛 那場我就饒富興味的拿張板凳在 03/27 09:47
TK421:角落看 03/27 09:47
chewie:我還是進不去啊(怒) 03/27 10:42
sowhat5566:哈哈哈 蠻有梗的回應呢XD 03/27 11:58
jeff781212:蠻好笑的 XD 而且被鎖還能玩真的有點佛了 03/27 12:35
cakin:幹還不錯耶XD 03/27 13:10
i78392:佛心來著XD 03/27 13:21
biostrike:還不錯的處理方式,本來還在觀望,看來可以刷了 03/27 13:50
simon814141:佛心推 03/27 14:19
viseal:只能推了XDDD , 讓外掛一起玩太有才XDDDD 03/27 15:51
AKSN74:看到「溫布敦自動瞄準外掛公開賽」我快笑死了XDDDD 03/27 16:29
AKSN74:不知道能不能轉到就可板 03/27 16:29
eason111:是滿好笑的 但是沒整個封號嚇阻力會少很多 03/27 16:53
doomleika:一部分原因是Ban帳號有時候會有法律問題 03/27 17:04
howar31:還好啦我覺得這樣封鎖跟整個被封幾乎一樣了還被嘲諷lol 03/27 17:05
doomleika:直接踢到cheater島上可以說「你還是能玩啊」 03/27 17:06
mabikerry:自動瞄準公開賽XD 03/28 00:51
CW4:這樣對那些把遊戲勝負看得比好玩重要的人才真的是終極侮辱 03/28 01:08
Pony5566:給箭頭 點子很棒 就看實際執行的效率了... 03/28 04:03
ohmygodha:推這處理方式XDDDDDD 03/28 23:42