看板 Sixers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
消息來源:https://goo.gl/gLJpjn 日前接受The Vertical的Wojnarowski大神採訪時, 我七總管Bryan Colangelo除了大談自己的建隊理念外, 也偷婊了一下前GM Sam Hinkie, 以下是受訪內容的節錄片段: More than anything the word everyone throws around immediately is culture, but really, factually, there was a losing culture. There was a losing mindset. It had been ingrained, partly because of the undertaking of rebuilding they had been going through. 大家老是在靠北「文化」有多重要,但事實上,這裡瀰漫著輸球的氛圍、甚至是刻意輸球 的意圖,並根深蒂固,部分源自於他們在搞的重建。 It’s a byproduct of the rebuilding process, you’re going to lose some games along the way and it becomes part of the fabric of the team and the organization. I think more than anything a mindset needed to shift, the mindset needed to change. That’s why we’ve been talking about winning and doing everything to promote winning, promote a culture of excellence, to promote better thought process in everything. 這是重建過程的副產品,輸球甚至成為球隊、乃至球團中的部分骨幹;我認為這樣的觀念 需要改變,所以我們(新團隊)老是在想著怎麼贏球、如何讓我們更接近勝利、創造溫拿的 文化、並在任何細節上精進。 Coach Brown deserves tremendous credit for what he was able to accomplish over those years, not so much in the win-loss column obviously, but the way he kept the ship afloat, the way he kept players thinking, ‘let’s try, let’ s win.’ But they just didn’t have the talent quite frankly to win the games, to finish the games. If we played 40 minute games we probably would have more than 10 wins last year... The team just quite frankly couldn’t finish. Brown教練過去幾年的成績值得被肯定,當然,很顯然的不是因為他的戰績,而是他想盡 辦法維繫這支球隊、讓球員們保持思考、並鼓勵球員「試試看吧!試著把球賽贏下吧!」 但很顯然的球隊沒有足夠的天份把勝利帶回家。如果一場球只打40分鐘我們大概能多贏10 ......但這支隊伍很顯然沒有關門的能力。 I think now with an infusion of talent, with a new mindset both management and coaching across the board, internally we’re looking at everything completely different. 我相信在天分到位、並在我七的球團、教練團都洗心革面後,我們的心已經準備好迎接新 的章節啦! I was moving forward regardless. The first time that I met with David Blitzer and Josh Harris, I basically told them I’m not the guy for this job. I suggested a few other people, one in particular that I thought would be ideal to come in and compliment Sam [Hinkie], kind of help take this thing to the next level. They were a little bit stunned at my reaction, a little bit stunned at my suggestion. 當我第一次與我七老闆們會面時,我基本上是(欲拒還迎地)回絕了,我給他們建議了些人 選,一些我認為適合輔佐Hinkie、帶領球隊邁向下一個里程的人。他們對我(這麼傲嬌) 的反應和建議有些驚訝。 A good month-and-a-half passed, and they called me back and said, ‘We want to revisit, would you be interested?’ This time I said, ‘Sure, I’ll listen but I’m not sure things have changed.’ 一個多月過去,他們又來啦!並對我說:「我們想再來一次,蝦款?」(雖然潮爽der但)我 回說:「當然可以,但我不確定事情有什麼改變唷^.<」 But their approach changed. Obviously that approach was something where I wouldn’t be coming in to work with Sam, underneath Sam, it was I was going to be coming in to be the lead in terms of basketball operations, and work with Sam in another regard. That was on interest to me, that’s what I thought my strong suit was, to lead an organization in that regard. 他們的方法確實改變了,這次我可以直接接下籃球事務總監的職務、並把Hinkie發配邊疆 喔^.<這提案確實是我所感興趣的,而我也認為這才是我的強項。 Jerry [Colangelo], much to everyone else’s perhaps speculation, was not involved in that process at all. In fact, he had removed himself from that argument long ago. When I first became a candidate, and I first met with them along with a couple people that were players in the argument, at the end of the day he was not involved from that point forward. 雖然大家都酸我靠爸,但阮老杯才沒有幫我雷~~事實上,他早早就將自己迴避在遴選過程 外囉~~早在我成為候選人之一、並與高層們會面時,他就沒有涉入其中了。 心得 在小Colangelo上位至今, 雖然他的動作都得到了不錯的評價, 但老實說休賽季最重要的補強, 基本上還是都來自於Hinkie的成果: Joel Embiid (2014 3rd pick,終於可打啦~~) Dario Saric (2014 12th pick,終於來美國啦~~) Ben Simmons (2016 1st pick,終於成功墊底啦~~ ) Hinkie確實拆了我們所愛的那支隊伍、 這幾年也讓我們這些持續支持爛隊的腦粉看起來很像智障Orz 但老實說他的動作也是為了收拾前任的錯誤投資, 他確實也為球隊奠下了很不錯的年輕核心; 從去年老柯入主, 到Hinkie離開、 小柯來靠爸, 除了聯盟的介入和壓力外, 經營團隊給人的感覺也不像一開始承諾的那般有耐心, Hinkie做了他一開始就和球團講好的事, 但在他真正要開始整合戰力時, 卻換來了難堪的被迫下台, 連他所籌辦的數據分析團隊也在季後被解職, 這季Brown教練要是交不出令人滿意的進步幅度, 或許柯式人馬的sam mitchell也要來參一咖了..... 至於小柯的言論, 他也還沒做出甚麼了不起的動作, 這些捅刀的話還是晚點再說吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sixers/M.1474624364.A.D9B.html
unicotexalex: 練球館在剪綵了 全聯盟最豪華 09/23 22:19
DarkChilles: 他對待Ish的方式跟Hinkie差不多 我是不信他啦 09/23 22:48