看板 Sixers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.nba.com/article/2017/02/07/nba-stars-return-injury-middleton-paul-simmons-kanter-smith?cid=nbacomsocial_tw_sf54893306 Five injured players who could play key role down the stretch Shaun Powell @Powell2daPeople Feb 7, 2017 1:08 PM ET 這是NBA官網一篇文章,我摘錄跟Simmons有關的幾段-- 先翻大意--明星賽週末之後,剩下26場比賽,如果Simmon要上場,勢必不可能全上, 就算要上頂多一場20分鐘,這樣雖然粉絲會很爽,但其實也會有重複受傷的疑慮。畢 竟當年KD受了同樣的傷,手術復出不久之後又再度被迫動第二次手術,而Simmons對 這支球隊的重要性不亞於KD之於雷霆。 再加上目前戰績也跟季後賽有點遠,繼續坦的好處相對較多,因此綜合判斷起來,把 他繼續放著養傷似乎比較合理。 除了這篇文章之外,Brown昨天透露至少還要參加五次以上的完整練習,Simmons才可 能上場,至於什麼時候能做到這點,也沒給時程。換句話說,本季會不會真的演出他 的NBA處女秀,其實沒人能保證,而且機率越來越低。 Ben Simmons The coincidence is too strong to ignore here. Should the Sixers even let Simmons step onto the court this season, likely right after the All-Star break, given that they took such precious care with Joel Embiid the last two years? Philly has 26 games after the break, and even if they green-light Simmons, he ’d probably play in 20-22 of those games (resting for a few) and would be kept on a strict minutes limit (perhaps 20 per game). How much would that small sample size benefit the development Simmons, or the Sixers for that matter? And would it be worth the risk for Simmons, who suffered a Jones fracture last fall and required foot surgery? The easy option would be to stash him until next season if only to eliminate all possibility of something going wrong. Remember, Kevin Durant had the same surgery a few years ago and, upon returning, needed a second surgery and missed the remainder of that season. There’s too much invested in Simmons, who is projected to be just as important, if not more, to their future as Embiid. There’s a chance of Simmons returning and helping the Sixers’ playoff hope, though those aren’t great and the team might benefit better by cashing in on another lottery pick instead. Giving their long-suffering fans 20 games of Simmons and Embiid would be an appropriate reward for putting up with so much grief the last three seasons, a tease designed to amp anticipation for next season and beyond, but the big picture is what’s important. -- 好久沒發文了 :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sixers/M.1486634098.A.D80.html
mayeve: 感謝寒威! 02/09 19:28
Alipapa: 相信球團會做出最正確的判斷的 Trust the process~ 02/09 20:36
kyubimon: 希望跟鉛筆一樣變養傷邊練習外線 02/10 07:30
rain120: 還是下個賽季再出來吧,今年最佳新人是沒機會了 02/10 23:37
willyt: 為了最佳新人而不要出賽這種想法本身就很奇怪,又不是很重 02/11 00:48
willyt: 要的獎項...... 02/11 00:48
DarkChilles: 最佳新人真的完全不重要 看看MCW吧 02/12 04:08