看板 Sodagreen 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The wait is over Storm is here 吳青峰 x 歐若拉 〈Storm〉 超拉峰 雙版本同步釋出 中文版 https://umg.lnk.to/StormQ 英文版 https://umg.lnk.to/StormA 似曾相識的你 風洩漏你姓名 寂寞的 過路人 呼嘯著 (I’ve been) 等一個人來臨 雨季讓人生病 窗外的 雷雨聲 警告著 It took some time And it took some hope And like a coward I waited at home I wrapped my hands Around you in the dark To see what happens to the heart Take me up, then keep me high Never let me go Before you teach me How to fly Take me up, then keep me high Cause above the rain Above the clouds It’s always bright Hurricane! Come again! Lift me up Forgive me earth I’m going away Did I see you stand there Where the sun burns your air I’m with you I’m with you Feel for you I’ve been Asking you hide away When the storm on your way I’m with you I’m with you Here for you It took some time And it took some tears To learn the lesson Of killing fears I’m breathing out And I release the hold To see what happens to the soul Take me up, then keep me high Never let me go Before you teach me How to fly Take me up, then keep me high Cause above the rain Above the clouds It's always bright Hurricane! Come again! Lift me up Forgive me earth I’m going away Hurricane! Come again! Lift me up Forgive me earth I’m going away Waiting for rain Waiting sunrise paint the shade Lying down Waiting for the storm for so long Alone Take me up, then keep me high Never let me go Before you teach me How to fly Take me up, then keep me high Cause above the rain Above the clouds It's always bright Hurricane! Come again! Lift me up Forgive me earth I’m going away Hurricane! Come again! Lift me up Forgive me earth I’m going away -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sodagreen/M.1655395254.A.644.html
sodavoxyi: 好聽 AM有杜比聽起來更過癮 06/17 00:02
lin880905: 雙版本都好讚 06/17 00:03
yeask: 正在!!! 06/17 00:03
Jerrygre2000: 一開口就起雞皮疙瘩 06/17 00:04
wmaledizione: 雞皮疙瘩啊啊啊啊啊 06/17 00:05
sodagreenyu: 推! 06/17 00:08
drinkjuice: 聽完了 來推 06/17 00:09
yeask: 已戀愛 06/17 00:09
soapjim: 雞皮疙瘩來了!!!!!! 06/17 00:09
yeask: 更期待明天的直播了~先就寢奮鬥明天上班! 06/17 00:10
clps96051142: 太美太好聽了QQ 06/17 00:11
lovegrenn: 好聽!!!! 06/17 00:13
ichunkiwi: 好期待MV釋出啊啊啊 06/17 00:15
lin880905: 環球真的很用心,連網址都有小巧思! 06/17 00:16
volermer: 太美的聲音了QQQQQQQ 06/17 00:18
yeask: 今天直播會有QA time對吧(燦笑) 06/17 00:19
una2136: 真的是一開口就起雞皮疙瘩 06/17 00:24
sodagreen18: 兩個版本都超好聽!!!愛死 <3 06/17 00:27
Smile916: 好聽♥ ♥ 但中文歌詞有點少不過癮:( 06/17 00:29
zygomatic: 推爆 06/17 00:31
jo6vul4: 好好聽!!! 06/17 00:31
bugiu: 不愧是合音王,主歌合音直接被仙到挪威去 06/17 00:33
naracat: 推~兩人的和聲好好聽喔 06/17 00:36
florencefrog: 推推推推推 06/17 00:37
dseser78: 好和諧好空靈@@ 06/17 00:39
haha0903: 一次雙版本太興奮了 06/17 00:46
imyingru: 我好久沒熬夜了 好聽到睡不著 06/17 00:46
boss100422: 好好聽!一直重播捨不得睡 06/17 01:06
wolfva: 捨不得睡+1 好好聽喔 建一個只有這兩首的播放清單輪播好 06/17 01:10
wolfva: 了 06/17 01:10
cellpqazwer: 期待直播! 06/17 01:13
ccp2006: 好國際,好好聽!!!!期待未來真的唱進葛萊美!! 06/17 01:16
MapleStream: 歌曲的意境直接把我帶回以前大雪天在國外旅行的記憶 06/17 01:21
ruodiant: 太好聽了吧 06/17 01:28
jo6vul4: 還在循環當中停不下來 真的捨不得睡! 06/17 01:33
AvaCHOW: 有一種孤寂地呼喚一個人,等待着被改變的感覺。一開始閉 06/17 01:36
AvaCHOW: 眼享受,彷彿躺在雪地上仰望長空中的極光,靜謐的永恆。 06/17 01:37
sodaer: 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊(不斷來回狂奔) 06/17 02:28
dream2175: 好聽 06/17 03:08
Anna90529: 推推推爆!!!!! 06/17 03:46
Anna90529: 希望可以多出幾首歌~~ 06/17 03:46
Anna90529: 實在太好聽太美妙啦.....!! 06/17 03:46
lindayeh: 超好聽 06/17 05:21
asd936: 雞皮疙瘩排排站 太好聽♥ 06/17 06:28
imcockroach: 06/17 07:31
psyche0605: 超好聽~~~好喜歡 06/17 07:32
purecake: 正 06/17 07:48
wen0324: 兩位小精靈獻聲空谷幽蘭 好治癒呀 06/17 10:57
kou8: 好好聽 06/17 17:03
yeask: 再兩分鐘 06/17 20:58
lin880905: 直播到一半突然拿起植物爭奇鬥豔XD 06/17 21:47
yeask: 兩位在那邊捻花惹草我快笑死哈哈哈 06/17 21:47
yeask: 青峰聲音非常不穩定,宅男網速怎麼可以令人失望!! 06/17 21:48
una2136: 兩個都好可愛!太喜歡了 06/17 21:49
jtt: 兩位都好可愛! 06/17 21:50
yeask: 主持人剛剛說下週一會釋出mv!!!!!!!! 06/17 21:53
papa7363: 青峰應該是沒有用光世代 06/17 21:56
florencefrog: 被萌到了~~~ 06/17 22:00
sodaer: 兩個根本吃可愛長大的 06/17 23:20
florencefrog: 這麼可愛的中年男子哪裡找 06/18 00:27
dseser78: 兩位都好可愛~~~ 06/18 01:38
sodapluto: 怎麼可楞不推爆 06/18 07:54
shiaucloud: 喜歡!!!!!! 06/18 13:35
sodagreenyu: 可可愛愛! 06/18 15:15
yehgenius: 推推推 06/18 16:35
AvaCHOW: "Same kind of soul"!還見了家長,恭喜找到soulmate XD 06/18 17:58
AvaCHOW: (說笑啦哈哈)聽力測驗pass,即使在飆非母語的語言lol 06/18 18:01
AvaCHOW: 樓上y大,看到「宅男網速」,我笑了出來XD 06/18 18:02
hsiens: 起雞皮疙瘩!!! 06/19 10:05
oaeenforever: 喜歡到兩首一直輪播 好喜歡和音跟alone的氣音喔 06/19 16:01
chichichen20: 今天12點上MV 好期待 06/20 00:48
canandmap: c大可以問問中華電信或其他ISP能不能光纖到府,這樣應 06/25 13:30
canandmap: 該可以解決聲音不穩的問題 06/25 13:30
canandmap: 最後推一下MV與單曲,意境超級美~ 06/25 13:32
skybrest: 推 06/26 01:08
skybrest: 推 06/30 20:51
※ 編輯: stlin2002 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2022 11:32:47