看板 Soft_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[徵才] 美商A10 Networks 誠徵 Senior Fullstack SW Engr * Thanks to all for the valuable feedbacks below. We understand the difficulty in finding a perfect candidate matching all the skills, so only subset of skills is are required for a given candidate. * As far as package goes, sky is the limit. 大家好,再次謝謝大家的支持與愛護,讓我們在【Soft Job】板找到優秀的人才。為因應 產品研發需求及業務增長,希望高手加入我們持續成長的大家庭,謝謝。 【公司名稱】: 美商睿科網路科技有限公司 【公司地址】: 台北南港軟體園區三期 捷運南港展覽館站附近 台北市南港區三重路66號6樓 https://goo.gl/maps/NNL5AqULSL12 【職缺】: (Senior) Fullstack Software Engineer 【職缺能力經歷要求】: The Cloud/aGalaxy Team is looking for talented software engineers to join our Taipei R&D Team. We are building a cloud/device management solution to perform management tasks in deploying A10's network appliances and extended infrastructures. Some example of the services include, but are not limited to: - Device and services management, - Provisioning of services like server load-balancers, network resources and topologies, and service VMs, DDoS mitigations, WAF policy templates, etc. - Monitoring, trending, and reporting of services under management using a combination of traditional reporting and big data analytics. - Streamlined management workflows to ease total cost of ownership of A10 and third-party equipment. - Generate actionable and predictive analytics. [Job Requirement] 1. Non-trivial experience with Python/Java/Go (at least 2 out of 3) in a professional setting. 2. Have experience or passion in building distributed and scalable software using Docker and Kubernetes. 3. You can discuss technical details in English and Mandarin. 4. Your are picky on superior user experience (UX), browser compatibility, standards compliance, and responsive design. 5. You are more than just competent with jQuery, AngularJS, ES6, CSS3, and HTML5. 6. You are comfortable developing under Ubuntu/CentOS 7. You can multitask under fast-paced environment, sometimes without clear software requirement - you can improvise. 8. You can think independently. 9. Working knowledge of OSI model, or have a strong interest in learning it. Basic familiarity of L2-3 is reuiqred. Additional L4-7 working knowledge will be very helpful. Strongly desired: 1. Have working experience with Python, Django, and AngularJS/ReactJS. 2. Have experience with building distributed architecture. 3. Have experiences building application with one or more of the following: ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana, Spark, Pig, Hive, HBase, MongoDB, NodeJS, Docker, Kubernetes. Bonus: 1. Have experience with the following: Bootstrap JS, jQuery, LESS. 2. Keen on following the latest web front end technologies. Education: ‧ BS or MS CS/CE or equivalent 【員工是否需自備工具?】 : 否 【薪資(年薪)】: NT$ 1M and up - 面談 (依照經驗與能力) 【薪資】: 13個月,另有奬金,配股與交通津貼,以及ESPP員工購股優惠計劃。 【工時】: 每日工作時間: (09:00~10:30AM) ~ (06:00~7:30PM) (彈性工時8小時) 中午休息: 彈性,1小時 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 【加班費制度】: 比照勞基法,視情況加班 【工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹】: 彈性工時,視情況可work from home 與美國同事合作不用擔心時差問題,不需要晚上上班,除非你搞壞了什麼 多元的Team Building 活動 公司提供自選晚餐與滿櫃的飲料零食,皆可盡情享用 不需自備電腦 國定假日只放不補 【工作福利】: 彈性上班制 提供優於勞基法之休假制度(第一年即有15天年假,逐年增加) 提供勞健保、意外險、醫療險、團保...等保險制度 提供員工旅遊、員工活動及聚餐 提供水果、美式咖啡、零食、飲料與晚餐 每年依公司營運及個人績效調薪 其他比照勞基法及兩性平等法 【公司分紅與獎金】: 保13個月,另有奬金,配股及交通津貼 【人資或徵才聯絡方式】: 請至104人力銀行搜尋「美商睿科網路科技有限公司」 投遞履歷 Fullstack Software Engineer 或是投遞履歷至 [email protected] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1498212905.A.CF4.html ※ 編輯: rbaddict (, 06/23/2017 18:32:38
Ekmund: 這要求有點鬼神... 06/23 20:45
jj0321: Super☆Full★Stack 06/23 20:48
maxqq: 很好奇團隊到底幾人 06/23 20:59
We have about 20 between San Jose, Taipei, and Bangalore currently.
maxqq: 去矽谷找應該可以找到更多優秀的人才 06/23 21:12
GarnettC: 資安 網路 雲端 06/23 21:36
beaprayguy: 你去美國找這樣人才看價錢多有少,台灣太扯了 06/23 21:42
beaprayguy: 領local pay做global的事情貴公司真行 06/23 21:43
We have team members from 3 sites, and pay is competitive within the local market.
Hornet7: 在什麼狀況下一般人會特意這樣發展技能樹? 06/23 22:01
Hornet7: 我以為英文+全端中的任何一端做到資深就有百萬了 06/23 22:02
dreamnook: 樓上對不起 我沒有QQ 06/23 22:12
GitServer: 這間就爛啊 06/24 00:26
Masakiad: 薪水沒誠意 06/24 00:51
linbaskenny: 對不起,能力條件跟薪水不成正比,我只能噓 06/24 00:52
tw689: 認真說 這種條件符合的高手還是有不少的 不過100~150找不到 06/24 01:01
可能誤會了, 原本上限是寫1.5M+,本意是無上限 已經更正 ※ 編輯: rbaddict (, 06/24/2017 01:49:34
beaprayguy: 你還是去找hunter吧 06/24 08:14
manaup: 幾乎每家hunter都有幫a10找過人 不過高手都不是吃素的... 06/24 08:27
beaprayguy: 簡單講,高手透過hunter進去價格太高? 06/24 08:39
deray: competitive? 06/24 10:48
GWang: 美商+資深+無敵全端至少要1.5M 06/24 11:04
laputaflutin: 還真的是無敵全端欸... 06/24 13:44
robler: 這家喔...講的很大氣啦 給的不是 06/24 14:04
asleisureto: 直接開300+吧 06/24 16:42
Murasaki0110: 一個把聽過的技術都寫上去的概念 06/24 22:14
jkln: 這種大概等真的來面試了,又嫌有哪項技術不夠熟,用的時間 06/24 22:23
jkln: 不夠久,薪水七扣八扣打好幾折 06/24 22:24
jkln: 很像其實沒急著徵人,只是來廣告公司很有錢,員工都年薪百萬 06/24 22:29
pttuser: 這家很敢給,我前同事給到快20萬,要不是我沒法上台北 06/24 22:55
matrixki: 其實這間pay很不錯,上面推文的應該都沒朋友在裡面吧 06/24 23:41
matrixki: 根本亂噓一通 06/24 23:41
RunRun5566: 前幾樓太誇張 06/25 03:57
final01: 亂噓也太誇張,自己達不到也談不到高薪就在酸公司 06/25 11:52
crossdunk: 欸 不是阿,找了一下id好像可以拉起一大串欸 06/25 14:43
beaprayguy: 談不到高薪是你說的喔?要不要拿薪資單出來ok? 06/25 15:10
beaprayguy: 下面不是有人澄清月給20萬?那很好啊 06/25 15:11
robler: 20萬 哈哈 好吧 也許以前真的有啦 06/25 22:31
robler: 小弟太弱 offer的數字連他的一半都拿不到 06/25 22:32
bustta: A10 給得不差啦,Jr 就能談到近百了,不過有放鳥紀錄就是 06/29 07:10
siriusu: 純推ANSI排版XD 06/29 22:24
wade8204: 幫面試者QQ 07/11 01:28