看板 Soft_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
公司名稱: Cinnamon AI Taiwan Inc. (希納蒙人工智慧股份有限公司) 統編: 82863644 公司地址: 台北市中山區松江路54號11樓A7室 職缺: Research Project Lead 工作內容 Responsibilities and Performance Objectives ● Devise the best possible technologies to create business impacts; novelty o f ● Understand the requirements and technical challenges of the products in dep th ● Create a comprehensive Work Break-down Structure (WBS) to accomplish the te ch ● Supervise team members on WBS execution and manage the risks within interna l ● Solve these challenges by accompanying team members with clear vision and i n- ● Develop strategies to bring out the best in team members. Strong expertise in ● Cooperate and coordinate members for collaborative and effective team works . 條件要求 Skills and Experience Required ● Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Machine Learning or related discipline o ● Advanced knowledge and skills in AI, ML, DL. ● Solid background of one or more of the following domains: - Computer vision / Image Processing - Natural language processing - Spoken language processing ● Solid background in maths (Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics). ● Strong background in Computer Architecture / Operating Systems and Performa nc ● Knowledge and experience of key machine learning and deep learning framewor ks ● Team player. Should be able to communicate, lead and coach other team membe rs ● Passionate to build great product. ● Excellent communication skills both verbal and written (Documentation, Pres en ● Energy and willingness to bring the best out of the others and absolute res pe Desired Skills ● Master degree or PhD in Computer Science, Machine Learning or related disci pl ● Strong publication record and/or project management is a plus. ● Excellent programming skills with Python, C/C++. CUDA or OpenCL is a plus. ● Problem solving by having strong research skills. ● Fluent in English. 公司福利 - 國際化團隊,可與不同國家的同事交流,從文化差異上獲得更多成長與開放包容的氣度 。 - 自由工作風氣,彈性上下班時間,亦有Work from home制度,讓你隨時保持在最佳狀態 。 - 向成功創業家學習的機會,CEO Miku、CTO Hajime皆是連續創業家,提早收穫戰略思維 。 - 加入改變世界的浪潮,我們做的不只是技術服務,而是打造科幻電影中出現的智能產品 。 - 注重個人成長,導入Google採用的OKR目標管理系統,讓你每一季都有超出極限的收穫 。 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否): 詳見下方說明 配備高階筆電,開發者搭配 24 吋 螢幕 但是在筆電配下來以前,需暫時自備筆電 薪資: 月薪 NTD 90,000 ~ 180,000 年薪 13 個月 工時: 10:00 ~ 19:00 彈性 一小時,午休一小時 每周工作時間 8 * 5 = 40 加班費制度: 依照勞基法規定 徵才聯絡方式: Yourator 投遞履歷 https://www.yourator.co/companies/Cinnamon/jobs/7266 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1563785603.A.870.html
eggli: 207/22 16:54
ruthertw: 3 07/22 16:55
dini2012: 我錯了 QQ,已加標題 07/22 16:55
※ 編輯: dini2012 ( 臺灣), 07/22/2019 16:58:30 ※ 編輯: dini2012 ( 臺灣), 07/22/2019 17:08:54