看板 Soft_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
作者 jazpin 看板 Soft_Job 標題 [徵才] 美商露西德有限公司 徵Sr. Frontend/ Sr. Backend 時間 Wed Aug 04 10:06:00 2021 [公司名稱] 美商露西德有限公司 統編:58236905 [公司網址] http://www.lucidinside.com/ [公司地址] 台北市信義區信義路五段150巷2號8樓 [公司簡介] *本篇徵才文由 CakeResume 徵才平台所發布, 應徵請點擊下方連結進入 CakeResume 平台投遞履歷。* Lucid is a leading AI vision startup developing software solutions for 3D capt ure and depth sensing based on machine learning. Leveraging only dual/multi ca mera setups, the 3D Fusion Technology has been deployed in millions of devices in mass production from mobile phones to 3D cameras to robots, drones, securi ty and other smart camera systems. At Lucid, we are bringing depth information to mobile phones with zero hardwar e costs. We have an easy-integratable Android SDK dynamic and customizable for any dual camera independent of baseline, field of view or resolution as long as there is overlapping performance. We have developed pure software depth tec hnology based on AI leveraging concepts of how the brain processes and learns to perceive the environment. We have years of depth data stored on our secure cloud for continuous improvements of depth vision through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Product: LucidPix mobile app https://www.lucidpix.com/ LucidVideo AI solution https://lucidvideo.ai/ Benefits: 1. Flexible working - Working from home and office open 2. Unlimited PTO (paid-time-off) - Take as many days off as you want 3. Silicon Valley startup culture - Learn from the best entrepreneurs from US 4. Competitive compensation - close to US salary levels 5. Stock incentives - When company exits, you will make $$$ [職位及待遇] 1. Sr. Front-end Developer 資深前端工程師 月薪 60k+ 台幣 2. Sr. Backend Engineer 資深後端工程師 月薪 70k+ 台幣 [工作內容 / 應徵條件] 一個職位以上,避免篇幅過長,詳細工作內容請見網站說明。 https://www.cakeresume.com/companies/lucid?ref=navs_company [工作時間] 符合台灣的勞動法規 [應徵方式] 直接於網站投遞履歷,企業將於第一時間回覆。 https://www.cakeresume.com/companies/lucid?ref=navs_company -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1628042664.A.2A5.html
shiauji: “美商” 徵求Senior月薪70k新台幣,這薪水… 08/04 11:02
shiauji: “Competitive compensation - close to US salary le 08/04 11:03
shiauji: vels”, 你認真嗎? 08/04 11:03
shiauji: 這月薪大概2500美金,在美國不就低收入戶(e.g. 博士生 08/04 11:04
shiauji: ),還是貴公司在美國就是發低收入戶等級薪水? 08/04 11:04
jobintan: 永遠記得startup永遠只想用低價找Sr等級的人…………… 08/04 11:16
Aroeman: 這比台商 還低了吧? 08/04 11:23
tsao1211: 台灣公司的senior都不只這價 08/04 11:31
briandodo: 貴公司在美國請不到人是嗎 08/04 11:38
iamshiao: 一般我不噓低薪的,畢竟一個蘿蔔一個坑,但接近美國薪 08/04 11:40
iamshiao: 酬水準太可笑,這陳述是完全忽視行業別嗎? 08/04 11:40
jobintan: 接近米帝薪資水平,那就是比米帝薪資水平還低。wwwwwwww 08/04 11:46
lgsgameps2: senior這薪水,哈哈哈哈 08/04 12:16
wulouise: senior monkey 08/04 12:20
a4782887: senior…. 08/04 12:36
k798976869: 可以改junior 08/04 12:51
jobintan: 別笑,這價碼以遠距工作方式請阿三,說不定一堆人搶。 08/04 12:55
jobintan: 因為這價碼在印度可以讓全家更接近上流社會階層。 08/04 12:57
sharku: 改掉美商兩字比較好 08/04 13:21
hegemon: 印度阿三很喜歡這種遠端工作,都要2500~3000美金 08/04 14:16
kvjo: startup 分兩種, 薪資Start up , Business Start up 08/04 14:57
EchoRyne: . 08/04 15:59
kvjo: 其實不講美商 都沒事的徵才的 ... loll 08/04 16:07
Gaogaigar: 朋友用upwork找過2700USD的印度人 後來摸摸鼻子找5萬的 08/04 17:00
Gaogaigar: 台灣人 08/04 17:01
keel90135: 其實重點不是美商,掛美商低薪的也一堆 08/04 19:34
keel90135: 重點是:close to US salary levels 08/04 19:35
keel90135: 這就不能忍了 08/04 19:35
keel90135: 完全睜眼說瞎話 08/04 19:36
pgst: 這我不管啊 08/05 01:45
LucasGiolito: 笑死 08/05 07:20
jobintan: 應該改:close to US the lowest salary level才對。 08/05 15:50
InvincibleK: 美商讚讚讚! 08/07 18:27
wrn14897: 拜託給這種猴子薪水就別再說是美商或者矽谷之類的 很丟 08/09 10:41
wrn14897: 臉 08/09 10:41
jarvispeng: 爛死了 08/13 19:33