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歌手:Selena Gomez 歌名:Wolves 專輯:Wolves 連結:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH4E_t3m3xM
歌詞: In your eyes, there's a heavy blue One to love, and one to lose Sweet divide, a heavy truth Water or wine, don't make me choose I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky I've been running through the jungle. I've been running with the wolves To get to you, to get to you I've been down the darkest alleys. Saw the dark side of the moon To get to you, to get to you I've looked for love in every stranger. Took too much to ease the anger All for you, yeah, all for you I've been running through the jungle. I've been crying with the wolves To get to you, to get to you, to get to you To get to you To get to you Your fingertips trace my skin To places I have never been Blindly, I am following Break down these walls and come on in I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky I've been running through the jungle. I've been running with the wolves To get to you, to get to you I've been down the darkest alleys. Saw the dark side of the moon To get to you, to get to you I've looked for love in every stranger. Took too much to ease the anger All for you, yeah, all for you I've been running through the jungle. I've been crying with the wolves To get to you, to get to you, to get to you To get to you To get to you I've been running through the jungle. I've been running with the wolves To get to you, to get to you I've been down the darkest alleys. Saw the dark side of the moon To get to you, to get to you I've looked for love in every stranger. Took too much to ease the anger All for you, yeah, all for you I've been running through the jungle. I've been crying with the wolves To get to you, to get to you, to get to you 想法: 對賽琳娜的記憶最深的是停留在迪士尼的童星 雖然與小賈鬧得沸沸揚揚 這也不是多新的歌了,有一陣子超迷的,近期聽到RoadTrip翻唱又跳回來聽 而Jonah Baker的翻譯也是我很喜歡版本,走平淡哀愁的感覺 而原唱是奔放狂野的感覺 像在人生中,總會為了一個人特別瘋狂 排除各種障礙跟困難,只為了奔向他、靠近他,不畏懼任何挑戰 這首歌背後的故事也很不錯,建議可以去看看 題外話,長大後的賽琳娜真的很正XD 推薦指數: 10 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Songs/M.1532527953.A.884.html