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歌手:AU/RA 歐拉 歌名:Outsider 局外人 專輯:Outsiders 連結:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyRY1v_ZaUM
歌詞: They lit the fires under our feet Chased us into the hills, oh They let the wolves off of the leash Shoulda finished the kill We've got ashes on our shoes And an outcast attitude We're all immune 'cause we know the truth is viral We might be the outsiders But the in-crowd is so out right now Yeah, we might be the outsiders But the in-crowd is so out right now No bones, no drama We live how we wanna Yeah, we might be the outsiders Be the outsiders, the outsiders We set our tents up on the fringe With our backs to their cool now And in our heads we fit right in 'Cause they gave us the fuel We've got ashes on our shoes And an outcast attitude We're all immune cos you know the truth is viral We might be the outsiders But the in-crowd is so out right now Yeah, we might be the outsiders But the in-crowd is so out right now No bones, no drama We live how we wanna Yeah, we might be the outsiders Be the outsiders, the outsiders We don't need good reputations We don't need no thought control We don't need good reputations (Our smiles are real we don’t fake 'em) We don't need no thought control We might be the outsiders But the in-crowd is so out right now Yeah, we might be the outsiders But the in-crowd is so out right now No bones, no drama We live how we wanna Yeah, we might be the outsiders Be the outsiders, the outsiders We don't need good reputations We don't need no thought control We don't need good reputations (Our smiles are real we don’t fake 'em) We don't need no thought control 想法: 另外也大推她另一首 Panic room 不過上面這首非常負面黑暗,有一度心理狀況太差把自己埋在裡頭一起沉淪 才十五歲的歐拉獨特嗓音唱出滄桑感,瞬間成為我最愛的歌手 表達無法言諭的崩壞與恐懼,而這首則是感受到自己漸漸壯大 在這現實殘酷下被迫驅趕,成為局外人 好名聲與被旁人左右思想已不需要,反正已成為局外人 灑脫表態依照自己的方式過活,毫無畏懼面對冷言冷語跟傷害繼續往前走 不管自己還是他人,始終都是局外人 超期待她再多釋出一些黑暗或這類曲風>//< 最近她也跟Alan walker合作,也很好聽 但畢竟不是主軸,感覺特色被掩蓋了 推薦指數:10分阿阿阿阿阿阿 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Songs/M.1532757405.A.F88.html