看板 Songs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
歌手:CYN 歌名:I’ll Still Have Me 專輯:I’ll Still Have Me 連結:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MZgtCp8mtc
歌詞: I broke my back 'cause 我付出了所有, 因為 I thought you would too 我以為你也會這樣 I'd run in circles 就算只是白費工夫我也會繼續 I thought you would too 我以為你也會這樣 Maybe in another life 或許在來生 Everything worked out alright 一切會像我們期望的那樣 And things that made this harder passed us by 我們跨不過的那些難關會被我們跨過 But there's no bad dream to wake up from 或許那時不會再有讓我們被嚇醒的噩夢發生 Know I got it bad when it's the morning 我知道自己最近都被那些噩夢嚇醒 And you're all that's on my mind 我腦中想的都是關於你的事 If I don't have you 如果哪天你不在我身邊了 At least I'll still have me 至少我身邊還有自己 If I don't have you 如果哪天你不在我身邊了 At least I'll still have me 至少我身邊還有自己 I never thought twice 我從來沒想過其他可能 'Cause you were my number one 因為你一直都是我的第一順位 I put you first 'cause 我只會把你放在第一位 You were my only thought 因為你是我腦中唯一想到的事 No more riding on the train 再也不會去等著誰出現 No more smoking in the alley 再也不會一個人在巷子內抽菸 Now my secrets only stay with me 現在所有的秘密只會留在我身上 Everybody knows I'm upset 每個人都看的出來我有多難過 They don't even have to ask it 他們甚至都不需要來問我怎麼了 They know I believed in us last week 因為他們都清楚, 一直到上個禮拜我都還傻傻相信著"我們" If I don't have you 如果哪天你不在我身邊了 At least I'll still have me 至少我身邊還有自己 If I don't have you 如果哪天你不在我身邊了 At least I'll still have me 至少我身邊還有自己 There's no reason to speak badly 沒理由要去說什麼難聽的話 We just reached our end 我們就只是走到盡頭了 I will see you in parts of me 你會成為我的一部份 In who I was back then 代表著那時的我 If I don't have you 如果哪天你不在我身邊了 At least I'll still have me 至少我身邊還有自己 If I don't have you 如果哪天你不在我身邊了 At least I'll still have me 至少我身邊還有自己 想法: 多不想顯示自己有多自作多情 但卻也知道自己只是想渴望那些小平凡 即便隨時得做好離開的心理準備,那至少要為自己盡力幾回 不膽怯、不退縮 就算沒有了結果 那我至少還有我、至少沒有後悔感嘆過 推薦指數: 9 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Songs/M.1541509589.A.B09.html