看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文連結:http://ppt.cc/R-Rs 很大略的翻一下 有錯再麻煩版友們指正謝謝! REPORT: SPURS TO RECEIVE RINGS OPENING NIGHT VS. MAVERICKS IN SAN ANTONIO 馬刺新賽季開幕戰將在主場迎戰小牛並獲得冠軍戒指 Though the full NBA regular season schedule isn’t expected to be released until 5 PM CST on Wednesday, ESPN’s Marc Sterin is reporting the San Antonio Spurs, winners of the 2014 NBA Championship, will be receiving their championship rings and new fifth title banner on October 28, against their Texas rival Dallas Mavericks. 雖然完整的NBA新賽季賽程尚未公布,ESPN的Marc Sterin報導馬刺隊將在10月28號(美國 時間)獲得他們的冠軍戒指跟第五面冠軍錦旗,並對決他們的德州老對手小牛隊。 In late July, there was an early rumor indicating the Spurs might open the 2014 -15 season on the road in Cleveland, against LeBron James’ new (former) team. The matchup between the Spurs and Mavericks would be intriguing since Dallas was the one team that pushed San Antonio to a 7-game series in the 2014 playoffs. 七月底曾經有乳摸指出馬刺將在新賽季開幕戰客場對決克里夫蘭騎士(LBJ和他的新快樂夥 伴),馬刺和小牛的對決將會非常有趣因為小牛是唯一一支在2014年季後賽將馬刺逼入G7 的球隊(小牛真亞軍!)。 The Spurs will be starting the season without Patty Mills on the floor, since he’s currently recovering with an injury, but the team will be bringing back all members of their 2014 title team minus Aron Baynes (though he could still be re-signed). If he played on October 28, Spurs rookie Kyle Anderson would also likely be making his NBA debut that evening as well. 馬刺將會在Patty Mills缺陣的狀況下開季,因為他的傷勢還沒完全復原。但是馬刺隊保 留了2014年的奪冠陣容扣掉Aron Baynes(雖然他還是有可能續簽)。另外馬刺在今年首輪 選秀選進的Kyle Anderson也有可能會在開幕戰初登場(如果波波有讓他上場的話XD)。 The Mavericks themselves would bring a lot of new pieces into the AT&T Center, as they acquired Tyson Chandler and Raymond Felton from the New York Knicks via trade, while they also signed Chandler Parsons, Richard Jefferson, Jameer Nelson, and Al-Farouq Aminu. The Mavericks still have their core pieces in Dirk Nowitzki and Monta Ellis. 而小牛隊則會帶著他們的新奪冠拼圖前往AT&T Center,他們從紐約尼克隊得到拳王跟肥 頓,還簽下了高富帥Parsons、馬刺老朋友RJ、前魔術後衛Nelson和紐澳良的Aminu,搭配 他們的核心Dirk和Ellis。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 心得: 之前看到乳摸表示馬刺新賽季開幕戰將在客場對決騎士的時候老實說還蠻不高興的,一點 對冠軍球隊的尊重都沒有!還好最後沒有成真,我們可是要在主場領戒指跟掛冠軍旗的耶! 另外小牛今年真的補得不錯,期待開幕戰再度上演經典的牛馬大戰!然後季後賽不要再這 麼早遇到了哈哈~話說阿榮到底什麼時候才要續簽啊!? 另外補充一下,根據《奧克拉荷馬人報》的報導,馬刺將在聖誕大戰中主場迎戰雷霆隊! Drive for 6. http://ppt.cc/EmWu -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1407903840.A.102.html ※ 編輯: TimDuncan21 (, 08/13/2014 12:29:35
ken129: 太棒了 開幕戰衝去朝聖 08/13 12:38
kiwisoda: 牛馬大戰太棒了~~之前看到要客場打騎士也不高興T_T 08/13 12:43
Sam30526: 馬刺是不是已經幾年沒有在聖誕大戰中登場了阿@@? 08/13 12:47
keroromoa: 忘記去年還前年有打聖誕大戰 08/13 12:52
TimDuncan21: 去年打火箭阿 90-97敗 08/13 12:55
hans0913: 馬刺暑假補強也不差 教練團方面 08/13 13:05
TimDuncan21: 有正妹教練士氣+200 08/13 13:08
kimisky: 很不錯的開幕戰!!! 08/13 14:32
geniusjackie: 上個賽季最強的兩支隊伍對決 08/13 18:26
batman2113: 跟年度亞軍交手,這樣才對啊 08/13 19:13
jiuan1027: 小牛今年來勢洶洶啊,只好靠RJ了 08/13 19:49
serval623: 小牛今年感覺很猛 08/14 20:02