看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
WILL STANDINGS MATTER FOR SPURS NEXT SEASON? 排名對新球季的馬刺來說重要嗎? 僅節錄部分翻譯 原文網址:http://ppt.cc/J6nW Instead the Oklahoma City Thunder were given the nod by ESPN.com for the best record in the Western Conference (and best record for the entire league) over the Spurs by one game and it’s rekindled the argument by the silver and black faithful that the current NBA champion Spurs don’t get respect from the mainstream media. Is this true? Are the Spurs being disrespected by the “worldwide leader in sports” per usual or might they have a case? Before throwing ESPN’s opinion under the bus, they might have a case on their standings and it might encourage San Antonio’s supporters for next season and possibly heading into the playoffs. Let’s examine the factors that will play into the Spurs’ standings in the Western Conference. ESPN預測奧克拉荷馬雷霆隊將在領先馬刺隊一勝的情況下在新球季獲得西區最佳戰績(同時 也是全聯盟最佳戰績),重新點燃了忠實刺迷對於NBA總冠軍隊沒有得到主流媒體尊重的爭 論。 這是真的嗎?馬刺真的像往常一樣被這些"體育專家"看扁了還是他們真的有他們的理由? 在把ESPN的看法當成垃圾之前,我們先來看看有哪些因素可能會影響馬刺隊在新球季的西 區排名。 Health: We already know the Spurs are expecting to be without Patty Mills at least half of the regular season due to a rotator cuff injury and Manu Ginobili’s stress fracture leaves a question mark on how he’ll start off the season early with more rest and less basketball as he’s known as a rhythm player. The good news is that the Spurs had an injury plagued season last year and still managed to win 62 games last season. Even with the team missing their key back up point guard, their versatility allows them to make up for missing players. Manu Ginobili, Marco Belinelli, and Boris Diaw have been known to handle the ball like point guards and newcomer Kyle Anderson’s character on the court is of a ball handler and distrubor like a point guard. The Spurs will need Mills’ clutch shooting and defense in the playoffs, but they’ll likely not miss him as much during the regular season with their versatility. 健康:我們已經知道Patty Mills將會因為肩傷缺陣至少半個例行賽季,Manu的應力性骨折 也為他會如何開季留下一個問號,因為他是一個重視節奏的球員。好消息是去年的馬刺隊 也經歷了一個被傷病困擾的球季,但他們仍然奮力奪下了62勝。儘管馬刺隊將暫時失去他 們的關鍵替補控衛,馬刺球員的多功能性讓他們仍然能夠彌補球員缺陣帶來的傷害,大家 都知道Manu、Belinelli和Diaw都能夠像個控衛一樣處理球(TD表示...),再加上新來的 Kyle Anderson以往在場上的角色就是像個控衛一樣負責處理球和分球。馬刺將會在季後 賽需要Mills的關鍵投籃和防守,但是馬刺球員多功能的特性會讓他們不至於在例行賽時 太想念他。 Depth: The team has locked in the majority of their core and roster from last season. The Spurs played around a 10-man rotation in the playoffs with their depth during a time the rotations tighten. The regular season and lack of preparation against teams will make it easier for the Spurs to play the majority of the roster along with some call ups from the Austin Toros. 深度:馬刺已經留下了大部分上個球季的核心陣容。在季後賽輪替緊縮的情況下馬刺仍然 動用了10人輪替。在例行賽季缺乏對特定球隊準備的情況下將會讓馬刺打得稍微輕鬆一些 ,或許馬刺也會從發展聯盟叫上來一些球員搭配他們的陣容。 Experience: This isn’t the same experience that will give them the edge in the playoffs as a team, but instead the experience as a team to know how they should play in the regular season and the playoffs. With the team’s aging core and history of injuries (especially during repeating years), they may be more cautious playing with saving energy, playing more conservative, and driving recklessly into the paint (…Manu Ginobili). The Spurs might just become more of a jump shooting team with more of a pick and pop than a roll to stay healthy and become more aggressive for the title hunt in the postseason. 經驗:這和會在季後賽帶給他們優勢的經驗不同,而是讓一支球隊知道應該如何面對例行 賽和季後賽的經驗。由於年老的核心和他們的傷病史(特別是在衛冕年),他們可能會在打 球時更謹慎的保存能量,打得更保守,然後不顧一切的殺入禁區(這是在諷刺Manu XD)。 隨著Pick&Pop(擋人後外拉)戰術的使用多於擋人後內切,馬刺隊可能會變成一支更仰賴跳 投的球隊,這會讓他們保持健康並且在尋求衛冕的季後賽中更具侵略性。 These play a huge factor where the Spurs will be in the regular season standings and it might make a case for ESPN.com’s prediction. The Spurs have nothing to prove in the regular season and the Western Conference is arguably weaker overall than last season heading into the playoffs as of today. With the Spurs already winning a championship with the same team going into this season, homecourt advantage won’t play as much of a factor as it did last season with the uncertainty of how the team would react after Game 7′s heartbreaking loss to the Heat in 2013. Could the Spurs be the second seed heading into the playoffs? Sure. 以上這些將是影響馬刺新球季例行賽排名的關鍵因素,或許也為ESPN的預測提供了一些理 由。馬刺已經沒必要在例行賽證明什麼,再加上西區的球隊整體來看可以說比去年進入季 後賽時弱了一些。 在上個球季拿下冠軍的陣容將在新球季回歸,主場優勢不會再像上個賽季那樣扮演這麼重 要的角色。(在2013年總冠軍賽心碎的失敗之後,主場球迷在球員們如何面對失敗並捲土 重來的過程中相當重要) 馬刺會以第二種子的排名進入季後賽嗎?當然。 That doesn’t mean they won’t repeat as NBA champions. With Oklahoma City predicted as the top seed in the NBA, they’re going into the season with the same team and possibly Kevin Durant logging in the same number of minutes that have seen him wear down as the postseason progresses. This San Antonio Spurs team is now a veteran team in experience in the league and together as a team and that should throw any regular season importance out of the window. We may see this experienced team rest their core more often than last season to save up energy for the playoffs. 但這並不代表他們沒辦法衛冕總冠軍。 奧克拉荷馬雷霆隊被預測為第一種子,他們也會用跟上季相同的陣容開始新球季,KD登錄 的時間很有可能會跟之前差不多,而我們也看到了KD如何在季後賽的過程中被累垮。 現在這支馬刺隊在聯盟中是一支擁有老將經驗、團結的隊伍,所以可以不用把例行賽的重 要性看得這麼重。 我們或許會看到這支經驗老到的隊伍比上個球季更常讓他們的核心休息並為季後賽保存足 夠的能量。 In the end, all that matters is this: if the Spurs are healthy going into the 2015 NBA playoffs, they will be considered the favorites regardless of where they are in the Western Conference standings. 最後,這個才是最重要的:如果馬刺隊健康的打進2015年的季後賽,無論他們在西區的排 名如何,他們都會被認為是奪冠的大熱門! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1408038050.A.B6F.html
BlackCatXI: Good!!!!!! 08/15 03:38
ParkerWind: 推翻譯 08/15 06:55
jcjcjcjcjc: 連霸之路 08/15 09:29
RAY1203: 我覺得還是有可能就低調的西區第一,全聯盟第一 08/15 10:07
ghghfftjack: 雷霆跟馬刺的勝場也許都有可能降低 08/15 10:46
ghghfftjack: 西區的實力比起去年又更平衡的強了一點 08/15 10:46
bryant780113: 拿下總冠軍才是最重要的 08/15 11:24
keroromoa: 主場優勢也很重要啊 08/15 12:03
bluemkevin: 主場優勢對馬刺很重要 08/15 13:16
ilyfev: 複習了雷霆G6,今年真的過得很險 08/15 15:38
jack7614614: 最險的是對小牛 其他都還算可以啦 至於主場 有時候 08/15 16:59
jack7614614: 客場戰績還比較好 例行賽戰績看看就好 08/15 16:59
ParkerWind: 主場優勢很重要的 客場戰績哪時候比較好了 08/15 17:40
TimDuncan21: 我想筆者的意思是主場優勢沒有像上個球季剛輸給熱火 08/15 18:34
TimDuncan21: 時這麼重要,但這並不表示主場優勢不重要,另外我們 08/15 18:34
TimDuncan21: 的主場戰績確實比客場來的好,只是我們剛好也很會打 08/15 18:34
TimDuncan21: 客場而已,所以可能讓有些人有客場打比較好的錯覺 08/15 18:34
luoren: 當然重要 除了影響主場場次 排名高相對信心氣勢比較夠 08/15 19:48
focoket12: 馬刺這目前完全沒有補強,完全沒有補強 08/15 19:54
ParkerWind: 球員有Slow-mo 教練團有Messina和Hammon 完全沒補強? 08/15 20:38
k78998700: 最大的對手還是雷霆,沒主場優勢的話真的很難挺過 08/16 00:34
shena30335: 這兩年打雷霆都看得心驚驚... 08/17 10:26
tdsas2008: 明年在贏得話,kd可能要離開西區了 08/17 12:37
johnli: 打雷霆永遠是最緊張的 08/17 13:13
kazureyesean: 當然重要,想殺出西區一定要拿到全主場優勢 08/18 12:02
o07608: 要打雷霆,應該是要裁判不劣勢 08/18 18:39
kazureyesean: 主場的裁判比較不敢亂吹,因為他們會害怕走不出球場 08/18 22:55
kazureyesean: 當然還是有會亂吹的情形,但是相較客場會好很多 08/18 22:55
a9042004: 雷霆有這幾年來縱橫西區的OP裁判 08/19 17:48
jiuan1027: 今年陣容的確沒什麼補強 08/22 22:41