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PARKER, DIAW NAMED TO TEAM FRANCE’S PRELIMINARY SQUAD Posted by Ryan McCallum on May 4, 2015 20:20 When French head coach Vincent Collet finalizes his roster for Team France in this year’s EuroBasket Tournament, he will be calling Boris Diaw and Tony Parker’s name. 法國隊教練Vincent Collet為了今年的歐錦賽,已經完成了國家隊名單的挑選, Parker跟Diaw的名字將出現在出賽名單中。 Collet, the French national coach, led the French to a bronze medal in the FIBA World Cup last year. 這位法國國家隊教練Collet,去年帶領法國參加FIBA並拿下銅牌成績。 Parker and Diaw aren’t the only NBA player pre-selected for the French team. Nicolas Batum from the Portland Trail Blazers, former Spur Ian Mahinmi, Utah’ s Rudy Gobert and former Spur Nando De Colo and others are listed. NBA中並不是只有Parker跟Diaw被選入國家隊,其他像拓荒者的Nicolas Batum, 曾待過馬刺的Ian Mahinmi跟Nando De Colo,及猶他爵士的Rudy Gobert都出現在名單中。 There are currently 10 active French nationals playing in the NBA. Most notably is the 32 year old Parker. 國家隊的名單其中將近10名為NBA現役球員,很明顯的年紀最大的是32歲的Parker。 In 30 minutes per game in the Playoffs, Parker was limited to 10.9 points and only 3.6 assists. His free throw shooting dropped to 58.8% and is indicative of his lack of aggressiveness in the seven-game series. He averaged only 2.4 foul shots per game. In the fourth quarters of these contests Parker averaged only 2.5 points. 季後賽平均出賽30分鐘的Parker,得分被限制在10.9分及只有3.6助攻的表現。 平均每場只有2.4次站上罰球線及罰球命中率58.8%,指出他在季後賽中缺乏侵略性, 在比賽的第四節中,Parker每場只能得到2.5分而已。 With a selection to compete for France Parker will continue to fulfill his goal of representing his country well in international play. However, one could suggest that Parker looked stale in the NBA Playoffs, and perhaps a summer of rest should be prescribed. Paeker將繼續完成他的目標,替法國隊出賽。 然而一些建議認為他在看起來表現如此掙扎的季後賽後, 或許需要規定他休息整個夏天。 However, No. 9 looked hurt throughout the postseason and suffered injuries which forced him to sit out numerous games. Adding more wear and ear to his body won’t bode well for him heading into Spurs’ training camp. Parker看起來整個季後賽都是在有傷的情況下出賽,迫使他經常坐在場邊休息, 在(歐錦賽)增加更多疲勞的情況下,Parker將不會出現在馬刺的季前訓練營當中。 The tournament will commence on September 5, and will run through September 20, 2015. 歐錦賽將在2015的9月5到20號舉行。 -- 前面看到Kimi大翻譯外電,剛好看到這消息也翻譯一下, 後面兩段很不確定如果有錯誤的話懇請指正。 又要去打國家隊了,個人比較希望他們能好好養傷休息備戰下一個球季, 不過還是給予支持跟尊重,希望法國隊今年也能有好成績。d(゚▽°d) (還有名單裡面居然沒有Noah,猜測可能是公牛現在還在打季後賽的關係吧。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1430815707.A.D96.html
shiyuu: 小趴…你… 05/05 16:50
spurs2120: 去年續約之後就放心打國際賽了 05/05 16:52
kimisky: 突然提到我 嚇到XD".. 趴車好好養傷吧...Orz 05/05 16:53
chardavi11: 不意外 05/05 16:54
Lacus0827: TP真的比較需要養傷啊 05/05 16:54
TimDuncan21: TP多為馬刺想想啊 如果今年你正常一點快艇可能已經洗 05/05 17:01
TimDuncan21: 洗睡了 05/05 17:01
keroromoa: TP不去法國還是可以拿到奧運資格吧 05/05 17:04
mrsheep0629: TP你........ 05/05 17:07
Wing1984: TP還去啊! 把傷養好才是重點吧! 05/05 17:21
abow0807: 講不聽耶 05/05 17:22
bewd3000: 看到今年馬刺打得這麼掙扎,又看到這消息真的感覺很..... 05/05 17:41
blackdevil: 今年其實tp狀況好點,就算manu退化,其實是可以走得 05/05 18:10
blackdevil: 更遠的@@ 05/05 18:10
Sam30526: 還沒看到TP本人的說法@@感覺只是叫練先把他放進名單 05/05 18:12
sandiato: TP:今年才打一輪,不過癮,快打個國家隊壓壓驚 05/05 18:13
Sam30526: 等馬刺高層得知這消息希望能比照去年Manu的模式跟TP談@@ 05/05 18:13
Sam30526: 教 05/05 18:13
spurs2120: 比照Manu的模式是要隊醫紮草人嗎? XD 05/05 18:20
Sam30526: 我表達的不太適當我道歉@@只是希望Parker能好好養傷 05/05 18:29
spurs2120: 沒有啦我開玩笑的別緊張 05/05 18:30
ctx705f: TP.........如果是當作練球or尋找手感之旅就讓你去 05/05 19:00
iso903306: 該禁止他們兩個出賽 05/05 19:02
Hiiragi: 我認為Diaw去打還不錯 減少休賽時體重增加過多的困擾 05/05 19:08
peterhsuan: ....還去啊 05/05 19:27
CYBERPUNK: Tp真的該好好休息 他們實在有夠愛國的 05/05 19:35
XaviYang: 希望是當作球員兼教練的角色使用,畢竟有傷啊... 05/05 19:41
kingofu: 該休息了啦 05/05 19:53
miss500: 為了部落 (T_T 05/05 20:00
Lacus0827: Diaw去沒什麼意見 去年季賽Diaw勞賽在歐錦賽先烙算了 05/05 20:04
avrilrock: TP 淘汰你要負點責任啊 05/05 20:10
jeffanie: TP把傷養好最重要呀! 05/05 20:45
ftccb09376: 但是TP去年暑假休息 今年就打的最差耶QQ 05/05 21:15
abc1231qa: TP:以戰養傷 選我正解 眾:........... 05/05 21:46
kc52316: 還去... 05/06 08:24
Hsu1025: 沒傷還好,有傷要休吧 05/06 12:41
rucwmj273b: 看成ParkerWind要打法國隊xD 05/07 02:01
kk9517: TP該養傷吧 05/14 08:53