看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這個系列的第二篇,講的是大家喜愛的小跑車~ SPURS’ SEASON REVIEW: KYLE ANDERSON SPURS’ SEASON REVIEW: TONY PARKER SPURS’ SEASON REVIEW: DANNY GREEN SPURS’ SEASON REVIEW: PATTY MILLS SPURS’ SEASON REVIEW: LAMARCUS ALDRIDGE SPURS’ SEASON REVIEW: KAWHI LEONARD --------------------------本文開始---------------------------------------- SPURS’ SEASON REVIEW: TONY PARKER 馬刺上季回顧:Tony Parker Posted by Winston Harris on Jul 25, 2016 http://imgur.com/VFNTHe0 The 2015-16 season was a year of transition for the San Antonio Spurs. We witnessed the literal passing of the torch from the hand of Tim Duncan to the Spurs’ future in LaMarcus Aldridge. Within this season of change, the Spurs’ veteran point guard Tony Parker continued to battle father time and did all he could to stay relevant in a game that is changing before his eyes. 2015-16賽季是馬刺隊轉變的一年。我們見證了Tim Duncan將火炬傳到了代表馬刺未來 的LaMarus Aldridge手中。在這個轉變的賽季,馬刺的老牌控衛Tony Parker持續地跟 時間老人奮鬥著、盡全力讓自己能繼續留在不斷變遷的球場上發揮影響力。 In his 15th year, Parker only missed 10 games during the regular season. Much like the past few years, Parker’s numbers have seen a steady decline as age and injuries have crept in on his game. Despite not being a major offensive force, he still supplied the Spurs’ attack with 11.9 points and 5.3 assists per game, which was solid enough to give the Spurs’ an historic 67 win season. 在他的第15個賽季,Parker只缺席了10場球賽。跟前幾年類似,隨著年紀和傷病影響, Parker的數據正在穩定地下滑。但儘管不是陣中的進攻主力,他還是每場能得11.9分並 傳出5.3次助攻,幫助馬刺能達成歷史性的67勝。 There is no doubt, this season more than ever, Parker was fighting to keep his head above water so to speak – playing at a position that has dramatically changed since he first came into the NBA back in 2001. In today’ s game, the likes of Russell Westbrook, Kyrie Irving, and Stephen Curry far overshadow the type of skill set Parker currently has available to him. In comparison to the more athletic, scoring point guards that Parker played against all-season, it was clear that he just doesn’t quite pose the same threat as he once did. 無庸置疑地,這季Parker得付出比過往更多的心力,才能讓自己能夠擔任稱職的控球。 這個位置跟他2001初入NBA時相比改變了非常多,在現在的球賽裡,西河、Irving、 Curry這類型的球員,光環已經蓋過了現在的Parker。跟這些體能更好、更會得分的控 球後衛對抗時,現在的Parker已經不再具有他過去的威脅性了。 At times, Parker was a defensive liability and seemed to unable to impact games with his speed and ability to create in the lane as he would’ve been able to in past years. Last season, Parker attempted 325 shots within 10 feet of the basket, which is a steep decline from the 484 baskets attempted within the same range only two years ago. It’s evident that he just doesn’t have the explosive first step he once did. 有些時候,Parker會變成防守上的負擔,也不能夠跟過去一樣利用他的速度和技巧來 切入取分。上季的Parker在10呎內只出手325次,跟兩年前的484次下滑非常多,這正 是因為他已經沒有之前超快的第一步了。 It wasn’t all negatives this year though. Parker was in the top 10 among the league’s guards in the plus/minus category. He was also in the top 20 among guards for total assists all season. His 49.3 percent field goal shooting was second to only Stephen Curry among guards. Even though Parker is on the latter end of his physical abilities, there are still flashes of the old Parker that made a few appearances. There were ten instances where he scored over 20 points and his season-high was 31 points. 但去年的表現也不全都是負面的。Parker的+/-值去年可以排進後衛的前10名,總助 攻數可以排到前20,他49.3%的命中率在後衛中也僅次於Curry。儘管Parker的體能已 經不復過往,但偶爾還是可以看到當年超級小跑車的身影。他有10場拿超過20分,本 季最高分是31分。 In the playoffs, his minutes and point average did drop slightly from his regular season averages. His 10.4 points and 26.4 minutes per game were the lowest playoff averages in each respective category for his 15-year career. In his diminished role, Parker caused some concerns with his inability to get Leonard touches in the Oklahoma City series. The missed opportunities may have cost the Spurs some opportunities to win and solidified the realization that Parker is a shell of his former self. 今年季後賽時,他的得分跟上場時間比例行賽下滑了一些。場均10.4分、上場26.4分 鐘都是15年來的新低。逐漸邊緣化的同時,Parker在對雷霆的系列戰中多次沒能把球 送到Leonard手上也引發了一些疑慮。那些錯失的機會有可能就能讓馬刺贏球,也讓人 更體會到現在的Parker已不再是過去的那個Parker了。 The “Big Three” were no longer the focus of the game plan throughout the year and it was blatantly clear that it was now the Big Two in Leonard and Aldridge. At times throughout the season, Parker seemed reluctant to release his share of the ownership that the Spurs’ used to rely on to take them over the hump. 今年"三巨頭"已不再是比賽的焦點,取而代之的是由Leonard和Aldridge組成的"兩巨 頭"。這個賽季有些時候,會看到Parker不太甘願地交出馬刺的主導權,畢竟過去馬刺 很仰賴著他們。 Transition is the easiest way to frame what happening, which is the decline of one of the NBA’s great point guards to play the game. Parker’s season wasn’t awful; in fact, it was a fairly productive season by most standards. He deserves a letter grade of a B+ for his statistical achievements and leading the Spurs’ to an historic season. It does seem though that he could make the transition a bit more smoother if he relinquishes whatever former mindset he had of his yesteryears and makes room for Leonard and Aldridge. "轉變"是最能描述現況的了,一位NBA的傑出控衛已正在衰退中。Parker上個賽季不差 ,事實上從大多數方面來看,上個賽季還是很有斬獲的。因為統計數字上的成就跟帶領 上季的馬刺,他值得一個B+的成績。如果他願意調整自己的心態、給Leonard跟Aldridge 更多的發揮空間,那麼馬刺的轉變能夠更順利。 原文網址:https://goo.gl/KfsuG8 ------------------------------------------------------------ Duncan、再來是Manu、小跑車, 這幾年應該是後三巨頭時代了... 期待可愛跟AGG能夠扛起球隊的未來,未來就看你們的了!! 講個題外話,Transition這個字翻"轉變"有點卡, 若是翻成"過渡"或"世代交接",不知道大家覺得會不會比較貼近原意? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1476374858.A.E3B.html ※ 編輯: alankira (, 10/14/2016 00:08:10
jimmy5680: 10/14 00:09
purist: 推,辛苦了 10/14 05:24
Shane8610: 那句我猜是 馬刺的老牌控衛Tony Parker持續地跟著時間 10/14 06:45
Shane8610: 老人搏鬥,而他能做的 就是保持在他眼前改變著的比賽 10/14 06:45
Shane8610: 中的競爭力 10/14 06:45
Shane8610: 也不確定對不對 10/14 06:45
Shane8610: Transition 翻轉變感覺也還好 10/14 06:48
IceGino: TP GOGO 10/14 09:40
JAvLEMcGeE: Transition翻成世代交替比較好 10/14 13:29
me91: 有練三分 一直在求進步 只可惜年紀真的大了 10/14 15:22
td770715: S.Jackson之前好像也有說過帕克有點獨 10/14 16:04
yuriaki: 盡全力讓自己能繼續在眼前不斷改變的場上發揮影響力 10/14 18:49
參考了版友的建議,修了第一段 ※ 編輯: alankira (, 10/21/2016 22:50:11