看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
文章看點 1.KA及隊友如何看待他自己的角色? 2.Popo對KA的看法? 3.新賽季馬刺可能會如何使用KA? ----------------------------------- Spurs’ Anderson prepared for anything in make-or-break season By Jeff McDonald @ San Antonio Express News 原文網址: http://0rz.tw/XQa0P ----------------------------------- It has been more than three years since the Spurs made Kyle Anderson the 29th pick in the 2014 NBA draft.Spurs coach Gregg Popovich still doesn’t know what to do with the versatile forward known as “Slo-Mo.” 距離馬刺在2014年第29順位選中Kyle Anderson已經3年了。 馬刺主帥Popo,似乎還沒找到被暱稱為Slow-Mo,也就是KA,他的使用說明書。 Popovich has made it something of his new season resolution to finally find it out.“I’m going to try real hard for his sake,” Popovich said. “He deserves it. I’ve been remiss about figuring it out sooner.” Anderson, 24, enters his fourth season facing a career at a crossroads. Popo教練決心要在新球季找出KA的使用方法,他說到: 「我將會為這件事情做許多嘗試,KA是個值得我做努力的孩子, 沒有早點找到他的使用說明書是我的失職。」 而KA,在他24歲的這年,是他的第四個NBA賽季也是他職業生涯的重要分岔路。 Barring a contract extension before the Oct. 17 deadline, Anderson will become a free agent next summer.He could use a big season, which means he could use a defined role. 如果沒有在10/17日前得到續約(延長合約),KA即將在新球季結束後成為自由球員。 他也許會有一個很棒的賽季,而那建立在他擁有一個明確的角色定位。 At 6-foot-9, with the ball-handling and passing skills of a point guard, Anderson is capable of playing a variety of positions. So far, he has stuck at none. “I know it can go up and down,” Anderson said of his role in the season to come. “There’s going to be moments when I’m active in the rotation and moments when the rotation doesn’t need me. I’m ready for anything, pretty much.” KA擁有6呎9吋的身高,加上控衛級別的控球能力以及傳球能力。 他能在場上打許多位置,但是目前來說,KA似乎沒有被定型為任何一個角色。 當提到新球季時,KA說:「我明白我對球隊的功能會時大時小,有時候我會在輪換中, 有時候球隊不需要我做出貢獻。但我對任何情況都做好準備,隨插即用。」 With All-Star Kawhi Leonard sidelined with a quadriceps injury, Anderson has served as the Spurs’ starting small forward to start the preseason, which continues Friday with a rematch against Sacramento at the AT&T Center. In the Spurs’ 100-96 road loss to the Kings earlier this week, Anderson turned in a typical, understated-but-productive “Slo-Mo” line: seven points, four rebounds and an assist in 19 minutes. 馬刺即將再次在季前賽對戰國王,(臺灣時間星期六早上) 因為我們的明星球員Kawhi因腿傷缺陣,KA會再次頂替成為先發小前鋒。 在上一場96比100不敵國王的比賽中,KA繳出了典型"不起眼卻高效",Slow-Mo式的成績, 在19分鐘內得到7分4籃板1助攻。 Anderson senses opportunity in Leonard’s absence. “Whenever a key guy is out like that, it’s a ‘next-man-up’ mentality,” he said.“Be ready. Stay ready. Try to make some noise.”That has been Anderson’s approach throughout a career that has so far been one of fits and starts. In three seasons, he has appeared in 183 games, averaging 3.7 points, 2.9 rebounds and 1.3 assists. Project those numbers per-36 minutes, and it offers a glimpse of the box-score stuffer he was at UCLA: 9.2 points, 7.2 rebounds and 3.3 assists. KA知道他因Kawhi的缺席得到了機會,他說:「當球隊有位關鍵角色缺席時, 我們都會有"是時候換別人表現了"的想法。就是時時做好準備,試著對比賽做出一些影響。」 這樣的角色定位及態度,是KA進入聯盟以來的生存之道。 三年來,KA出賽183場,平均3.7分2.9籃板1.3助攻,若是以per36分鐘的數據來看, 這樣的數據跟他在大學UCLA時的相去不遠(9.2分7.2籃板3.3助攻)。 In Anderson’s last game that counted — the series finale against Golden State in last season’s Western Conference finals — he had 20 points, seven rebounds, two assists and four steals off the bench. “He’s a hell of a player,” veteran guard Manu Ginobili said. “He can give us a lot of things, with or without Kawhi. I’ve always trusted him.” 在上一季的最後一場比賽,季後賽西決對戰勇士, KA從板凳出發拿到了20分7籃板2助攻。 Manu這樣評價KA:「他是個很棒的球員,能做到非常多事, 不管是跟Kawhi並肩作戰還是頂替Kawhi出場,我總是信任他的表現。」 For Anderson, earning Popovich’s trust hasn’t always been as easy. In a way, the versatility that made Anderson a potential draft-day steal has at times worked against him. Popovich hasn’t been sure whether to use him at point guard, small forward or power forward. When Danny Green was hurt during training camp last season, Anderson became the Spurs’ opening-day starter at shooting guard. 對KA來說,取得Popo的信任不總是那麼輕鬆。 某方面來說,選秀時為人稱道的"全能",有時對KA來講不是件好事。 Popo還未弄清楚該把KA放在得分後衛、小前鋒、還是大前鋒的位置上。 去年Green開季受傷時,KA成為了馬刺開幕戰的先發得分後衛。 The NBA’s small-ball revolution might at last turn in Anderson’s favor. With the Spurs seeming bent on employing more small-ball lineups this season, Anderson and newcomer Rudy Gay could share minutes at power forward in them. In that, Anderson’s arc might mirror that of Boris Diaw, whose career didn’ t take off until he moved to Phoenix and coach Mike D’Antoni made him a small-ball big man. “A lot of teams are playing four smalls, and we have Rudy and him to play the four,” Ginobili said. “Kyle is a big key, because he can take people off the dribble and he can pass. He’s a very good player all around.” 目前NBA的小球風潮,可能會使KA的情況進入不同的討論。 新賽季馬刺隊似乎準備多打小陣容,這使KA以及新援Rudy Gay, 會分掉許多4號位的時間。如此一來,KA的模板就會是老朋友Diaw, 他的生涯在轉到太陽隊D"Antoni教練把他當作大個子用時,有了很大的進展。 Manu說:「許多球隊會在場上擺出1大4小的陣容,而這季我們有Gay跟KA能夠打4。 KA會成為重要角色,因為他能運球,能傳球,總之他是各方面都很棒的球員。」 Anderson spent the offseason working on a plethora of positions. He worked on his catch-and-shoot game, which manifested itself in a confident corner 3-pointer in Monday’s preseason opener. He worked on his ball-handling and defense. “I prepared to be successful,” Anderson said. “That’s not just me focusing on what I’ve got to do. It’s what I’ve got to do to help the team. That’s what comes first.” That diligence has caught the eye of Popovich, who calls Anderson “a coach’ s dream.” KA在休賽季花了許多時間為多個位置做足了功課,包括catch&shoot等投籃技巧。 這讓他在上一場熱身賽中看起來像個自信心十足的底角射手。 同時,他也加強了運球以及防守。 KA說:「我已經為成功做了準備,這不只是說我專注於我能做到什麼, 我想的是加強我能幫助球隊的事情,這是最優先的。」 這樣的態度Popo當然注意到了,稱KA為"教練眼中的夢想球員"。 Now it is up to Popovich to live up to his vow to find Anderson some kind of stability in the Spurs’ rotation. Anderson knows this could be a make-or-break season for him. He is aiming for the former, head coach willing. “It’s time,” Anderson said. “It’s a big year for me, definitely. I’m prepared for it, so I’m going in with confidence.” 現在該輪到Popo兌現承諾,找出KA在輪換陣容的穩定角色。 KA知道這會是他"不成功,便成仁"的賽季, 他說:「是時候了,今年絕對是我關鍵的一年。 我做了萬全準備,所以我會充滿自信,全力以赴。」 --------------------------------- 心得: 好難翻的一篇報導,功力不到家請多包容。 之前在版上也提到,KA的態度個性,以及在球隊中的功能性, 在這篇外電都有教練及老將來背書。 但KA真的只能成為馬刺的"第11人"? 目前看來替補3/4號由Gay佔了一席,KA、Bertans爭奪最後一個常規輪換。 我想這就要看Popo是否能找到KA的使用說明書。 休賽季以及兩場季前賽KA看起來不錯, 跟許多大咖合練,在場上運球以及投射明顯除去了猶豫, 希望這季他能有很好的發揮以及角色定位。 不過如果KA在馬刺就這樣了,季末是否要續留? 最後我要說,身為老KA迷, 我還是期待Slow-Mo長久的在馬刺隊盡情揮灑啊~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1507305172.A.E6A.html
doleful: 感謝翻譯 10/07 00:21
alex40214: 推~ 10/07 00:27
dweabybnye: 翻完發現fb禁區模範生也在翻譯XD 10/07 01:24
pingoat: 推 10/07 01:50
fenderrb: ka總是很穩定,喜歡他的節奏 10/07 04:05
leo755269: 該給他更多上場時間看看 10/07 04:25
kimisky: 推 喜歡KA QQ 希望他能盡快找到定位並留下來~~ 10/07 07:55
Raistlin0510: 推 10/07 10:57
dirtywestwes: 推熱心翻譯 10/07 12:26
umyiwen: tks 10/07 12:30
zlzooq: 喜歡KA很好用的綠葉 10/07 12:54
blackdevil: KA很活,但真的可以給他固定當戰術發起點的任務 10/07 13:30
dweabybnye: 今天沒上好像是上次訓練受小傷 10/07 13:42
mark30204: KA的貼身防守真好 我覺得甚至不輸給可愛 10/07 17:53
imbestbill: 他上季攻擊慾望實在太低了 今年可以自私一點啊 10/07 21:48
wayne77925: 很欣賞他的防守 判斷很精準 10/08 00:11
Diomedes: 讓Gay先發PF,KA當3,4號替補有搞頭嘛? 10/08 03:41
Tabris157: 喜歡KA 他上場會給人一種安心感 10/08 11:42
leoneo0152: 超喜歡他啊,拜託老波快點找到說明書 10/09 15:40
perfect07117: 2K超猛 希望現實也一樣 10/09 16:09
Wall62: 推 10/10 18:54
ztdxqa: 雖然一直沒對KA太多期望 不過他一直很努力阿 10/12 01:09
gaowolf: 他就是一個可有可無的球員 10/14 18:26
gaowolf: 完全沒有存在感 10/14 18:27
insominia: 看到樓上就想到一年就這麼過去了 10/14 22:52
leo755269: 部長回歸了?!?! 歡迎歡迎 10/21 13:20