看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/10th_SonicTV_Starleague 主辦: SonicTV 贊助: SBENU 總獎金: 50,000,000 KRW = 45200 USD = 1436000 NTD 32個參賽選手名單 和這些人的之前戰績 (只計算Kespa時期結束後) 可看連結內. Protoss 12 Terran 11 Zerg 9 地圖: Blue Storm Fighting Spirit Return of the King Sin Peaks of Baekdu ============================================================================ 目前32強已經比完, 當初分組名單和結果如下(有結果雷~): 開頭連結裡面點進去, 也可以看到每一場的VOD, youtube的. Round of 32 Group Stage Group A December 24, 2014 1. Terran sSak 2-0 2. Protoss Movie 2-1 3. Zerg force[Name] 1-2 4. Zerg ZerO 0-2 Group B December 24, 2014 1. Protoss Mini 2-0 2. Terran PianO 2-1 3. Zerg Killer 1-2 4. Terran firebathero 0-2 Group C December 25, 2014 1. Protoss Snow 2-0 2. Terran Last 2-1 3. Zerg Kwanro 1-2 4. Terran Shinee 0-2 Group D December 25, 2014 1. Terran Mong 2-0 2. Protoss Sea.KH 2-1 3. Zerg Hyuk 1-2 4. Terran ToSsGirL 0-2 Group E December 31, 2014 1. Zerg hero 2-0 2. Protoss GuemChi 2-1 3. Terran Major 1-2 4. Protoss Zeus 0-2 Group F December 31, 2014 1. Protoss Pure 2-0 2. Zerg Larva 2-1 3. Terran Sharp 1-2 4. Zerg By.Spire 0-2 Group G January 1, 2015 1. Terran HiyA 2-0 2. Protoss free 2-1 3. Protoss Tyson 1-2 4. Protoss Lazy 0-2 Group H January 1, 2015 1. Terran Mind 2-0 2. Protoss JangBi 2-1 3. Zerg Modesty 1-2 4. Protoss Shuttle 0-2 ============================================================================ http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/brood-war/473563-ssl10-preliminary-information 16強 根據上面連結, 時間和地點應該是: (韓文翻成英文) 1PM on Sundays and Thursdays (January 8~February 14) at Yongsan eSports Stadium 所以似乎是1/8 和 1/14, 台灣時間中五12點開始. 比賽場地照片 http://i.imgur.com/jTshk0r.jpg
16強分組名單: Group A Terran Mong Protoss Movie Protoss Pure Protoss Mini Group B Terran Mind Protoss JangBi Terran PianO Protoss free Group C Terran sSak Zerg hero Protoss Sea.KH Protoss Snow Group D Terran HiyA Zerg Larva Terran Last Protoss GuemChi ============================================================================ ============================================================================ 給曾經瘋過SC1的... 下面連結有這次比賽的官方宣傳影片, 韓文的, 附上Teamliquid的英文翻譯: (看了讓我有點感動) https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=555510101250020 A league that surpasses all imagination begins! Tearful Kim Carry at Tving 2012: "For loving Starleague...and us, thank you" Everyone thought that it was impossible, that it was really the end. Sonic at FIX Starleague: "And the winner is...BISU!" The flame that was declared extinguished 2 year ago, there are men who have kept it alive. Everyone believed that it was the end of the road. Dreams into reality Ridicule into cheers The path down which no one dared travel The path that no one believed possible The man who walked that road in silence He finally did it No longer memories but reality A new era begins The words that echo the pride of Starcraft 1 "The promise has been kept" "Not an end but a new beginning" Our clock never stopped ticking! "Not an END but an AND" Coming soon Sbenu Starleague Group Selection Ceremony -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1420213298.A.59D.html ※ 編輯: AaronSWAT (, 01/02/2015 23:42:54
FAlin: 01/02 23:43
daihc: 16強幾乎都是過去的一線選手~零娘連SC1也回不去了嗎? 01/02 23:50
daihc: 16強B組應該會很精彩 神Mind 張飛 燈哥 鋼琴(我怎記得是P 01/02 23:52
daihc: 應該是我記錯了 01/02 23:53
aaronmissile: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/PianO 是T唷 01/02 23:54
RIFF: ZERO ZVT恢復很慢 ZVP就算是打BISU也還很強 勝負一半半 01/03 15:01
RIFF: ZVT是當今SC1的門檻,缺乏新思維。 01/03 15:03
RIFF: PVZ有BISU挑大樑,但除了BISU 其他P差很多。 01/03 15:04
RIFF: 01/03 15:17
RIFF: HungryApp Starz League with Kongdoo 01/03 15:17
RIFF: 好像六點開打 01/03 15:17
RIFF: Hosting a Starleague was YellOw's wish since his progami 01/03 15:18
RIFF: ng days. 是由老黃主導的。 01/03 15:18
RIFF: 而且還有前MBC成員的監製。 01/03 15:19
RIFF: GoodFriend、Yellow、Reach、nal_ra 還組了個四人幫 01/03 15:22
RIFF: 老黃還組了個辦公室,這個辦公室先前還針對 最強神jaehoon 01/03 15:25
RIFF: 被抓到stream cheating事件做出懲處(?) 01/03 15:26
aaronmissile: 要出門無法看今天的Kongdoo啦~ 01/03 18:02
RIFF: 觀眾的椅子看起來很好坐 比以前的好 01/03 18:34
AsanoSugi: 大師正在開實況解說中 01/03 18:51
AsanoSugi: HSL 01/03 18:56
catwei: 最近SC1的活動有點多 不會過一陣子韓國真的轉回去自己玩吧 01/03 19:06
catwei: 雖然這樣其他區的SC2玩家搞不好反而變多.... 01/03 19:07
AsanoSugi: 星海1真的好看又好玩 01/03 19:30
FAlin: 直接被甩死了~_~ 01/03 19:41
FAlin: 不過hero的三礦有點慢 01/03 19:41
RIFF: hiya前期判斷都不錯 主礦三根防空晚了就整個完了 01/03 19:46
RIFF: hero的飛龍打T主礦的判斷與反應 有近巔峰的水準 01/03 19:48
aiiueo: 不會轉回去的 相信我 電競這東西死了就是死了 CPR也沒用 01/03 21:14
dinbeer: 同意樓上 轉回去講講而已 真轉了會變成笑話 01/04 03:19
RIFF: 又是電競元年 新年快樂~~ 01/04 14:56