看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
TvT and Mech It’s hard to liken TvT in SC1 to SC2 in the same way I did above for TvP, and that’s because TvT was always mech vs mech, with the power of Siege Tanks reigning supreme. TvT was a positional game, taking a conceding certain areas around the map, setting up areas that would be impossible to attack. I don't think that this is what Blizzard or the fans are looking for. Rather, I think that people are looking for the choice between bio and mech, and then, of course, the clash between the two, as we had in WoL and HotS. Well then, you are in luck! 很難如上面比較TvP的方式來比較SC1與SC2的TvT,因為在攻城坦克的淫威之下,過去TvT 永遠是機械化vs機械化。TvT過去是陣地戰,在地圖上佔據一些區塊,建立起牢不可破的 陣線。而我不認為這是暴雪或觀眾在追求的。我認為人們在尋求生化和機械化之間的選擇 權,當然隨之而來的是兩者間的衝突,就像我們在自由之翼和蟲群之心有的。那麼,你很 幸運! Journey used mech in a close game vs Keen in a TvT: http://www.twitch.tv/gsl/v/36908466?t=02h23m19s Journey在gsl codeA面對Keen使用機械化,打的相當接近 *印象中是在一次推進中維京走最前面被先打掉,丟掉空優後才被壓著打 To date, this is the only professional Korean game where we've seen a full-on mech strategy in a TvT in LotV. Journey successfully went up to 4 bases, defending all aspects of Keen's bio-centric play. He ended up losing when both were going more heavily into Sky Terran with a poor attack and over-committal. It wasn’t a perfect game or anything, but it was certainly the first step towards a more diverse set of armies being available for use in TvT. Don't forget that developing less aggressive styles takes MUCH, MUCH longer than aggressive styles. 目前為止這是我們在虛空之遺看到的唯一一場韓職機械化TvT,Journey成功擴張到四個基 地,防住所有Keen的生化攻勢,他最後在雙方都走上天空流做出了一個過度延伸的進攻後 輸掉比賽。這並不是一場完美的比賽或是什麼重要的場面,但這肯定是邁向更多元化的部 隊組成選擇的第一步。別忘記發展一套低侵略性的打法所花的時間比高侵略性打法要長非 常多。 TvZ and Mech This one is really complicated. Not going to bring up SC1 at all. Rather going to bring up HotS mech TvZ, because that has a lot to do with what's going on here in LotV. Mech was becoming a real problem towards the end of HotS for Zerg. Without the Swarm Host to constantly push back Terran in long games, turtle mech became super powered. If you want a refresher on what this looked like, check out Flash vs Curious from GSL Season 3 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fskDHXB3Gl4
Right at the end we had Byul vs INnoVation in the finals of the same Code S: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLtTnN3GOmk
這部分非常複雜,不會拿SC1來比較,而會用蟲群之心機械化TvZ,因為這和現在虛空之遺 發生的事情比較相關。 機械化在蟲群之心末期變成一個非常棘手的問題。沒有宿主在後期來不斷逆推人類,鐵龜 機械化變得非常有威力。 如果你想回憶一下那是怎麼回事,看看2015年第三季GSL Flash vs Curious 就在最後我們還有CodeS 決賽ByuL vs INnoVation Here's a statement for you: If Parasitic Bomb existed in HotS, Byul would be a GSL champion. Not to mention that Point Defense Drone is vastly changed. And Nydus Worms open up no matter what. And I haven't even gotten into the differences in the cores of HotS and LotV. Ok, maybe we should talk about that next. 這裡幫你下個結論:如果蟲群之心有寄生炸彈,ByuL就是GSL冠軍。還沒提到無人機被大 幅改變,還有蟲洞不管怎樣都會開啟,甚至還沒討論到蟲群之心和虛空之遺在核心上的 不同。好吧,或許我們接下來該討論這個。 *我自己玩得很少,比賽也看得不多,有錯歡迎糾正 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1456468481.A.012.html
shinwind: TVT有一直是機器化VS機器化嗎.. 02/26 14:44
kira925: ...同步翻譯結果你先出了 那我就自刪吧 02/26 14:49
kira925: 他說的是BW的TvT是純粹的機械化對決 02/26 14:50
kevin50263: 推薦WCS S2 final INnoVation vs TaeJa 生化打機械的 02/26 14:52
purplecake: XDDD 看來需要協調一下?XD 02/26 14:52
kevin50263: 極致 02/26 14:53
afafaf: 說的原本的機械化很強似的 02/26 15:10
chuckni: TVT sc1就是從兀鷹互甩開始,互架雷控圖,集坦克開始推戰 02/26 16:18
chuckni: 線搶地盤然後下圍棋圈地,最後開始多線空頭打分礦封鎖經 02/26 16:19
chuckni: 濟,如果這樣都分不出勝負就開始死靈大和的各種天空流大 02/26 16:20
chuckni: 戰 02/26 16:20
purplecake: 自己看那影片都覺得好噁... 02/27 01:07
purplecake: 防空比坦克多XD 02/27 01:08