看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
OK, back to this: less economy per base. So, we have improved harassment. We have improved defender's advantage. But we also have less economy. We have to expand more. This is absolutely KEY to why LotV is so good. You are forced, more quickly than ever, to expand if you want to win. You can't sit on 3 bases defending perfectly a'la Rain's HotS Protoss. We already went over how killing on 3 bases is basically the same thing as 2 basing in HotS. So here we are, expanding more quickly to a 4th base. This spreads us out more. Sure, we have GREAT ways to defend vs a large army. We have Disrupters and Lurkers and Liberators which make death traps for anyone wanting to attack. These units are extremely weak vs harassment though. Have you ever tried to stop a Medivac Drop with a Disrupter or a Lurker or a Liberator? Laugh Out Loud. 回到每個基地的經濟都比較少的議題 我們有了更強的騷擾,我們在防禦上有更多優勢,但我們的經濟變差了,我們必須擴張。 這絕對是虛空之遺為什麼那麼棒的原因之一,如果我們渴望勝利,我們被迫比以往都要快 的速度擴張。我們不能如同Rain在蟲群之心一般龜縮著打完美防守。我們已經討論過三個 基地終結比賽跟蟲心兩基地基本上是一樣的,所以我們必須更快速地擴張到第四個基地, 這會讓我們更加分散。我們有絕佳的手段來防禦大部隊的進攻,我們有裂光球、遁地獸和 解放者來設下天羅地網等待那些來進攻的愚者。不過這些單位面對騷擾表現很差,你有試 過用這三個去防止醫療艇空投嗎,LOL。 So we can't really just roll over each other, even if we have a bigger army. And we are forced to expand further and further out earlier and earlier. Which of course means, we have less and less to defend these areas with. Truthfully, we have better tools for harassing our opponents than for defending against their harassment. 就算我們擁有比較大的部隊也沒辦法輕易輾過對方,且我們被迫擴張的更快更遠,這當然 代表我們會越來越難以防守那些區域。說實話,比起防止騷擾,我們更容易去騷擾對手。 OK, let’s put this all together. Legacy of the Void forces us to harass more. It forces us to have a more mobile army. LotV resists against full-on mech play. It resists against slow games. LotV pushes us towards more fights, more engagements, more damage on both sides. The days of perfect Rain games are gone. These are the scrappy days of LotV. Siegevacs add mobility to the most immobile unit in the game. Siegevacs also turn this unit into one which can harass. The unit now fits perfectly into Legacy of the Void. Let's not turn it into another Void Ray. 讓我們把一切整合起來。虛空之遺強迫我們做更多騷擾,強迫我們擁有更機動性的部隊。 虛空之遺不適合純機械化,他不適合慢速打法。虛空之遺讓我們有更多戰鬥、更多交鋒和 更多的損傷。大雨神的完美防守的日子已經過去了,現在是充滿衝突的虛空之遺的時代。 飛天坦克讓最不機動性的單位有了機動力,這能力也讓他可以進行騷擾,這單位完美符合 虛空之遺的走向,請不要把他變成另一個虛空艦。 "One of the hardest things to do as a commentator is to take what I think in my head and summarize it so it doesn't become ridiculously long like this brain spill of a blog you are reading right here. Here's a new attempt to try to summarize some of the key differences between Legacy of the Void and Heart of the Swarm” - The ‘tosis, 2016 這段跟前面完全一樣 文章到此結束 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1456496120.A.053.html ※ 編輯: purplecake (, 02/26/2016 22:15:51 ※ 編輯: purplecake (, 02/26/2016 22:17:52
MrLeFt: 感謝翻譯! 02/26 22:46
ace0824: 雨神又出來刷存在感 02/26 22:51
kira925: 雨神就是WoL/HotS神族完成板阿 02/26 22:53
Baneling: 推翻譯!! 辛苦了~~ 02/26 23:18
com214111: 感謝翻譯!!! 02/26 23:56
aegis43210: 大雨神真的是完美防守的模板,zest還差他一些 02/27 00:00
sing129: ZEST是穩,和大雨神的完美防守加多線騷擾還有段距離 02/27 00:10
ace0824: 雨神剛出來打爆巔峰太假真的太震撼了 02/27 00:14
Mariah: 感謝翻譯 02/27 00:48
tasin: 我想大家對自由或蟲心神族的印象 Rain是最完美執行的人了XD 02/27 10:04
tasin: 防守防守防守 02/27 10:04
Pony5566: 所以Rain是趁勢退休 虛空跟他meta不合 02/27 10:06
JokerRF: 推翻譯 02/27 11:27
turningright: 推翻譯 辛苦了 02/27 12:19
Tainann: 大哥辛苦了 02/27 13:28
chocodo: 雖然說重點在騷擾 02/27 13:39
chocodo: 但後期蟲族的騷擾手段到底有哪些? 02/27 13:39
tsai150105: 百生(唉? 02/27 13:48
purplecake: Artosis這篇不討論平衡性XD 02/27 13:50
purplecake: 或許飛螳、狗、蟲洞?XD 02/27 13:53
chocodo: 我也不是在戰平衡 02/27 13:58
chocodo: 只是我現在真的不知道該怎麼做騷擾艸 02/27 13:58
purplecake: 埋地蟑螂應該也是不錯的選項 02/27 13:59
kira925: 飛龍、狗、蟲洞、腐飛、丟蛋、埋地蟑螂、空投毒爆 02/27 14:00
APM99: 空投大牛 02/27 16:10