看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://bnetdocs.org/news/118/starcraft-patch-1-17-0-pre-release (teamliquid) http://0rz.tw/Cnrdt (百度貼吧) http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4687241582 Starcraft and Brood War Patch Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - patch 1.17.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specific Changes & Improvements - Increased turn rate to lower unit response times over Battle.net gameplay - Fixed palette issues to correct "rainbow water" and other graphic artifacts - Fixed text artifacting in the Battle.net menus - First client run will migrate saves to avoid issues from Windows system admin changes Known Issues - Mac is not supported this patch, but is in progress 看來是有修了繪圖上的bug (本來水常常會醜醜的) 第一點宣稱可以降低bnet上的latency? "increased turn rate"意義不明... 已經可以從blizzard的ftp上面抓到更新安裝檔 不過伺服器"還沒實裝", 所以先更新的反而會上不去~ -- AaronSWAT was eliminated. AaronSWAT: gg AaronSWAT has left the game. 近水樓臺: gg -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1469735805.A.5E9.html
ckenken: 真意外,居然還有在 update 一代,我以為早就不維護了 07/29 13:03
squall9510: 可以降低bnet latency但是官方伺服器還沒實裝....... 07/29 14:03
RIFF: SC1是文化 SC2是商品 07/29 14:20
terranhardy: ...... 07/29 18:46
jkidd: 佛心 雖然想要有自動搜尋相近對手的patch檔 不過不可能 07/29 18:51
askagod: aronswat 好久不見 07/29 19:26
AaronSWAT: 好久不見~ 是aaron啦... 07/29 23:26
jObiG: 推SC1 08/09 15:14
icycandle: 居然!終於不用在為了SC1裝XP了! 08/26 22:10