看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
主要翻關於平衡的地方,剩下的就不翻了 小弟渣翻,請見諒 http://us.battle.net/forums/en/sc2/topic/20752415679 Balance changes during the off-season In order to get more testing done, we’d like to change up how we do patches just for this off-season. Instead of putting every balance change through the balance test map process, we’ll decide on a case-by-case basis. We’ll try to push out smaller or more known changes to the live game quickly, but we’ ll still test the larger or less certain changes on the test map before going live. After going through both the community and pro feedback since the release of the patch, we’re thinking to push out these two changes rather soon: 休賽期間的平衡變化 為了做更多的測試,我們想改變我們如何為這個淡季做補丁。不是通過平衡測試地圖反應 過程來改變每個平衡,我們將根據具體情況做出決定。我們會盡快推出更小或更多已知的 變化,但是我們仍然會在測試地圖上測試更大或更小的某些改變。 自發布補丁後,經過社區和專業反饋,我們正在考慮盡快推出這兩個更改: Revert Cyclone range upgrade Pro players have pointed out that they were dealing with the early game Cyclone all-ins toward the end of the testing phase right before this nerf went out, so we’d like to try reverting this change and go from there. We hear the concerns that early range can be problematic in TvT in particular, but because players were already finding solutions to some cases, we think this could use more testing. Defending against new threats often takes longer to learn than executing attacks, so we can come to a better conclusion in a couple weeks. 恢復導彈車範圍升級 職業玩家已經指出,他們正在處理反制早期導彈車的辦法,直到測試階段結束,在這個削 弱出來之前,所以我們想嘗試恢復這個變化,並從那裡。我們聽到的擔憂,早期範圍可能 有問題,特別是在TvT,但因為玩家已經找到解決方案的一些情況,我們認為這可以使用 更多的測試。防禦新的威脅通常比執行攻擊需要更長的時間來學習,因此我們可以在幾個 星期後得出更好的結論。 Colossus +light damage (current thinking is 12 +4 light) We agree that with the mid/late game buffs to Zerg, Protoss looks to be struggling at those stages. This change would help against players going heavy Hydralisks. And with the Cyclone nerf being reverted, this change will help in PvT as we’ve seen bio was very strong in combination with heavy Cyclone usage before the upgrade change. We do hear concerns that this could either bring back the colossus-dominated metagame of HotS, or make bio too weak overall in PvT. We will be watchful going forward to ensure this does not become the case. 巨像增加對輕甲傷害(目前想法是12 +4對輕甲) 我們同意,對於Z的中/後場比賽,P看起來在這些時段苦鬥著。這個變化將有助於對抗大 量刺蛇。隨著導彈車射程恢復,這種變化將有助於PvT,因為我們已經看到,在升級變化 之前,生化與強大的導彈車使用相結合是非常厲害的。我們確實聽到這樣的擔憂,這可能 會帶巨像回到HotS的核心地位,或使生化部隊太弱在PvT。我們會保持警惕,以確保不會 出現這種情況。 Viper The other main thing currently on the list is Viper strength vs. mech play. We ’d like to discuss a couple possibilities: nerfing the duration of Blinding Cloud vs. reducing the range of Abduct. Please give us your thoughts in this area. 飛蛇 目前列表中的另一個主要的東西是飛蛇的強度在與機械化的對抗之中。我們想討論一下幾 種可能性:解決霧的持續時間和減少劫持的範圍。請給我們你在這方面的想法。 Demotions on ladder this season There was some discussion/confusion regarding demotions at the start of this season so we wanted to provide some clarification. Last season was the first time that we bootstrapped your off-races to the MMR of your main race due to the introduction of separate MMR per race. This potentially caused players to rank higher than their actual skill level on their off-races. At the start of this season, the boundaries automatically adjusted to the correct values, so many players at the higher levels of the ladder were seeing lower ranks than they did toward the end of last season. We expect player rankings to continue becoming more accurate over time. 是關於這季天梯mmr的解釋,就不翻了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1480782426.A.6C1.html
sing129: 巨象12+4是要TZ怎麼打啊 別搞笑了好嗎 12/04 00:55
RaRaYA: 請教為什麼導彈車距離升級對TVT影響很嚴重@@? 12/04 01:18
warlord: 科科 果然p不buff 大維京渾身不自在 12/04 01:23
Aksky: 我也不確定6格射程的導彈車為啥在tvt影響很大,大維京就這 12/04 01:29
Aksky: 寫的... 12/04 01:30
icelaw: 巨象12+4看不懂 是攻擊距離變12 與 攻擊力+4嗎 12/04 01:47
Aksky: 原本傷害12變成12(+4對輕甲) 12/04 02:07
kevin50263: 飛蟒躺著也中槍 12/04 03:00
sing129: 導彈車射程對一開始的死神火車互拚其實影響算大 12/04 10:59
sing129: 因為現在導彈車速度只跟追獵一樣 所以射程就更顯得重要 12/04 10:59
hyk32166: 傻傻的 飛蛇那邊大味精用對抗機械化去吸引你的注意力 12/04 11:22
hyk32166: 其實是要趁機buff P的無敵艦隊 12/04 11:23
warlord: 飛蟒會被反饋的 刷刷刷刷就沒了 才50mp 還可以放閃電 12/04 11:28
icelaw: 加4輕甲影響很大 不如AOE的範圍增加30% 12/04 13:45
icelaw: 或巨象射程+2 就好了 12/04 13:46
sing129: 巨象射程+2都比大龍還遠了...... 12/04 14:24
bbbyy: 巨象還改強都給P玩就好 12/04 14:54
threecave: 虛空初期:TZ"P"玩家認為教士imba,大維京重砍輕甲-1 12/04 15:19
threecave: 小改版:P依舊晉級,大維京PvZ處於弱勢巨像+4合理改動 12/04 15:25
threecave: 神族玩家:T無腦海死神要怎麼輸 12/04 15:29
icelaw: 巨象改弱後 少人出 變弱勢兵種! 大衛晶想增加巨象出場機 12/04 17:03
icelaw: 會就buff 巨象 12/04 17:03
icelaw: 改強也沒差 只要一直飛螳或一架女妖 照樣打贏十隻巨象 12/04 17:10
warlord: 巨象最imba的不是攻擊力 而是限制對手的兵種 z腐飛t維京 12/04 19:17
warlord: 都是出多出少都悲劇 12/04 19:17
warlord: 相對p兵種萬用多了 白球閃電虛空可以對空又對地 12/04 19:19
hardyuse: 萬能種族不意外 12/04 22:03
WASIJLA: QQ 12/04 22:59
icelaw: 那都是以前的事了 現在有70坦克+解放者 巨象根本被反壓制 12/04 23:56
icelaw: 好嗎 12/04 23:56
SuperJGL: z打巨象出腐化??? 難怪p imba 12/04 23:58
icelaw: 距離輸坦克 威力也大輸 還只能對地 解放架一架 後面再架 12/05 00:00
icelaw: 給台坦克 巨象根本進不去 12/05 00:00
Adonisy: 現在各種無敵艦隊啊... 12/05 00:51
sing129: 怎麼有人講的現在打巨象不用出維京一樣 12/05 11:51
allen196522: 疑 出坦克神族不會改出不朽嗎 12/05 13:55
icelaw: 坦克對地70 現在不朽衝不過坦克陣吧 12/05 16:49
icelaw: 又不像以前有減商護盾 新增的高防也被大砍 12/05 16:50
HasStorM: IA 6600MMR 12/06 12:05
dululu: has一定也有6600 12/06 15:26
HasStorM: 有6200就要偷笑了 12/06 17:55