看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://us.battle.net/forums/en/sc2/topic/20752288271 先附上懶人包 1.巨象改動取消 2.刺蛇射程升級移除,初始攻擊範圍改回6 3.刺蛇會看情況加強,看是降低成本或血量(意思是有可能也不加強) 4.暴風艦技能移除,對地攻擊距離提升至10並加強對地攻擊力 5.不朽護盾改為被動技能(不可手動操作),降低其技能冷卻 6.減少飛蛇霧的時間 至於導彈車的改動大維京沒講,不確定會不會改,但確定這周補丁應該會上線 以下翻譯,主要翻平衡改動部分,大維京的客套話就不翻了 翻譯如有誤,請見諒 Hydralisk (and Colossus) We agree that upgrading the Colossi might not be the best idea, since the issue we're trying to solve is specifically with Hydralisk strength. Therefore, we agree with potentially reverting the Hydralisk range back to 6, and exploring a different option such as increasing the health of Hydralisks or decreasing their cost. So the direction here would be to first revert the range change, see how Hydralisks function, then discuss a buff where needed. 刺蛇(和巨象) 我們同意升級巨象可能不是最好的想法,因為我們試圖解決的問題是針對與刺蛇的抗衡上 。因此,我們同意可能地將刺蛇範圍恢復到6,並探索一個不同的選項,如增加刺蛇的血 量或降低牠們的成本。所以這裡的方向是首先恢復範圍變化,明白刺蛇的功能如何,然後 討論一個需要的buff。 Quantity of Protoss Abilities We also agree with the feedback regarding the number of abilities on the Protoss side, and we'd like to take steps improve it. The goal here isn't to solve everything at once, but to go in steps. 神族技能的數量 我們也同意關於在神族方面的技能的數目的反饋,我們想採取措施改善它。這裡的目標不 是一次性解決所有問題,而是逐步解決問題。 First, we could remove the Tempest's ability since it's not working out well. To compensate, we'd increase the AG range to 10 and also increase the AG damage so that the interaction with Tempests trying to kill ground units vs. ground units getting shots off on the Tempest is more interesting than it was in HotS. 首先,我們可以刪除風暴艦的能力,因為它不能很好地使用。為了補償,我們將AG的範圍 增加到10,並且增加AG的傷害,使風暴艦嘗試在試圖殺死地面單位與地面單位在攻擊風暴 艦的對抗中比在HotS中更有趣。 (*駐:ag = 對地攻擊) Second, we'd target a small change with the Immortal. We believe an active ability is definitely not needed on the Immortal. The change would remove the manual-cast from Barrier, turning it into a passive ability. This would make it so that the micro is focused more on positioning your units so the shield soaks up as much as possible and vulnerable immortals are rescued. We can reduce the cooldown of this ability to compensate and so that Protoss players can play more strategically with the Immortal. 第二,我們將目標設在給不朽者一個小變化。我們相信不朽者無疑地不需要主動技能。這 個改變將護盾移除可手動施放的能力,將其變成被動技能。這將使得微操更專注於定位你 的單位上,所以讓護盾盡可能多地吸收傷害和救出脆弱的不朽者。我們可以減少這種能力 的冷卻時間來補償,這樣,神族玩家可以用不朽者玩得更具戰略性。 Mech and Blinding Cloud We'd also like to first start with a reduction in Blinding Cloud duration to help out the Mech case in TvZ. We have gotten some feedback in this area and agree that because mobile units are mostly able to move out of Blinding Clouds asap anyways, this sort of a change will mostly only affect immobile units such as the Siege Tank. 機械化和障目毒霧 我們還想首先減少障目毒霧的持續時間,以幫助TvZ中的機械化。我們在這方面得到了一 些反饋,並同意,因為移動單位大多能夠移出障目毒霧外,這種變化將主要影響固定單位 ,如攻城坦克。 Patching Updates So what does this mean for this week's balance patch? We definitely can't release the patch tomorrow like we've planned, because we still want to take the time to double check these new changes with all of you, and also to test these changes further internally. We'll focus heavily on our end to gather feedback and to playtest today and tomorrow, and aim to patch later this week if both sides go smoothly. Let's get discussions going fast on these few topics today! Thank you! 這裡就不翻了,這段大意是說今、明2天要再繼續做遊戲測試並接收反饋,目標是在周末前補丁 上線。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1481014452.A.B92.html
sing129: 我覺得把手動盾移除很智障 讓某些高手自己開不是很好嗎 12/06 16:58
loadingN: 就要妳抓時間差啊 12/06 16:59
win4104: 怎麼覺得只是走了回頭路 然後蟲霧還莫名其妙中槍了 12/06 19:07
supereva: 刺蛇改回星海一那樣 就平衡了 還沒發現嗎 12/06 19:12
mentha39: 改成人口1嗎... 12/06 19:28
win4104: 削弱回一本 12/06 19:45
qoo74119: 回ㄧ本比較好 12/06 19:53
amos9520: 這版本到現在實在讓我覺得多此一舉 12/06 19:57
cxzqwer: 這樣不就又繞一圈回到原本的改動嗎... 12/06 20:08
felixmx1014: 大味精的智障平衡一向都是先很酷的亂改,才又歪七扭 12/06 20:10
felixmx1014: 八的改回原點,然後玩家跑光光 12/06 20:10
azeroth: 改回一代那種刺蛇 p就準備吃屎吧 12/06 20:38
acerow83: 改來改去 發現現在還比較正常..... 12/06 22:26
HasStorM: P這個拉G種族可以直接刪掉囉 12/06 22:32
a23002001: 樓上Has!何時還有比賽看啊 12/07 02:32
icelaw: 改來改去回到原點 莫名奇妙 12/07 11:50
mmmbop: 馬的又改回來 那是不是自己承認現有版本是坨屎 12/07 12:37
henryliao: z前期的對空又變回原樣了 誰幫我看大維京的腦還在不在 12/07 15:54
iio: 之前的平衡我隨口噴了大維京幾句就被水桶了 12/07 17:46
iio: 之後我就再也不論斷大味精了 12/07 17:47
Baneling: 蛇蛇要回板凳席了嗎? QQ 12/07 20:05
kirimaru73: 蛇蛇的SC2奮鬥史 手伸出來 打斷 手伸出來 打斷 xN 12/08 01:10
warlord: 真的很智障 誰把這傢伙給炒了 亂改一通 12/08 03:18