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※ 引述《HornyHorng (我不是好色龍)》之銘言: 部分恕刪 之前有閒聊過部分解說 大多都介於大師~宗師 單看上季天梯分數PiG是裡面最高的 PiG是目前國外鄉民最被看好的 另外聽說Tod正在狂練(?) : 被邀請的選手(賽評)有: : Yoan 'Tod' Merlo : Jared 'Pig' Krensel : Dan 'Artosis' Stemkoski : Kevin 'Rotterdam' van der Kooi : Geoff 'iNcontroL' Robinson : Pierre-Marie 'YoGo' Humeau : Graham 'Rifkin' Rogers : Jessica 'ZombieGrub' Chernega : Emil 'Emil' Wieczorek : Alexdanre 'Funka' Verrier : Ravi 'Feardragon' Pareek : Thibault 'Koka' Le Gall : Leigh 'Maynarde' Mandalov : Jonathon 'Wardi' Ward : TKL (法國賽評,沒情報) 目前歐服大師 : Imre (法國賽評,也是沒情報ww) 曾經天梯歐服宗師 目前大師 : http://i.imgur.com/XSDlZRf.jpg
不負責翻譯一些reddit鄉民的留言 鄉民A:巴奇咧 ? 他還在會收拾這群菜雞的。 原文:Damn, no moonglade? He would've rekt these nerds 巴奇 http://imgur.com/Vw9sQQu.jpg
鄉民B:巴奇還在嗎 ? 原文:Is moonglade still around? 鄉民C:前幾天才在天梯上遇過,現在是韓服大師1。 原文:I've hit him on ladder several times in the past few days. He's M1 on KR. (巴奇簡介:前war3職業選手、星海二職業選手,) 鄉民D:imre溪蝦郎 ? TL都查不到 原文:any info on imre? couldnt find any info on him on TL :( 鄉民E:他用人族很威。 原文:Nuit Blanche B-teamer, terran, quite salty, won the last Ogaming casters tournament (MoMan wasn't playing, Yogo and Funka were). 決賽中打贏Yogo 鄉民F:不用看了,總決賽就是PiGrotterdam 原文:PiG vs rotti in the finals I can almost guarantee 鄉民G:Maynarde這傢伙在美服有大師沒阿...? 原文:seems like PiG and Rotti are favorites... isn't Maynarde pretty high up on NA ladder? 鄉民H:Artosis他是這樣說的啦,他的麻吉都有保持宗師,我鍵盤猜測是韓服宗師啦。 原文:Artosis said in his dank shrine interview that tasteless keeps playing to maintain his Gm rank (I guess on kr) and also tries to qualify for gsl every season. 鄉民I:\Pig/\Pig/\Pig/ 嗯...不過rotterdam也很有機會啦 原文:I think Pig should win this but Rotti has a good chance! 鄉民J:YoGo也不錯啊,Funka也(曾)是隨機宗師 原文:Yogo is pretty good too. Funka was/is random GM irrc, so not bad either. 鄉民K:Emil也不錯~ 原文:Emil is pretty good too. 鄉民L:最好啦,我人類鑽石就屌虐他了 原文I'm pretty sure I've beaten Emil with my Terran offrace diamond. 鄉民M:別爭啦 Imre都會屌虐他們的啦 ( ′-`)y-~ 原文:Yep. But Imre is better than both. :D 鄉民J:喔,是喔。 原文:Ah ok, didn't know that. 鄉民M:上次Imre才贏過YoGo咧,讓好多人發現自己沒穿褲子。(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 原文:It is sort of a joke. Last time they did an Ogaming casters tournament, Imre, against all odds, won the damn thing and beat Yogo in the final match. 鄉民N、O、P:沒nathanias ? Nate呢? 還我Nate = = 原文:No Nate? 鄉民Q:沒果凍,就暴動。 原文:No Nathanias?! Riot nathanias本人回覆:付出太多,收穫太少,不打了。 原文:I really don't enjoy 1v1 the way I used to. Meta is pretty bleh atm I like this season's maps but I'm kinda tired of burning out on grinding insane ladder to maintain my skill. I would have done this a year ago but I have a lot of other things I'm working on now and most of my meme builds are dead on this map pool too so I'd have to play straight up (aka get shat on) 你有開燈嗎? 已聯絡ZombieGrub和Hui進行台美賽評bo3 不過要等6-7月 ZombieGrub 6-8月會待在韓國 敬請期待 開燈小福利 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1494347336.A.9A0.html
Anidream: 韓國幾個英文賽評都沒出現啊 05/10 03:59
HornyHorng: wolf, valdes 和 rapid都很多比賽要播吧 像是lol, ow 05/10 12:17
HornyHorng: 和英霸 05/10 12:17