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雖然這次WCS結束了,但真心令人意猶未盡啊...!!(看好幾次vod...) 只好隨機分享幾則TL論壇上網友們對這次比賽的想法吧! 來源:TL論壇 Serral defeats Has to win WCS Valencia 2018 https://bit.ly/2uBUAAx --- Serral won the tourny, Has won my fandom. Also why did they not use TaiWans flag in wcs for Has?? Serral贏得了冠軍 但我成功被Has圈粉了 還有 台灣的國旗去哪兒了? --- Has performance has gotten him an invite to GSL vs the World. It was a well deserved victory. Has這次WCS的表現使他選進GSL世界對抗賽 也是另一種他應得的勝利吧 --- Honestly most of it. One of the most hype and watchable tournaments in a long time, it earned its 60K viewers. Games 1 to 4 of Has vs Serral were properly amazing though, game 2 and 3 especially. 頗為認同 星海很久沒有出現觀賞性這麼強 又高潮迭起的比賽了 Twitch台高峰收看人數甚至到六萬 G1~G4都算精采 特別推薦G2和G3 --- Has was in some excellent positions, to say he threw might be a bit harsh but it's kind of surreal to think he could actually have beaten Serral in a bo7. The games were on the edge of a knife and it was extremely entertaining. Has最近狀態真的絕佳 雖然說他太早放棄掙扎聽起來刺耳些 但bo7憑實力要戰勝Serral是個不切實際的想法 他每一局的比賽不僅勝負難斷 還帶有絕對的娛樂性! --- As much as I like it when a player has some creative builds, Has' playstyle just feels like a series of relentlessly expected early game full-bore offensive "cheese", most of which is not even very creative (probe push through the minerals on Redshit notwithstanding), to which I watch solid players fall like "How could you possibly not see this coming? Where is your scouting?". It sucks the fun out of the game for me. I had fun watching Has for probably the first 2 series of his that I saw, way back in 2014, but now, I feel like I already get the same tired joke that he keeps repeating, and its long since stopped being entertaining. I feel like every game of his just drags both players through the muck and makes both him and the players look bad. It's ugly to watch. 儘管我喜歡看選手們創意的打法,但Has打法感覺就是各種被猜中的前期大招 而大部分都不算是他原創 (Redshift圖那招反向光炮不算)-->(見 Has vs.Nerchio G2) 看到頗有實力的選手中招後打出gg 原因只是 '你怎沒想到有這招?' 或是 '是你自己不探路的?' 這讓比賽變得無趣 回溯到2014年 Has的戰術看起來很新奇有趣 但看到今年我早就知道他又要大招了 好像聽很多遍的老梗笑話 也失去新鮮感了 他貌似有一種能力 每一場比賽都有辦法使自己和對手的實力水準降低許多 這讓人很難看下去 --- Serral did what was expected. But Has was the real mvp for making the tournament fun. I don't think I'd have watched much past the ro16 if not for him. It's a shame he made a couple mistakes in the final, because that series was winnable at time. Serral的表現符合預期 但Has絕對是把星海比賽變得好看的MVP 如果不是因為他 從16強以來的比賽我可能不會看 可惜他因為一些失誤輸了決賽 因為整個系列賽來看是有機會贏的 --- I feel that if Has simply was consistent in cheesing , he would have made it to the finals much easier. Just cannon rush the zergs third, not only the natural. Cannon rush Showtimes new nexus etc. He definitely threw a lot of games. He tapped out with Serral when corruptors reached his 2 nexai , instead he should have warped a bunch of stalkers at each one and sniped 5 corruptors, he had like 9+ gates ... He would be Ok even if they destroyed the nexai. So if he could improve , he will be terrifying. 我倒覺得當初Has堅持一路放大招的話 會更容易打進決賽 例如對上蟲族 光炮只放了二礦 應該還要放三礦 還有對上ShowTime光炮棄主礦後 卻沒有放光炮在他的新礦 等等 (G4)當Serral的腐飛攻擊他兩個分礦時 他太早跳了 如果刷波追獵吃掉那五條腐化 當時好像有九個兵營啦... 即使分礦掉了都還能打啊 總之Has繼續進步下去的話 會是個恐怖的選手 --- Good writeup but it doesn't really convey the phenomenal level of play that Has was showing. Sure, not enough to beat Serral, but the execution, micro, and for the most part the decisionmaking were all incredibly impressive. (原文)寫得好 但未能抓到has精美打法的精隨 雖然Has未能打敗Serral 但是他的執行力,微操和最重要的決策力 都令人印象深刻. --- 雖然存在些批評 大部分觀眾對has這次表現評價都很不錯 觀賞性高! 恭喜Has這次WCS~希望下一階段比賽 你繼續加油 為台爭光! 翻譯有誤歡迎指正討論XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1531757342.A.D62.html
rodney228: 對HAS最多的批評大多來自大招吧,畢竟很多場都是大招式 07/17 00:28
rodney228: 開局。 不過真的不少人不在乎好看與否,單純討厭大招 07/17 00:29
wiki2548: 感謝翻譯 07/17 00:30
rodney228: 當時剛結束比賽,beastyqt開P打說被激勵了,但是有說 07/17 00:31
rodney228: 他絕對不放cannon rush,那是無恥的打法 07/17 00:31
giraffegood: Showtime那場追獵已經出來了 基本上放不到光砲 而且 07/17 01:25
giraffegood: 他也有去尋 07/17 01:25
giraffegood: 討厭大招的都一定是被搞到很不爽的玩家啊XDD 07/17 01:26
itsdelovely: 推! 07/17 01:57
syldsk: 應該出一個賽制是匿名大亂鬥好幾天最後一天看積分哈哈 07/17 01:58
stark: has比以往更多了戰略上的成長(也就是常說的大局觀),往常會 07/17 02:38
stark: 執著於各種戰術,往往招放得好卻輸了比賽;這次詭計不再暗,轉 07/17 02:38
stark: 為詭計為表,隱藏在背後才是真的戰略.這摸不透才是讓敵人畏 07/17 02:38
stark: 懼的王牌;後三場都是有機會打贏的,加強細節,好好堅持 07/17 02:39
※ 編輯: positMIT (, 07/17/2018 04:22:30
crazyjack28: http://i.imgur.com/pEkQAYt.png XD 這個好好笑 07/17 08:29
ikcter: 斧王曾經的心聲:https://imgur.com/AfLVtLq 07/17 11:34
positMIT: XD 07/17 11:54
z1288: 能贏才是重點啊...能夠一路打到冠亞軍才是有人看 07/17 12:34
Sechslee: 推推 07/17 13:12
Anidream: 嗯, Kelazhur 異軍崛起 07/17 19:18
godblessgogp: Beasty自己也很常放光炮,好意思說別人 07/18 08:58