看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如同去年,轉錄一下選手這次對於WCS的一些推文 Joona Sotala @ENCE_Serral Im going to California! Some mistakes were surely made but enough in the end #EZ4ENCE 我將前往加州(Blizzcon)!犯了一些錯但還是順利過關 #EZ4ENCE LamboSC2 @LamboSC2 回覆 @ENCE_Serral 山羊GIF(意即GOAT:Greatest of All Time 史上最佳) ----------------------------- GO_Reynor @GO_Reynor Playing vs hero very soon quite confident to be honest hope i can deliver :P 待會就要打hero了,說實話蠻有信心的 希望我可以獲勝:P Very happy that I managed to advance time for ro8 let’s gooo!!!! 很高興能夠晉級到8強,衝啊!!!! ----------------------------- juan carlos tena @SpeCialsc2 I didnt lose cuz balance i lost cuz skill im noob see you guys next tournamet. I will be better 我不是因為平衡輸的,我輸是因為技術不好,我超爛,大家下次見。我會變得更強 if we can make 6/6 zergs wonder if risky still gonna say just the most talenented players are zerg and overspeed wasnt a big buff 如果最後6個蟲族全部晉級,我在想Risky(英國蟲族玩家)還會不會說剛好世界上最有天 賦的人都玩蟲族,而且王蟲提速完全不是一個大的Buff。 Boys! Stop hating. Yes, there are 6 zergs out of 8 places. But this is not about balance, but about especially talented people tending to choose zerg. I know it’s hard to accept, but don’t blame Blizzard or the balance team. The more zergs in Blizzcon, the more talent. It’s good: 大家!別在抱怨了。對,八強6個蟲族,但這跟平衡無關,只是天才都選擇蟲族。我知道這 很難接受,但不要譴責暴雪或平衡團隊。越多蟲族去Blizzcon,代表我們可以看到更多強 者。非常好: (以上推特是在Elazer淘汰前發,有夠酸XD) ----------------------------- Tobias Sieber @ShoWTimESC2 Totally winnable match. Last game could have been mine if I didn't miss the nydus in the main. This series was proper triggering though not gonna lie. Trying to calm down now and prepare for losers match. 完全是一場可以贏的比賽。最後一場比賽如果有偵查到主礦的蟲洞,我絕對可以拿下。說 實話,這一系列比賽真的影響到了心情。現在試著冷靜下來面對敗者組比賽。 Well I tried... Didn't play too well vs soO, especially the last game was pretty terrible but after almost 10h not that suprising I guess. Will get them next time! 試過了...打 soO 沒有表現得很好,尤其最後一場實在很糟糕,但經過將近10小時的戰鬥 ,已經沒那麼意外了。下次會打敗他們! Btw since ive seen a lot of balance comments about sh/nydus: I think it is too strong and insanely stupid to play against but it is possible to deal with. I usually do much better vs it but I scouted it too late always. 看到很多人討論百生獸和蟲洞,我的想法是:這兩個東西太強大也太智障,但的確有辦法 處理。我通常可以應付得更好,但往往太晚偵查到。 Also important to keep the oracles alive so you can deny the first 1-2 nydus at least and then it is much more managable. Risk/reward is just really silly though for the zerg. 另外,讓先知能活著也很重要,這樣才能夠至少阻止前1、2個蟲洞,才可以往後拖。蟲族 風險和回報的比例已經失衡到太蠢了。 ----------------------------- Mikoj Ogonowski @ElazerSC2 So that's it for me at Blizzcon. Now going to focus on nationwars, hopefully we can do a good result there atleast. 我的Blizzcon之旅就這樣結束了。接下來專注在國家盃比賽,希望我們能夠有好結果。 Big thanks for everybody who supported me during this event. Really tried my best to prepare well, but games vs trap became a bit too chaotic for me. Maybe I need to go to korea practice some more vs those guys 感謝所有在這次活動支持我的每個人。已經盡最大努力做準備,但跟 Trap 的比賽我打得 太亂了。也許我需要去韓國和這些人多切磋一下。 ----------------------------- Biggest of Gabes @mouzHeroMarine Starting my #WCS Global Finals group in about an hour. Difficult task ahead of me but no pressure on my side, upsets can definitely happen. 一小時內即將開始我的WCS全球總決賽小組賽。對我來說這次是困難的一戰,但也沒什麼壓 力,下剋上也是會發生的。 If I can't beat them ingame I will simply crush them with my ernosmously big magnitude in real life. 如果不能在遊戲內打爆他們,那我一定在現實生活中盡我最大可能把他們打爆。 First win on the board! Gave it all after going down 0-2, managed to get 3 wins in a row and now I am in the Winners Match. It isn't going to be easier but I have two chances from now on #WCS Also, Big Gabe isn't just a meme, it's reality 第一勝取得!在 0-2 之後背水一戰,最後拿下3連勝,現在我晉級到勝者組。接下來只會 更艱難,但我還有兩次晉級的機會。 同時,Big Gabe 也不僅是個梗,他是真實存在的 (參考:https://reurl.cc/Na45W6) The only thing bigger than Big Gabe is the power of Zerg, looking forward to the Deciders Match, congrats to Reynor #WCS 唯一比 Big Gabe 還更巨大的東西是蟲群之力,將前往決定戰,恭喜 Reynor。 Lost in the Deciders Match as well, not too upset with my result as I was the complete underdog. First big offline win vs a Korean Protoss this year shows some more progress in my play, maybe next time I can win twice 決定戰也輸了,對於這次的結果沒有太失望,畢竟我在這組沒被看好。今年第一次在線下 賽擊敗韓國神族,顯示我正在進步,也許下次可以贏兩場。 ----------------------------- Special 超酸XDDDDDD 另外,去年畫選手頭像的畫師今年也有在畫選手圖,可以到他的推特去看 https://twitter.com/nicolaschaussoi -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1572313589.A.2E4.html
miniric: 關於special裡面講到的risky並不是風險,是一位蟲族玩家 10/29 09:58
cain1187: 哦哦 原來如此XD 我剛剛還想說他到底在公三小 10/29 10:02
cain1187: 這樣說就合理了,剛剛沒往這方面想,感謝 10/29 10:02
※ 編輯: cain1187 ( 臺灣), 10/29/2019 10:04:04
miniric: 翻譯是,如果有六名蟲族進入八強,我懷疑risky還會不會說 10/29 10:03
miniric: (下略 10/29 10:03
miniric: risk/reward翻性價比其實不是太精確。 10/29 10:12
miniric: 原發言者想抱怨的應該是此單位破壞防守者優勢,而不是抱 10/29 10:12
miniric: 怨建造成本低廉。 10/29 10:12
miniric: 中文沒對應字時也可考慮直翻風險回報比。 10/29 10:12
miniric: 不過翻性價比也還算通順能理解 10/29 10:14
cain1187: 好的 謝謝,等等改 10/29 10:21
※ 編輯: cain1187 ( 臺灣), 10/29/2019 10:32:09
wiki2548: 犯了一些錯(6:0)不愧是追求完美的選手 10/29 11:40
WINCH: special 別說笑了憑他的實力跟操作16強剛剛好 10/29 11:53
qoo60606: special根本高級z黑XD 10/29 14:08
AzureRush: 狂鞭risky 笑死 10/29 14:09
allen196522: 裝逼馬路 遇到蟲族都得掛 10/29 14:15
semiacicada: Special前年可是靠操作跟戰術打到4強才輸給無敵SoO 10/29 14:44
homelife: upsets can definitely happen 應該是要翻成: 10/29 15:01
homelife: "令人意外的結果一定是有可能發生的" 比較正確? 10/29 15:02
homelife: upsets這個詞在星海比賽裡 意思通常不會翻成令人沮喪 10/29 15:03
homelife: 因為HeroMarine在那組不被看好,所以他這樣說的意思是 10/29 15:04
homelife: 他還是有可能可以勝出的 10/29 15:04
purplecake: upsets就是下克上啊 10/29 15:35
WINCH: 人家soo幾乎都不出感染還是蟒死他 沒打贏神族自己沒把握機 10/29 16:03
WINCH: 會HM都打的比他好看 10/29 16:03
※ 編輯: cain1187 ( 臺灣), 10/29/2019 16:42:47
itsdelovely: special真的好酸XDD 記得有看到平衡組回覆他 10/29 17:09
clamperni: 贏定了 10/29 22:34