看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
比賽時間:11/27 20:00 (台灣時間) 賽事資訊https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Assembly_Online/2020 直播網址https://www.twitch.tv/rogtournament Day1 11/27(五) 22:00 Group A 積分 獎金 01:00 Group B 1st 250 6,000 Day2 11/28(六) 22:00 Group C 2nd 180 3,000 01:00 Group D 3rd-4th 125 1,500 Day3 11/29(日) 20:00 Ro8 5th-8th 75 750 01:00 Ro4 9th-12th 50 無 04:00 Finals 13th-16th 25 價 小組賽Bo5雙敗淘汰 Ro8~Ro4 Bo5 決賽 Bo7 11/27 22:00 11/28 01:00 11/28 22:00 11/29 01:00 Group A Group B Group C Group D Rogue 2-0 6-2 Reynor 2-1 8-5 Maru 0-0 0-0 Serral 0-0 0-0 SpeCial 0-2 3-6 Stats 1-2 5-6 Clem 0-0 0-0 INnoVation 0-0 0-0 Parting 2-1 8-4 Neeb 0-2 1-6 Solar 0-0 0-0 ShoWTimE 0-0 0-0 MaxPax 0-2 3-6 ByuN 2-0 6-3 Harstem 0-0 0-0 DonRaeGu 0-0 0-0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group A Match 1 Rogue 3:0 MaxPax 1. Rogue > MaxPax @ Romanticide 2. Rogue > MaxPax @ Oxide 3. Rogue > MaxPax @ Deathaura Group A Match 2 SpeCial 1:3 Parting 1. SpeCial < Parting @ Pillars of Gold 2. SpeCial > Parting @ Romanticide 3. SpeCial < Parting @ Lightshade 4. SpeCial < Parting @ Deathaura ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group A Match 3 勝者組 Rogue 3:2 Parting 1. Rogue < Parting @ Pillars of Gold 2. Rogue < Parting @ Oxide 3. Rogue > Parting @ Romanticide 4. Rogue > Parting @ Jagannatha 5. Rogue > Parting @ Deathaura Group A Match 4 敗者組 MaxPax 3:2 SpeCial 1. MaxPax < SpeCial @ Submarine 2. MaxPax > SpeCial @ Deathaura 3. MaxPax > SpeCial @ Romanticide 4. MaxPax < SpeCial @ Oxide 5. MaxPax > SpeCial @ Lightshade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group A Match 5 最終戰 Parting 3:0 MaxPax 1. Parting > MaxPax @ Pillars of Gold 2. Parting > MaxPax @ Deathaura 3. Parting > MaxPax @ Oxide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group B Match 1 Reynor 0:0 ByuN 1. Reynor < ByuN @ Lightshade 2. Reynor > ByuN @ Submarine 3. Reynor > ByuN @ Romanticide 4. Reynor < ByuN @ Deathaura 5. Reynor > ByuN @ Pillars of Gold Group B Match 2 Stats 3:0 Neeb 1. Stats > Neeb @ Lightshade 2. Stats > Neeb @ Romanticide 3. Stats > Neeb @ Deathaura ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group B Match 3 勝者組 ByuN 3:1 Stats 1. ByuN > Stats @ Deathaura 2. ByuN > Stats @ Pillars of Gold 3. ByuN < Stats @ Romanticide 4. ByuN > Stats @ Oxide Group B Match 4 敗者組 Reynor 3:1 Neeb 1. Reynor > Neeb @ Jagannatha 2. Reynor < Neeb @ Pillars of Gold 3. Reynor > Neeb @ Oxide 4. Reynor > Neeb @ Lightshade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group B Match 5 最終戰 Stats 1:3 Reynor 1. Stats > Reynor @ Pillars of Gold 2. Stats < Reynor @ Submarine 3. Stats < Reynor @ Romanticide 4. Stats < Reynor @ Jagannatha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 作者 gn02064109 (插頭) 看板 StarCraft 標題 [聯賽] 2020 ASUS ROG Online Day1 時間 Sat Nov 28 00:31:17 2020 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1606494680.A.CD4.html
kh942137: 這裡好冷清QQ很精彩的比賽說 11/28 02:08
tonyshao5236: 只有討論花絮才多人,真慘 11/28 03:08
stillmark: Byun vs Reynor...這多線... 11/28 03:44
Ryan10: neeb和stats感覺都會卡 各種被炸XD 11/28 04:24
cxzqwer: stats實在太穩定了 很難找到空隙 11/28 04:50
cxzqwer: 炸好炸滿 11/28 04:53
tinox: 雷諾會不會出不了線...呢 11/28 06:21
ForeverFun: 一早起來還在打 太猛啦 11/28 07:53
savelany: 選手觀眾都得死的賽制XD 11/28 08:39
com214111: 推~~ 11/28 09:01
eternalviva: Stats打到一半差點睡著 11/28 12:48
a9cb82173d: 雙敗bo5超血尿 11/28 13:01
mscmobitai: 神族沒戲了 剩下都雜魚 11/28 13:03
egnaro123: byun! 11/28 15:37
※ 編輯: gn02064109 ( 臺灣), 11/28/2020 16:45:33
confucamus: stats QQ 11/28 17:31
barry00561: 昨天看避孕第二盤那麼大優勢都輸了 應該涼了 沒想到 11/28 20:34
barry00561: 還是贏雷諾!! 11/28 20:34
WANG122122: byun太強了 11/28 22:34