看板 Statistics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[軟體程式類別]: 請填入軟體程式類別,例如:SAS、SPSS、AMOS、R、STATA、EVIEWS...等 SAS [程式問題]: 資料處理、迴歸、敘述統計、logistic、probit...等 資料處理 [軟體熟悉度]: 請把以下不需要的部份刪除 熟悉 [問題敘述]: 大家好 不好意思想請教一題 SAS 考試的題目: The SAS data set WORK.TEST has an index on the variable ID and the following SAS program is submitted. data WORK.TEST; set WORK.TEST( keep=ID Var_1 Var_2 rename=(ID=ID_Code); Total=sum(Var_1 Var_2); run; Which describes the result of submitting the SAS program? A. The index on ID is deleted. B. The index on ID is updated as an index on ID_Code. C. The index on ID is deleted and an index on ID_Code is created. D. The index on ID is recreated as an index on ID_Code. 答案是A 我兩次都選C 不知道有沒有版友知道為什麼選A呢 謝謝大家! -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Statistics/M.1544285014.A.3B5.html