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前天付8.1鎂購入四人包,今天收到7份追加,與板友分享。 Hammerwatch Daily Bundle Gift Key https://humblebundle.com/s?gift=TdWE6bzTFfzrAqrm Gift a copy of the Hammerwatch Daily Bundle by sharing the link above! Hammerwatch Daily Bundle Gift Key https://humblebundle.com/s?gift=NdbVXtZsdwKRxfDC Gift a copy of the Hammerwatch Daily Bundle by sharing the link above! Hammerwatch Daily Bundle Gift Key https://humblebundle.com/s?gift=AnvBRSmakU3tCAwT Gift a copy of the Hammerwatch Daily Bundle by sharing the link above! Hammerwatch Daily Bundle Gift Key https://humblebundle.com/s?gift=kcZTaBEkvYxGGhR4 Gift a copy of the Hammerwatch Daily Bundle by sharing the link above! Hammerwatch Daily Bundle Gift Key https://humblebundle.com/s?gift=5mN8a2Ndf5YPXYHr Gift a copy of the Hammerwatch Daily Bundle by sharing the link above! Hammerwatch Daily Bundle Gift Key https://humblebundle.com/s?gift=dBEV5Sx2NZCa4Zbu Gift a copy of the Hammerwatch Daily Bundle by sharing the link above! Hammerwatch Daily Bundle Gift Key https://humblebundle.com/s?gift=5MqPsrvvGfBx52MM Gift a copy of the Hammerwatch Daily Bundle by sharing the link above! ※ 引述《ctes940008 (ctes)》之銘言: : 來源:http://steamcn.com/t104461-5-1 : 來源:http://guild.gamer.com.tw/singleACMsg.php?sn=18968815&gsn=786 : HB的FB:https://www.facebook.com/humblebundle/posts/714759945233979 : 聽說額外送了四個啊~~~ : 所以總共八個~~~ : 版上要大贈送了嗎XDDD : 我不知道是買1.99刀一包送七包 : 還是8刀4包送4包 : 請cokelon查證一下 : 我覺得FB的留言很中肯啊XDD : 「Fenriswolf Hellsing :if they have to pay every bundle/game is shit. And if : it's for free everybody is suddenly like:oh, much want, need, gift me i am too : poor to pay a few dollars for a game-.-」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1400639251.A.0ED.html
Illus:推 05/21 10:29
flameDH:第四份已領 感謝好心原PO<(_ _)> 05/21 10:30
dickec35:最後一份已領,非常感謝! 05/21 10:30
cokelon:都沒了QQ 還是感謝 05/21 10:30
clhsieh:kcZTaBEkvYxGGhR4這組已領取 感謝 05/21 10:31
yurenwong:倒數第二組已領,十分感謝分享 05/21 10:32
Illus:借文徵人玩survival XD 05/21 10:33
viseal:推佛心~ 可惜沒領到 XDD 05/21 11:35
howar31:全都沒了QAQ 05/21 11:43
Otaval:沒領到QwQ 05/21 11:54
gurodingli:推 05/21 12:02
email5666:佛 05/21 12:09
womandrift:email在我上面>/////< 05/21 12:15
LIONDODO:email怎麼也會來steam版?! 05/21 12:19
viseal:他是五六六六不是五五六六阿 05/21 12:20
KaiJii:好像的偽物 XD 05/21 12:20
CryMasK:XDDD 05/21 12:22
victor21813:XDDDDD爆點出現 假email 05/21 12:25
LIONDODO:OH我玻璃般小小易碎的心都受傷惹 05/21 13:05
email5666:我愛大家 也愛email 05/21 15:52
hot4321:佛心 05/21 16:08
atnona:推好人 05/21 16:15
ctes940008:email5666是哪招啊~~ 05/21 16:16
wyiwyi:推推 05/21 16:34
kaoru7568:隔壁安卓板還有個eamil5566 05/21 17:56
L0v35:兩組 Wrz7YEuCeM2sCbZK xKUHyGGZAMfnkp3B 05/21 21:22
cokelon:感謝L0v35大 後面那組已拿 05/21 21:25
kodato:感謝L0v35,第一個已取 05/21 21:30