看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這更新將會在台灣時間 2/5晚上11點 預計4小時 This will include a full server wipe and only allow for one character per server after the patch. 這次更新會有伺服器重製,會把所有腳色刪掉還有建築,車子,箱子....等所有東西清除 且此次更新後每個伺服器將只能創造一支腳色,不能再有分身 Release Notes 更新資訊 Sitting will cancel auto-run. X坐下將會取消自動跑步 Fixed a bug where players can interrupt equip actions too quickly. 修正玩家會太快中斷道具互動的bug Fixed an issue where ammo count could become incorrect if you interrupt a reload action. 修正槍枝裝彈後數字顯示錯誤的bug Objects making noise above or below you in a multi-story building will now be properly attenuated. 在多層建築物內的走動音效會更真實呈現 (有人在樓上樓下發出聲音的話) Added slight zoom to all guns and bows in Iron Sight mode. 放大一點點槍枝和弓箭在第一人稱右鍵瞄準時的可視範圍 Lowered sway on .308 rifle while in scoped mode. 降低狙擊獵槍開瞄準鏡的搖晃度 Fixed an issue with hydration burning too fast when stamina was full. 修正體力全滿時口渴度掉很快的問題 Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause oddities on SLI setups 修正SLI設定偶爾會有小狀況的bug (SLI好像是指使用兩張顯卡以上的意思) Dropping an item from a world container places it at the players feet instead of the world container origin. The latter would hide it in the world container model. 從箱子點右鍵丟東西(drop)的時候改為東西會出現在玩家腳下 之前是直接落在箱子的正下方然後就被擋住看不到了 Vehicle stability adjustments – angular damping, moment of inertia, center of mass, tire friction and steering range tuning on the OffRoader, PickupTruck and PoliceCar. 調整載具穩定度:轉向阻力,慣性,重心,摩擦力,旋轉半徑 三種車都調整:越野車,卡車,警車 Working on getting the vehicles to be more stable and less likely to abruptly roll or flip (this will still be possible on rocks, rough terrain, and player placed objects) but trying to make them more fun and survivable. 針對車輛的旋轉和翻覆做處理讓車子更穩定 (X剛的心聲我們聽到了!!) 但是如果碰到石頭、不平穩的山丘、玩家蓋的東西(兔子陷阱、箱子等)還是會有機會翻覆 Fixed /respawn on PvE servers. 修正PvE伺服器的重生功能 Fixed self-damage on PvE servers; the players may be the source of damage to themselves without mitigation. 修正PvE自損的傷害,玩家自損的傷害將不會減傷 (這應該是指摔落的損傷吧,可能和PvP不同的是在PvE受到的各種損傷會有減傷 我沒有在玩PvE不太清楚) Made players names reusable across servers. Names on each server must still be unique. 玩家在不同伺服器可以使用同樣的名子了,但是同伺服器一樣不能有同名的 (就是你要取Friendly的要快點取,被別人取走就不能取了) Battle Royale: Cleaned up gas after matches. BR模式:毒氣bug第三次修正 XD Battle Royale: gas damage reduced. BR模式:毒氣傷害減少 Fixed certain points of interest not getting reported when players entered. 修正玩家進入遊戲時產生的必要資訊沒有回報 Limited players to one character per server. 現在玩家一個伺服器只能有一個腳色 Recipe Changes 藍圖更改 The makeshift shovel recipe now requires a metal sheet instead of a metal shard. 鏟子需要的鐵碎片改成大鐵板 (藍色的那個) The storage container recipe now requires more materials. 箱子需要更多的材料 The barbed wire recipe now requires wood planks and more metal shards. 鐵絲網需要木板和更多的鐵碎片 The snare recipes now requires more metal shards. 陷阱夾需要更多的鐵碎片 The dew collector recipe now requires more wood planks and wood sticks. 汲水器需要更多的木板和木棍 The ground tiller recipe now requires more metal shards. 耕地耙需要更多的鐵碎片 Bulk Changes - Many bulk changes have been made in an effort to meet somewhere in the middle of realistic and not annoying. 負重更改 - 許多物品負重更改,讓負重變得更貼近真實又不會不方便 (原文負重是體積,由於大家幾乎都說負重在此就用負重翻譯) Canned food is 25 instead of 100. 罐頭類型從100改為25 (終於...) All instances of water bottles are 25 instead of 50. 水瓶從50改為25 Backpacks are 150 instead of 600. 可容納1000負重的背包的重量從600改為150 Military backpacks are 500 instead of 1400. 可容納1200或2000負重的背包從1400改為500 Car batteries 300 instead of 100. 汽車電瓶從100改為300 (幹) Car fuel is 100 instead of 10. 汽油從10改為100 (幹) Wood logs are 50 instead of 100. 原木從100改為50 Wood planks are 25 instead of 50. 木板從50改為25 Campfires are 50 instead of 100. 營火從100改為50 Scrap Metal is to 25 instead of 5. 廢鐵從5改為25 (幹) Metal Sheets are 100 instead of 50. 鐵板從50改為100 Metal Pipes are 150 instead of 50. 鐵管從50改為150 (這三個鐵的更動真是問號) Shirts are 50 instead of 100. 衣服從100改為50 Jeans are 50 instead of 100. 褲子從100改為50 Many melee weapons have had their bulk reduced. 許多近戰武器的負重都有所降低 First aid kits are 25 instead of 10. 醫療包從10改為25 All meat is 15 instead of 5. 所有肉類都從5改為15 Rifle ammo is 2 instead of 1. 狙擊獵槍子彈從1改為2 Shotgun shells are 5 instead of 1. 散彈槍子彈從1改為5 Arrows are 5 instead of 1. 箭從1改為5 (低能更改...) Shirts can now only hold 50 bulk instead of 90. 衣服現在所能承受的負重從90改為50 (.....) Pants can now only hold 50 bulk instead of 100. 褲子現在所能承受的負重從100改為50 (...........) -- 選擇題 請問,Xargon開車開到一半突然大叫他被埋伏了,以下何者是他真正碰到的? A)被熊幹掉 B)被其他玩家幹掉 C)被地形幹掉 D)被兔子幹掉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1423125076.A.D94.html ※ 編輯: samhou6 (, 02/05/2015 16:36:34
atnona: \殺梗的心聲被聽到拉/ 02/05 16:37
Lightbearer: C? 02/05 16:43
ilove305mmm: 改版後能帶的東西應該更多? 02/05 16:45
rockok71: 中文化阿~~~ 02/05 16:52
YunHung46: 不能用屁股走路了? 02/05 17:06
gustavvv: E)其實什麼都沒發生 02/05 17:21
guardyo: 杯壁的石頭 Kappa 02/05 17:30
mitkuchen: 反正殺梗還是會翻車 02/05 17:47
peal: 快取名! 02/05 17:48
BILLYTHEKID: Yolo 02/05 17:53
WAAAaali: 雷神先推了 02/05 18:09
gn50711: 當然是C啊 E)被samhou6拿槌子敲爆的 02/05 18:21
LayerZ: F)車子自暴 02/05 18:25
AguTp: 原本玩BR得到的東西應該都不會動到吧??怕整個還原XD 02/05 18:37
millchi: 殺梗開車接隊友 開到一半說 我車子開去藏起來 一樣的答案 02/05 18:51
qaa0504: 沙耿是一種病 02/05 19:45
wen7379: C)選我正解 02/05 19:51
ctes940008: 背包邊好小……………… 02/05 19:53
Xargon: 被samhou6拿槌子敲爆的 <= 中肯 02/05 19:54
tp950016: 殺梗4ni 02/05 20:03
fadeaway: 愛惜生命,遠離樓上。 02/05 20:03
wolf123: C 02/05 20:18
pgw0721aa: 推個 02/05 20:24
xxlo858: C (愛惜生命,遠離殺梗 02/05 20:40
kather: 推索爾~~ 02/05 20:49
sky093851248: C 02/05 21:17
jasop: C 卑鄙的石頭永遠不缺 02/05 21:20
whereareyou: C 02/05 21:36
r44621: C 02/05 22:01
Pro80: C 這山坡真的很杯壁 02/05 22:30
StinkyDofu: 推翻譯 02/06 00:12
sdolphinyo: C 02/06 00:46
Chesterr: C 02/06 03:02
cc82900829: 謝謝翻譯 02/06 15:17
roncarrot: C 02/06 18:47
ray080812: C 02/06 22:21
huanshon0615: C 以後不能滑草了嗎 02/07 18:27