看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
幫翻譯 ※ 引述《Shinpachi (Shimura)》之銘言: : 簡述: : 1.Steam Link:有點像Chromecast : 2.Steam Machine:主機 : 3.Steam Controller:就是個搖桿(49鎂估計11月出) : 4.Source 2:引擎升級 : 5.steam VR:與oculus Rift相似的3D虛擬頭戴顯像器 : 有錯請更正 感謝 : "We continue to see very strong growth in PC Gaming, with Steam growing 50% : in the last 12 months," said Gabe Newell, Valve's president. "With these : announcements we hope that we are helping build on that momentum." : Steam Machines, Windows PCs, Macs, and Linux PCs will be able to take : advantage of a new product announced at GDC called Steam Link. Designed to : extend your Steam experience to any room in the house, Steam Link allows you : to stream all your Steam content from any PC or Steam Machine on the same : home network. Supporting 1080p at 60Hz with low latency, Steam Link will be : available this November for $49.99, and available with a Steam Controller for : an additional $49.99 in the US (worldwide pricing to be released closer to : launch). "我們持續看到PC遊戲的成長相當強勁,尤其是Steam在過去的一年中成長了50%," G胖,Valve的總裁說道。"我們希望藉著本次發表對這股成長的浪潮起推波助瀾的功效。" Steam Machine,Windows PC, Mac,和Linux PC都能夠受益於本次在GDC上所發表的新產品: Steam Link. Steam Link的用意在於將玩家的Steam體驗拓展到家中每個角落;透過Steam Link玩家將可以把所有Steam上的內容從PC或是Steam Machine上串流至區網的每個 裝置。 Steam Link可在低度延遲的狀況下支援至1080P / 60HZ,並將在今年十一月以 49.99美金的價格在美上市。同步發售的還有一樣是49.99美金的Steam手把。 (全世界的訂價將於更接近上市時才公布) : Steam Machines from partners Alienware and Falcon Northwest are being shown, : with Machines from a dozen other partners slated to release this November. : Steam Machines will start at the same price point as game consoles, with : higher performance. Customers interested in the best possible gaming : experience can choose whichever components meet their needs. Epic will give a : demonstration of the newly announced Unreal Tournament running on a 4K : monitor driven by the Falcon Northwest Steam Machine. "We love this : platform," said Tim Sweeney, founder of Epic Games. "Whether you're running : incredibly detailed scenes at 4K or running 1080p at 120 FPS for an intense : shooter experience, this brings world-class gaming and graphics to : televisions with an open platform true to Valve's PC gaming roots." : Valve will show a virtual reality (VR) headset. Developer versions of the : headset will be available this spring, and partner HTC will ship their Vive : headset to consumers by the end of the year. 由策略夥伴Alienware和Falcon Northwest各自開發的Steam Machine們也同時展出, 同時還有十來家其他合作廠商也都將在今年十一月推出目前尚未發表的Steam Machine. Steam Machine們的定價約略會和現行的家用遊戲主機價格相當,但是將有更高的效能表 現。對於那些追求最高性能表現的客戶們,也將能夠選擇任何足以滿足他們需求的高階硬 體。Epic(Unreal引擎的開發商)將在Falcon Northwest版Steam Machine上展示最新一代 Unreal Tournament在4K解析度的表現。"我們超愛這個平台的,"Tim Sweeney,Epic Games 的創辦人如是說。"不論你是跑精美的4K場景還是為了高強度的FPS對戰中在1080P下跑到 120FPS,這台Steam Machines都能夠將世界一流的遊戲體驗和圖像表現帶到電視上,而且 還是基於開放平台,而開放平台正是Valve最根基的精神。" Valve還會展示一個虛擬實境(VR)的頭戴顯示器。今年春天就會釋出開發版,而合作夥伴 hTC也將會在今年底之前面向消費者銷售。 : Two new technologies are part of the VR release - a room scale tracking : system codenamed Lighthouse, and a VR input system. "In order to have a high : quality VR experience, you need high resolution, high speed tracking," said : Valve's Alan Yates. "Lighthouse gives us the ability to do this for an : arbitrary number of targets at a low enough BOM cost that it can be : incorporated into TVs, monitors, headsets, input devices, or mobile devices." : Valve intends to make Lighthouse freely available to any hardware : manufacturers interested in the technology. 在這次的VR產品中運用了兩項新技術-全房間動作追蹤感應系統,代號:燈塔Lighthouse; 還有一套虛擬實境用的指令輸入系統。"為了提供高品質的VR體驗,需要有高解析度, 高速動作追蹤技術,"Valve的Alan Yates說明。"Lighthouse系統讓我們能夠在堪稱無理取 鬧的低BOM Cost下同時整合電視,螢幕,頭戴式顯示器和動作輸入系統又甚至是行動裝置" Valve預期將對所有對Lighthouse技術有興趣的硬體製造商免費開放此項技術。 : "Now that we have Lighthouse, we have an important piece of the puzzle for : tackling VR input devices," said Valve's Joe Ludwig. "The work on the Steam : Controller gave us the base to build upon, so now we have touch and motion as : integrated parts of the PC gaming experience." “現在我們有了Lighthouse, 我們也有關於如何解決VR手持式輸入裝置的重要線索” Valve的Joe Ludwig談到。“我們過去在Steam手把上的努力成為未來發展的根基, 我們已將觸控和動態捕捉技術整合為PC遊戲體驗的一環。” : "We've been working in VR for years and it was only until we used SteamVR's : controllers and experienced the magic of absolute tracking that we were able : to make the VR game we always wanted to make," said Alex Schwartz of : Owlchemylabs. “我們已經投入數年在VR技術上,而且會不斷努力下去直到我們能夠並用Steam VR手把 搭配完美動態追蹤做出一直以來夢想做出的虛擬實境遊戲為止”Owlchemylab的Alex Schwartz說。 : VR demos being shown at GDC include work from Bossa Studios, Cloudhead Games, : Dovetail Games, Fireproof Studios, Google, Owlchemylabs, Skillman & Hackett, : Steel Wool Games, Vertigo Games, and Wevr. 在GDC上展示的VR Demo來自以下開發商: Bossa Studios, Cloudhead Games,Dovetail Games, Fireproof Studios, Google, Owlchemylabs, Skillman & Hackett,Steel Wool Games, Vertigo Games, and Wevr. : Valve announced the Source 2 engine, the successor to the Source engine used : in Valve's games since the launch of Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life 2. : "The value of a platform like the PC is how much it increases the : productivity of those who use the platform. With Source 2, our focus is : increasing creator productivity. Given how important user generated content : is becoming, Source 2 is designed not for just the professional developer, : but enabling gamers themselves to participate in the creation and development : of their favorite games," said Valve's Jay Stelly. "We will be making Source : 2 available for free to content developers. This combined with recent : announcements by Epic and Unity will help continue the PCs dominance as the : premiere content authoring platform." Valve也公布了第二代Source引擎作為初代Source引擎的後繼者。初代Source引擎遠在 CS:Source 和HL2時代就為Valve所採用。“像PC這樣的開發平台價值決定於能夠幫助開發 者提升多少生產力。 我們將Source 2引擎的重點擺在如何增進創作者的生產力。 在使用者創作的內容已不可或缺的今日(譯注:即指玩家開發的Mod很重要的意思), Source 2並不僅僅為了專業開發者而設計,而且還使得玩家們能夠更容易的參與自己最愛 遊戲的發展及再創作,” Valve的Jay Stelly說。“我們將會免費提供Source 2引擎給內 容開發者。就如同近來Epic和Unity所公布的(將遊戲引擎免費開放)一樣,此舉將使得PC 成為主流內容開發平台。” : Also as part of supporting PC gaming, Valve announced that it will be : releasing a Vulkan-compatible version of the Source 2 engine. Vulkan is a : cross-platform, cross-vendor 3D graphics API that allows game developers to : get the most out of the latest graphics hardware, and ensures hardware : developers that there is a consistent, low overhead method of taking : advantage of products. Vulkan, previously called Next Generation OpenGL, is : administered by the Khronos Group, along with other standards such as OpenCL, : OpenGL, and WebGL. 為了支援PC遊戲產業,Valve還公布了和Vulkan相容版本的Source 2引擎。Vulkan是一個 跨平台,跨廠商的3D圖像API,遊戲開發者可以用Vulkan壓榨最新的硬體效能而且同時確保 硬體開發者可以有一個穩定且低經費的方案運用產品。 Vulkan,過去稱為次世代OpenGL,由 Khronos Group所制定,和其他標準如OpenCL,OpenGL及WebGL一樣。 : GDC 2015 will mark the 13th anniversary of Valve's first public announcement : of Steam, which has since become the leading platform for PC, Mac, and Linux : games and software. In the last year, Steam realized the addition of many new : services and features - including In-Home Streaming, Broadcasting, Music, and : user-created stores - as it grew to over 125 million active accounts : worldwide. GDC 2015標誌了Valve自發表Steam平台以來的第十三個年頭。自發表以來Steam成了PC, Mac和Linux上指標性的遊戲及軟體平台。 去年Steam實現了許多新功能和服務,包括 家中串流/實況/音樂及玩家自製內容商店,同時也超越1.25億個活躍帳戶的里程碑。 : For more information, please visit www.steampowered.com/universe : That's it for the official press release, we've compiled the highlights and : some additional information below. 欲知更多詳情,請造訪 www.steampowered.com/univers , 以上為官方發佈會的相關報導,以下為重點和額外資訊。 : Steam Link : The Steam Link seems to be a small computer that you can hook up to your TV : through HDMI. It has an Ethernet port so you can use Valve's in-home : streaming without hiccups. There's also three USB ports to send input back to : the PC you're streaming from. Steam Link will be available in November this : year for $49.99. Steam Link on the Steam Store. : Update: Valve removed it from the store, it might be back later. : Steam Machines : There will be a bunch of Steam Machines released in November by different : manufacturers. Even though specifications and price points of the actual : machines have probably changed significantly, we expect most of the : manufacturers announced by Valve during CES 2014 to be part of this. Steam Link Steam Link貌似是台小電腦,可以透過HDMI接上電視(譯注:這不就電視棒嗎?)。它還有一個 乙太網路插孔,讓你在用家中串流時不會延遲。另外它還有三個USB插孔可以將輸出傳回 原本用來串流的PC上。 Steam Link將於今年十一月以49.99販售。 更新:Valve暫時將Steam Link從Store頁面拿掉,也許稍晚會回來。 Steam Machine 今年十一月會有一狗票由不同製造商推出的Steam Machine上市。儘管規格和價格可能 有相當大的差異和2014年CES公布的有相當大的差異,我們仍預期大部份合作夥伴會是當時 Valve所公布的那些廠商。 : Steam Controller : The Steam Controller will be released in November this year as well. It's : available separately for $49.99. International prices coming closer to : release. Steam Controller Steam手把也將於今年十一月上市。一樣會是49.99美金分開發售。 國際定價將於後續公布。 : Source 2 : Source 2 will be free to all content developers. There will also be Vulkan : support in Source 2, we'll probably hear more about Vulkan (and Valve's : involvement) in the upcoming GDC talk. Valve have not mentioned : licensing/royalty costs yet. Source 2 Source 2 將會對所有內容開發者免費。並且支援Vulkan,我們也許會在後續GDC上聽到更 多有關Vukan(及Valve對其涉入)的情報。Valve還沒有提到任何授權/版稅抽成費用。 : VR : Valve have officially announced their "Lighthouse" room tracking system used : with the HTC Vive through two base stations. Valve says Lighthouse can be : integrated into a multitude of different hardware including televisions, : mobile phones, headsets and input devices. Alan Yates's weird "Chief : Pharologist" Twitter bio sure makes a lot of sense now. : Valve intends to make Lighthouse freely available to any hardware : manufacturers interested in the technology. VR Valve正式公佈他們的“Lighthouse”空間追跡系統將用在hTC推出的Vive的兩台軌跡捕捉 基地台上。Valve說Lighthouse系統可以將不同硬體整合,包括電視,手機,頭戴式顯示器及 輸入裝置。Alan Yates在Twitter上簡介自稱“首席燈塔專家”現在看來合理多了。 Vavle預計將對所有有興趣的硬體製造商免費開放Lighthouse. : 網址: : https://steamdb.info/blog/source2-announcement/ 譯者感想: 呼,終於翻完了...好長, 如果有什麼翻譯錯誤請指教, 如果要轉翻譯者請註明出處和譯者即可轉。 感覺Vavle真的沒有極限呀, 很勇敢的挑戰想將PC遊戲產業推到過去無法想像的地方。 不知道三五年後的遊戲發展會到什麼境界呢? 真的相當的期待。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1425440586.A.E88.html
Shinpachi: 翻譯辛苦了 推推推 03/04 11:45
zero003: 推翻譯 03/04 11:49
basedora: 推推 03/04 11:54
Vidic: 謝謝翻譯! 03/04 11:54
igarasiyui: 找了HTC就是最大的一個錯誤 03/04 11:59
shawncarter: 放心...真的做得起來,三星小米馬上切進來 03/04 12:00
zero003: 其實 三星已經做了XD 03/04 12:01
zero003: http://goo.gl/uF2ipR 去年跟Oculus合作的 03/04 12:02
HelmerYang: 應該跟apple合作 馬上變潮牌 女玩家暴增 打game是流行 03/04 12:09
Falcrown: 如果 Steam Machine 能成功的話加上既有 Steam 上的遊戲 03/04 12:23
Falcrown: 陣容(和付費玩家)應該能做到和 Xbox, PS, WiiU 平起平坐 03/04 12:24
Falcrown: 最新消息是指出價格會是原先899/999美金的一半 03/04 12:25
RuinAngel: 推毅力,我原文看完了但真的沒有打出翻譯的動力..XD 03/04 12:25
Falcrown: 就看 11 月的結果了 03/04 12:25
ruwjo12: 翻譯推 03/04 12:36
Shinpachi: 剛剛看了一下GDC才知道UE4跟Unity也都免費了 採取遊戲 03/04 13:03
Shinpachi: 抽收益的方式 也許製作遊戲的人會開始攀升!? 03/04 13:04
lhy8104522: 有翻有推 03/04 13:11
jay0215: 如果跟apple合作 會漲價三倍 然後95%的利潤被apple賺走.. 03/04 13:13
j2squared: Steam Machine我已經先買Alienware的 03/04 13:16
j2squared: 應該不會比這個更低了...除非砍規格 03/04 13:16
purin0913: controller的ABXY,看起來就很難用... 03/04 13:21
igarasiyui: 三星那個根本不用看...只是個殼 要插手機才能用的 03/04 13:25
MADAOTW: link 功能似乎比較包山包海50鎂買張擷取卡都不夠了 還能 03/04 13:27
MADAOTW: 接tv ,玩遊戲不知道可不可以? 03/04 13:27
basedora: link應該只是介於這些平台間的橋梁 能夠串流跟Steam 03/04 13:34
basedora: 相關的內容 03/04 13:34
basedora: 明天GDC廠商展才開始 應該有機會看到一些tech demo 03/04 13:35
Falcrown: j2squred 大說的是 499.99 的那台嗎? 03/04 13:36
ctes940008: 有點期待 03/04 13:39
j2squared: 對就是那台 03/04 13:43
shiaobau: 三星那個 基本上就是google cardboard塑膠略增進版而已 03/04 13:43
shiaobau: 跟這次VALVe與hTC合作的 應該不是同一世代的產品... 03/04 13:44
calvin301301: 5F 自己去看這次HTC VIVE產品好嗎 03/04 13:47
KenWang42: V社正式參戰 主機四大天王的時代來臨? 03/04 14:17
kira925: MWC大家都語焉不詳 看看GDC會不會有詳細 03/04 14:17
t77133562003: 擴增實境 目前就MS 和這個 比較有潛力 03/04 14:30
Hateson: Steam Machine不知道台灣會有嗎? 03/04 14:32
j2squared: 台灣其實已經有了:Asus GR8,但我覺得不值 03/04 14:33
t77133562003: 不對 看完那組的後續資料 完全不是我想像的那東西XD 03/04 14:34
kira925: V社與HTC這個比較像是Oculus還有Sony想推的東西 03/04 14:37
t77133562003: 按照他給的資料 那他的動態捕捉用來幹麻的.... 03/04 14:39
akilight: Valve這邊算是把Oculus之前的計畫都一併補完了 03/04 14:39
akilight: Oculus現在也在開發自己的VR控制器,只是看來Valve更快 03/04 14:39
MADAOTW: 祈禱link能玩遊戲 我不在意效能 03/04 14:45
t77133562003: 等實品巴 這玩一實際能到種程度 真的很謎XD 03/04 14:48
hot4321: push 03/04 15:58
chiangwei: 有Link挺方便的,價格也可接受...但是要等到十一月Q_Q 03/04 17:02
shiaobau: MS的是AR Vive跟oculus等等的都是VR 不同的方式 03/04 17:07
z1987090: steam machine應該自己組就好了 現在有些主板都有標示 03/04 18:10
z1987090: steam machine ready,就看主板廠商要不要跟進 03/04 18:11
z1987090: 希望雲端遊戲可以藉由這些產品更加普及 03/04 18:12
juiclykiller: 看衰HTC 不長進的東西 03/04 22:12
jjh: 樓上是太久沒用htc的東西嗎,何來不長進,個人用過各大廠牌 03/05 12:22
jjh: htc的系統調教功力可不輸那些大廠喔,我當然是指one m7之後 03/05 12:23
Amo1992: 推完順便推原文 03/06 18:35