看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
TheMongolz's plans to travel to America this week to compete at the MLG Columbus qualifier have been halted after being refused visas. TheMongolz在這個禮拜前往美國參加MLG哥倫布資格賽的計畫被取消了,原因是簽證被拒絕。 The Mongolian team were due to fight for a spot at the upcoming major after winning the Asia Minor Championship, only to be refused entry on the grounds of not being able to provide enough evidence that the players would return home after the tournament. 蒙古隊在贏得亞洲區冠軍賽後原將要參加接下來的大賽,卻因沒辦法提供足夠的證據 支持選手們在比賽完後直接返回家鄉而被拒絕 TheMongolz's visa application has twice been refused, and with the US embassy in Mongolia not taking visa appointments on Wednesday, the team's hopes of attending the event have gone up in smoke. TheMongolz的簽證已被二度拒絕,禮拜二時美國駐蒙古大使館不受理簽證,隊伍參加 MLG哥倫布資格賽的希望就這樣消失了。 Machinegun's team will not attend the MLG Columbus major qualifier Group C of the MLG Columbus Qualifier, which will kick off on Friday, is now down to just three teams - CLG, Vexed Gaming and SK Gaming. TheMongolz, who caused a sensation by beating Renegades in the grand final of the Asia Minor, are due to travel to Beijing later this week to apply for a Polish visa to be able to attend IEM Katowice as Mongolia does not have a Polish embassy. C組的賽事將會在這星期五舉辦,然而因為蒙古隊無法參加而只剩下三隊 - CLG 、Vexed Gaming 、 SK Gaming。 The MongolZ曾在亞洲區賽事中擊敗澳洲牛仔隊Renegades的創舉,將在這禮拜前往北京 獲得波蘭簽證以參加接下來的IEM卡托懷茲 HLTV新聞:http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=35&threadid=1049459#r14335260 https://twitter.com/MongolZOfficial/status/702050833454620672 心得:這次真的很可惜還有FUCK U AMERCIA,蒙古隊準備很久結果連MLG都無法參加 -- ~◤╱ ╲◥..~'"~..~'"~..Merchant meats spicy wolf...~"'~..~"'~..~"'~..~ fis ▄▄ \◤ ki hhz ● ● ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ ' sh y12 ◢◤ ▄▄ ◤▃▅ ◢◤ | i /\ ▄▄ ==== ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ ◣ ◢ n "~..\ ◤◢~..~ ▆▆◣ ==== ▄ ▄▄ ◢ ▅ ..~"'~..~"'~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1456230142.A.010.html ※ 編輯: newbout (, 02/23/2016 20:24:00
Xargon: ......................... 02/23 20:37
a8504265556: ............................ 02/23 20:43
a8504265556: 說好的貼紙呢 02/23 20:43
nh60211as: Thanks Obama 02/23 20:48
Zerose56520z: 說沒有支那人的因素導致的話,十樓自含 02/23 20:51
newbout: 蓋 02/23 20:53
er4ty: 蓋 02/23 21:08
newbout: #HLTV4Mongolz #VisasForMongolz #USAacceptMongolz 02/23 21:18
HuangJS: 美國自以為 02/23 21:26
aesopn: ………… 02/24 01:48
revolt125: 幹 02/24 03:44
joe831127: 阿共的陰謀 02/24 12:20
willyptt: 靠 阿共 02/24 17:40