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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1477849375.A.30B.html steam商店頁面:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ 搭配遊戲內旁白閱讀效果更佳: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVOAqg4Gzzw
http://imgur.com/vx2hGXJ -------------------------------------- 第一章: 大分裂時代(The Age of Disjunction) 紀元0年 -------------------------------------- Thousands of years before the dawn of the modern age,a stellar alignment sent a star seed from the depths of space colliding into the planet Mythron, forever transforming the world and it's inhabitants. Mythron’s single supercontinent shattered into seven new ones, each torn into a new terrain of jagged mountains, crystalline lakes and storm swept islands. 在遠古時代,一個遙遠的星際組織向Mythron行星(Duelyst世界所在的星球) 送出了一枚星之種,它撞擊星球後,永久地改變了地貌及當地物種。 Mythron行星的磐古大陸碎裂為6個新大陸,並形成了眾多嶄新地貌- 尖聳的山脈、如水晶清澈的湖泊,以及風暴肆虐的島嶼。 http://imgur.com/GXKnwQc http://imgur.com/jV5Sluc 偏遠之地Halcyar一景,官方的解釋是: The Lyonar and Vanar share the top left continent, with the Vanar living in the far mountainous regions and the Lyonar in the other parts. The middle continent isn't controlled by any of the 6 factions we know and love :) 也就是Lyonar和Vanar陣營同樣都位在西北方的大陸。 The vast temperate continent of Celandine would become home of the Lyonar Kingdoms. The lush, perilous continent of Xenkai would become home of the Songhai Empire. 氣候溫和又廣闊的賽倫戴大陸將成為萊納帝國的根據地, 而蓊鬱又危機伺伏的桑凱大陸,未來則會發展出桑海帝國。 The arid, desolate continent of Akram would become home of the Vetruvian Imperium. The shattered, broken chasms of Styxus would become the home of the Abyssian Host. 乾燥且人煙稀少的阿克朗大陸,未來會屬於維特魯帝國, 而破碎又充滿斷層的史蒂克瑟斯大陸,則會成為深淵勢力的地盤。 The primordial, volcanic continent of Magaari would become the home of the Magmar Aspects. In the far reaches beyond the Whyte Mountains, Halcyar would become the home of the Vanar Kindred. 原始並充斥火山的麥嘎里大陸終將孕育出麥格馬一族。 而遠在賽倫戴大陸邊硾的懷特山脈另一邊,赫爾賽亞冰原將成為凡那部落的家鄉。 http://imgur.com/5Wa1qUj http://imgur.com/TyYQ6l7 http://imgur.com/vEIofLi http://imgur.com/rj8dm6N http://imgur.com/v0Gr7ZK http://imgur.com/1wEdBQG 五個週邊大陸+1個偏遠之地分別對應遊戲中的六個陣營, 有注意到上色都有對應嗎? And Aesteria, the central continent, was now marked by two concentric rings of colossal mountains thrust up by the cataclysmic impact. At its very centre, a thousand miles across, was God’s Heel, the star seed’s impact crater. 而位居中央的艾斯塔利亞大陸,則因為星之種巨大的衝擊, 以大陸中央為圓心,形成了一大一小同心圓的雄偉山脈。 也因為撞擊之巨大,大陸中央有著橫越千里的巨型深坑-God's Heel, The collision transformed Mythron’s climate as well. Vast storms swept across the reshaped planet, unleashing torrents of acid rain and devastating lightning. Maelstroms hundreds of miles wide churned the oceans. Temperatures fluctuated wildly between blistering heat and frigid cold, causing most of Mythron's myriad lifeforms to perish. 星之種的衝擊也改變了Mythron行星的氣候,巨大的風暴橫掃面目全非的整個星球, 如洪流傾倒般的酸雨和破壞力巨大的閃電,百哩以計的大旋渦翻騰海洋, 加之氣溫也在酷熱和嚴寒間據烈變動,星球上無數的生命因此滅絕。 http://imgur.com/kRJuB0q 星之種的衝擊相當巨大,造成的深坑正位於世界地圖的中央 Those few resilient creatures that survived found sanctuary underground or adapted to the unforgiving hellscapes of Mythron's volcanic pits. But while the cataclysm spied out countless species, it ushered in a new one as well. At the centre of the impact crater, the star seed sent it's cosmic roots into the very core of the planet, drawing on the magical energies it found there and transforming into the Great Tree of Eyos. And that would bring changes of an even greater magnitude. 只有少數適應力極強的物種,能在地底下尋求生存空間, 或是自行適應火山坑那種地獄般的環境。 不過星之種的衝擊不單只有造成物種滅絕而已, 種子在撞擊後將根延伸至星球核心,汲取其中的魔力並長成了聖樹Eyos。 它將會為這顆星球帶來更大的改變... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1477849375.A.30B.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 10/31/2016 02:00:03
BnLou: 翻譯推! 10/31 06:45
kanging: 翻譯推,辛苦了,真是感謝 10/31 21:09
不客ㄑ- 不對! 你根本沒推啊啊啊XD ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/03/2016 21:50:26