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http://imgur.com/k28221Y -------------------------------------- 第二章: 聖樹Eyos(The Great tree of Eyos) 紀元10,000年 -------------------------------------- Over thousands of years, Mythron steadily recovered from the cataclysm of the star seed’s arrival. Creatures adapted and multiplied until the planet once again teemed with life. 在星之種衝擊的數千年之後,Mythron行星的生態漸漸恢復。生物逐代繁衍並適應環境, 星球上再度充滿了生機。 The Great Tree of Eyos grew as well, drawing magical energies from the planet ’s core and sprouting prismatic leaves that scintillated in the starlight they absorbed for nourishment. Ten thousand years after the birth of the Great Tree, it bloomed, producing a burst of arcane energy that bathed the planet in a radiant glow. A stunning Harmonic Aurora permanently painted the skies and the Great Tree exploded with spectacular mana blossoms, launching iridescent petals into the air to journey the world upon Mythron’s winds. 同樣地,聖樹Eyos也在成長。因為汲取了星球的魔法能量,它萌生出的葉片飽含養份並發 出星光般的燦爛。聖樹在它誕生的一萬年後迎來開花期,爆發出的神祕能量令整顆星球沐 浴在光芒之中,眩目的極光圖滿了整個天空。在飽含魔力的花朵綻放之時,它那七彩斑斕 的花瓣也同時乘著風,散播到整個Mythron行星上。 Each petal carried a direct connection to the Great Tree. Not only did the creatures they touched gain the ability to channel the planet's arcane energy, but the Great Tree itself gained the power to see through their eyes. Objects that were touched turned into crystallized nodes of magical energy, with brilliant colors reflecting the metals and minerals they contained. The petals nurtured and accelerated a multitude of creatures and plants, both sentient and not. 每一片花瓣都和聖樹有著聯繫,碰觸到花瓣的生物也因此得以和星球內的神祕力量溝通。 不僅如此,聖樹本身同時也能利用它們的眼睛來觀察世界。除此之外,碰觸到花瓣的物體 則被轉化成為了結晶點,並隨著自身的成份組成而反應出鮮豔的顏色。聖樹的花瓣冥冥之 中催生並孕育了無數的動植物,不論它們是否有所意識。 In the Northern Whyte Mountains along Halcyar, they created ancient races like the elusive Snow Chasers and the fierce Draugar Giants. To the East, in Xenkai, they transformed the interconnected network of sentient bamboo into the Whistling Blades and the graceful orange cranes in the Ang’Mar Glades into the life-giving Zurael. 在懷特山脈北方的赫爾賽亞冰原(也就是Vanar陣營的老家啦),花瓣造就了機敏的Snow Chaser和兇猛的Draugar Giants等古老物種。而在西方的桑凱大陸,則將具有網絡意識的 原生竹子轉化成為Whistling Blade,原本居住於安雅沼澤中優雅的橙色鶴鳥,也變成了 能夠分享生命力的Zurael。 http://imgur.com/oD8pN2Z 特性是能回到手牌中的Snow Chaser,再牌局後期是相當難纏的角色 http://imgur.com/xef06cv Draugar Lord,應該就是文中的Draugar Giants吧? http://imgur.com/a0UlV7E 超高防的Whistling Blade,實體有三層樓那麼高! http://imgur.com/IqmiYXs Zurael進場的同時,能夠讓上一回被擊倒的夥伴再回到場上。 At the end of that first Great Blooming, the Great Tree of Eyos returned to a state of rest, to rebuild its magical energy, but not before thirteen perfect petals drifted to the volcanic region of Magaari. They landed on the exposed metallic chrysalises of the males of a rare species of sentient drake-like creatures protected by iridium exoskeletons. Deep within the volcanic mountain, untouched and untransformed, their Queen Mother would die alone, forever removed from the rest of her species. But on the surface, these thirteen males would become the immortal Magmar. 驚天動地的開出花朵後,聖樹Eyos進入了休眠期,為下一次的開花期儲存足夠的魔力。 與此同時,有13朵花瓣飄落在馬嗄里大陸的火山地帶,與當地稀有的龍型生物不期而遇。它們身被銥金屬的外骨骼以生存於艱苦的環境中,這些生物的女王終將在深山中孤獨地死去。然而,它們在地面的金屬色卵繭接觸到了聖樹花瓣,其後誕生出的13隻雄性個體,將會成為不朽的麥格馬先祖(綠色野獸的陣營)。 http://imgur.com/QuSstTM 善於強化自身及持有重生特性的Magmar陣營 將會是下一章的主角 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1477849447.A.68B.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 10/31/2016 01:49:12
Cosmosooo: 賣個萌陣營將會是下一章的主角 10/31 02:53
boiq: 我怎麼看Whistling Blade都是common啊XD 10/31 03:06
哈哈,果然不能在精神委糜的時候PO文 不過官方插圖裡的Whistling Blade實在是太大太有Epic風範了XD http://imgur.com/90kVRxy
x2159679: 插圖的好大一隻 10/31 17:12
※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 10/31/2016 22:12:16