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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1477927408.A.09B.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ 搭配遊戲內旁白閱讀效果更佳: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6NZYIHXyhk
http://imgur.com/GFJVwRR -------------------------------------- 第三章: 麥格瑪的興起(The Rise of the Magmar Aspects) 紀元10,000-20,000年 -------------------------------------- After the Touch of Eyos, the Magmar lived for hundreds of years. They also gained the ability to return to the chrysalis and be reborn anew, making them virtually immortal. Without their Queen Mother, they could not reproduce, but they were not leaderless — over time, a Magmar named Valknu became their alpha. 在與聖樹花瓣接觸後的數百年間,麥格馬一族獲得了幾近不朽的能力,使得他們能夠回歸 卵繭並再度重生。但是沒有了女王,這些雄性並不能單憑自己生育後代。取而代之的是, 他們之中名為Valknu的個體成為了領導者。 Valknu, as their Prime Focii, discovered a way to save the Magmars’ deepest memories as a gift to their future selves. Each cycle required them to re-experience and reinterpret their memories in a process known as the The Dance of Dreams. In order to preserve their memories through time, the Magmar developed a magical song-like script that contained their collective experiences in a group consciousness known as The Thirteen Aspects. 作為族群領袖,Valknu發現了能夠延續一族記憶的方法。在每一次重生的循環裡,麥格瑪 一族需要重新體驗並詮釋上一代的記憶,這個過程被稱之為「夢之舞」。為了在長遠的時 間流逝中保持記憶,麥格瑪一族將他們集體的經驗化為一套神奇的詩歌-Thirteen Aspects。 Over the millennia, the Magmar developed a balanced philosophy of the world, a reflection of their own harmonious path to constant rebirth. They were solitary yet spontaneous, focused on simplicity and the wonders of nature, and detached from personal desires. They mostly kept to themselves, but sometimes travelled great distances to interact with other sentient beings. http://imgur.com/Uyjy3V9 聖樹Eyos花瓣改變了Duelyst世界的物種 而Magmar與野獸的外表不同,永生的他們或許是對Eyos認識最深的生物 千年的時間過去了,麥格馬一族發展出一套自己的平衡哲學,反映了他們那反覆重生的生 存方式。孤寂又熱愛自然的他們拋開私欲,專注於探索大自然的質樸與驚奇。麥格馬一族 大部份的時間行單影支,不過有時卻會遠行去和其它智慧生物交流。 Unlike other races, the Magmar learned to be still and commune with the Great Tree of Eyos, sometimes spending several kalpas — hundreds of years — to achieve dialogue with it. Thus they learned about the Great Blooming and began to worship and celebrate Eyos as the ultimate bringer of birth, growth, and rebirth. 與其它種族不同,麥格瑪一族與聖樹Eyos進行交流的時間長得驚人。有時甚至會花上 好幾劫-大約上百年的時間去達成對話,也因此他們得以認識聖樹的開花奇蹟。作為生養 萬物的根源,他們開始將聖樹Eyos作為崇拜與讚美的對象。 When meditating together and bonding with the Great Tree, the Thirteen Aspects could see out in the world and even glimpse the ephemeral tapestry of time, but doing so cost them their individual identity, their sense of self. Ultimately, they were unable to achieve complete ascension or see more than a hint of the future. Thus, they were cursed to forever repeat their lives, never fully controlling their own destinies. 當他們與聖樹進行精神交流時,這十三位麥格瑪可以看穿世界的本質, 甚至得以短暫瞥見未來。不過如此的行為會令他們逐漸失去身份認同,最終變得 不再能夠得到啟示或提升自我,進而永遠陷於重覆轉生的輪迴當中,無法完全掌握 自己的命運。 http://imgur.com/UvnREK6 漂亮又寬廣預設桌面,地點是在Magamr家鄉的餘燼高地 昔日的火山風景已不復見 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1477927408.A.09B.html
x2159679: 第一張圖是哪邊來的呀 看他們artstation好像沒有 10/31 23:53
artstation其實只有部分圖片,這張圖是在官方wiki和Codex中配合本章節的,另外官方twitter上也會不定期上一些新圖 https://twitter.com/playduelyst http://duelyst.gamepedia.com/Chapter_3:_The_Rise_of_the_Magmar_Aspects
DevilCool: 怎麼結果megma感覺像是德魯伊XDDDDD 11/01 00:08
Typebrook: 設定上就是德魯伊,大家都被超強的單體戰鬥力騙了XD 11/01 00:57
Cosmosooo: 推~賣個萌~ 11/01 01:16
※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/27/2016 12:26:38