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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478178660.A.677.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ 搭配遊戲內旁白閱讀效果更佳: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UXss415ypQ
http://imgur.com/EiZK4vS -------------------------------------- 第四章: 艾斯塔利亞人崛起(The Aestari Spark) 紀元20,000-22,000年 -------------------------------------- During the Second Great Blooming, The Great Tree of Eyos once again released its magical petals into the winds. Some of the enchanted petals made their way to the Vermillion Forest, where they touched an intelligent race of humanoid creatures with crimson orange hair. They called themselves the Aestari, or Children of the Ineffable Flame. Within a few generations, the powers conferred upon those touched by the petals spread throughout the entire species. 時間來到了第二次的開花期,聖樹Eyos再度散播了它那帶有魔力的花瓣到世界各地。其中 幾朵來到了朱紅森林,並飄落在當地的智慧人種身上。他們有著緋紅或鮮橙色的毛髮,並 自稱為「艾斯塔利亞人」-意即為聖火之子。幾個世代以後,花瓣所授予的力量已傳遍了 整個族群。 http://imgur.com/TJsUB9v 起始General中有三位髮色有著Aestari的特徵,可見得其影響力 Aestari開枝散葉的故事會在後面章節中提到 The Aestari had a natural proclivity for wielding and channeling arcane energies, but it manifested differently in the males and the females. Aestari females were better able to focus and channel magic in a continuous sustained stream called The Binding. They could concentrate and move objects far longer than the males. Conversely, the males could amplify the intensity of magic, but only in shorter bursts, called The Surging. This gave them a natural ability to phase and summon objects rather than slowly move them. But The Surging consumed magical power rapidly, requiring them to either extract more energy from crystals or recover naturally by refraining from using magic until they had regained their strength. 艾斯塔利亞人天生就喜愛使用魔法能量並將其引導出來,不過這個傾向男女有別。女性較 能夠專注、並持續引導魔法力量的流動-這個過程稱為「合流」。相對於此,男性的艾斯 塔利亞人則能強化魔法的力道,並在短時間內釋放出來-稱之為「怒潮」。有了這項能力 ,男性不必親自動手而得以遠程召喚物體。不過使用「怒潮」會消耗大量的魔法能量,要 再次施展的話,使用者只能從晶礦中汲取額外魔力,或是透過休息來自然恢復。 http://imgur.com/mCx9Oht Celandine大陸上的水晶洞穴(Crystal Cave),所謂的晶礦(Crystals),是指聖樹花瓣接 觸到無機質礦物後形成的產物。當中所蘊藏的魔法能量對Duelyst世界的文化有深遠影響 ,後續的章節會再度提到它。 For some Aestari males, however, The Surging fed an innate, insatiable desire for more — to reach higher highs, to achieve greater feats, to rise above the world. But the highest levels of arcane mastery were only attainable through the power of the crystals, which enabled them to achieve both great intensity and endurance. Most became dependent on the energy of the crystals, unable to accept their natural limitations and return to their mundane lives. The insatiable hunger for more magical power eventually consumed their everyday thoughts. 對艾斯塔利亞的男性來說,不斷使用魔力激發了他們潛在的強烈欲望-取得更高的地位、 達成更偉大的功績,最終凌駕一切。但施展能夠大幅強化自身力量和耐力的高等魔法,必 定會需要消耗晶礦。這也造成了大部份男性對晶礦產生依賴,使得他們難以接受天生限制 並回歸平凡生活,腦海裡充斥著不斷追求魔法的渴望。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478178660.A.677.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/03/2016 21:19:13