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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478265402.A.9AB.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/Hehn5lO -------------------------------------- 第七章: 啃食地底的黑暗(The Darkness Gnaws Below) 紀元22,000-22,300年 -------------------------------------- While the Aestari Age of Wonder was flowering in the surface of Mythron, a more sinister development was unfolding beneath it. The Inxikrah had embraced with great enthusiasm their role as the apex predator of the underworld. And as their supremacy became unquestioned, their thirst to exercise it became unquenchable. 就在艾斯塔利亞的煇煌時代,地表繁榮之時,Mythron行星的地表下卻有另一股不祥勢力 在慢慢滋長。在這個地下世界,印蜥卡族群欣於扮演頂級補食者的角色,他們在生態系中 的地位變得無可動搖。而另一方面,他們也漸漸無法抑止想要進一步變強的欲望。 Powered by the magic of crystals of the Black Amethysts, the Krah'Zul transformation that followed each act of predation not only conferred on the Inxikrah the strengths and abilities of their prey - it flooded the predators with physical pleasure that bordered on ecstasy. 藉由黑水晶的魔法能量,「卡拉蘇」這項儀式不僅授予印蜥卡獵物的力量與長處,還將他 們淹没在狩獵的瘋狂愉悅中。 Over time this magnified and exaggerated their primal, predatory instincts. The male Inxikrah and female Inxykree both came to be driven by an insatiable, all-consuming hunger for the feeling of youthful rejuvenation that came from killing. The gnawing addictive power of the crystals, and their growing scarcity, caused infighting among the Inxikrah. A system of rigid castes was established to create order, to preserve the crystals, and to help the Inxikrah survive and remain preeminent in a world fraught with danger and dwindling resources. 他們原始的狩獵天性隨著時間流逝變得愈發不可收拾,雄性的「印蜥卡」與雌性的「印蜥 克里」渴求於卡拉蘇所帶來的強化,沉浸在殺戮中無法自拔。晶礦所帶來的力量不僅令人 上癮,其供應也逐漸短缺,進而導致印蜥卡族群爆發了內戰。隨後,他們建立起嚴明的階 級制度來維持秩序,以保證印蜥卡族群能夠在資源銳減的環境下,於這個充滿危險的地下 世界中保持優勢。 The elation and the rush of killing and transformation became a ritual, taking on a sacred significance that made the Inxikrah even more rapacious. The male Inxikrah became increasingly defined by an ethos of cruelty. Lesser sentient creatures and captured enemies from raids became slaves or playthings, including the Inxikrah's less evolved cousins, the Serpenti, which the Inxikrah often tranformed into tortured Darkspine Elementals and familiar-like wraithlings. 在這樣的環境下,因殺戮而感到愉悅、再利用轉化儀式壯大自己,這些成為了日常景象, 也使得印蜥卡變得愈發貪婪。雄性會因為其殘酷行為而受社會肯定,較弱的其它智慧物種 與劫掠而來的俘虜,不是成為奴隸就是淪為洩欲的玩物-其中也包括了印蜥卡尚未開化的 同類-蛇怪(SerPenti),印蜥卡時常將它們轉化為黑脊精怪(Darkspine Elemental)或是相 似的遊魂(Wraithling)這類可悲生物。 http://imgur.com/38PUEGb http://imgur.com/rZiCIAw http://imgur.com/sXHWtHQ 上述提到的SerPenti、Darkspine Elemental與Wraithling, 值得注意的是只有Darkspine Elemental屬於Abyssian陣營 Meanwhile, the female Inxykree grew more social and increasingly repulsed by the Inxikrah's random brutality. Over generations, the differences became so pronounced they were like two separate species, the male Inxikrah and the female Inxykree, whose only contact was to perpetuate their species. 然而,族群中的雌性卻慢慢社會化,並對雄性之間氾濫的暴力逐漸感到厭惡。幾代以後, 雄性的印蜥卡與雌性的印蜥克里,兩者之間的差別越來越顯著,幾乎已成為兩個不同族群 ,雙方也只有在交配的時候才會有所接觸。 http://imgur.com/7RYQtFN 地底世界是Abyssian陣營(深淵)的老家,不過究竟從印蜥卡到人型的深淵族是如何過渡的 ,官方目前公佈的故事中還沒有提到。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478265402.A.9AB.html
x2159679: 洩慾的玩物...... 11/05 00:32
Typebrook: 欲是殺戮欲望的欲! 樓上髒髒XD 11/05 01:48
※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/05/2016 18:07:02